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Johnston-Hastings Endowment 2024-2025 Awardees Selected

The 2024-2025 Awardees for the Johnston-Hastings Endowment Publication and Travel awards have been selected. The Johnston-Hastings Endowments are in honor of Emeritus Professor Norman J. Johnston and his wife, L. Jane Hastings, established and endowed travel support and publications support funds to provide money for activities of faculty and students in the College.

Publications endowment support is for work that has been accepted for publication rather than the writing thereof. Such support is needed for publication; especially where a University Press is involved.

Travel endowment support is money for travel associated with faculty research activities in the Department of Architecture. Johnston-Hastings Endowment funds may be used for travel related to research only. Such costs may include transportation, hotel, and meals to access a site or library to support the exploration of a research topic.

This year is a poignant one as Jane Hastings passed away on March 25th. Her spirit and legacy live on in our college and our faculty and students today.


Publications Awardee: Nancy Rottle, Professor Emeritus, Department of Landscape Architecture

Project: Supporting the subvension for the publication of “The Art of Sustainable Stormwater” with Goff Books, Publishers of Architecture, Art, Design & Photography.


Travel Awardee: Ann Huppert, Associate Professor, Department of Architecture

Project: Archival research in Rome’s Archivio di Stato and the Carmelite Archives on the topic of Santa Maria in Transpotina and Building the Borgo.


Travel Awardee: Manish Chalana, Adjunct Professor, Department of Architecture; Associate Professor, Department of Urban Design & Planning

Project: Archival research at the British Library in London for an ongoing book project entitled “Reclaiming the Margins: Diversifying India’s Multicultural Heritage through Historic Preservation”