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Hackathon co-supported by Urban Design and Planning featured in GeekWire

The Urban Resilience Hackathon took place in May 2024, and was facilitated by DemocracyLab, with support from the National Science Foundation LEAP-HI project, and the CBE Urban Design and Planning department. Hackathons are typically based in tech, so this urban planning and policy hackathon was unique in its focus. Dr. Branden Born, chair of Urban Design and Planning, said the hackathon supported community engagement, and explored ways to “do planning” better. Dan Abramson from Urban Design and Planning, along with Chuck Wolfe an affiliate professor at UW were also participants in the hackathon. The Hackathon was supported by CBE students, PhD program alumni who are now faculty at UNCC, and additional support publisizing the event from the CBE marketing and communications team.

Projects included in the hackathon were: Urban Innovation Lab; Shoreline Street End Water Highway; Resilience Community-Based Food Systems; Pressurized Emergency Water Storage in Multifamily Buildings; Planning Resilience Hubs for Catastrophic Earthquake; Planning Communications for Disasters; Capturing Solar for Life-Essential Machines.

Read more about the hackathon on a GeekWire article here.