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Equity issues associated with the widespread implementation of autonomous vehicles

Fatima, S., Hsiu Lee, C., & Dannenberg, A. L. (2024). Equity issues associated with the widespread implementation of autonomous vehicles. Oxford Open Infrastructure and Health, 2.

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Autonomous vehicles (AVs), either shared or privately owned, are predicted to become a common transport mode used by the general population in coming decades. Policies governing the use of AVs may increase or decrease social inequities. This review synthesizes existing literature and provides policy recommendations to enhance equity as the use of AVs becomes more widespread. We identified nine areas in which AVs could impact equity: (i) assessment of community mobility needs and priorities, (ii) education and outreach, (iii) disparities in infrastructure quality, (iv) equitable distribution of customer services, (v) access to AVs by persons with low incomes, (vi) shared infrastructure services, (vii) barriers to shared AV use, (viii) access to AVs by persons with disabilities and (ix) disruption of existing transportation jobs. Recommendations for promoting equitable use of AVs include (i) policies governing how jurisdictions oversee AV implementation and (ii) policies addressing how jurisdictions issue permits to AV service providers. Oversight policies include ensuring input from disadvantaged communities, providing subsidies for low-income users, establishing ride-sharing rules to protect vulnerable populations, reviewing the equity implications of proposed AV infrastructure improvements, providing retraining opportunities for those who may lose jobs due to AV implementation and monitoring the impact of AV policies implemented. Permitting processes include ensuring equitable access to AVs for low-income, minority, and older users and persons with disabilities, ensuring equitable distribution of AV service areas and verifying that data from all communities are incorporated into the artificial intelligence algorithms used to guide AVs.