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14. Building Beloved Community through the University of Washington’s Nehemiah Interdisciplinary Studio

Berney, R., Born, B. & King, D. (2023). 14. Building Beloved Community through the University of Washington’s Nehemiah Interdisciplinary Studio. In Kim, J. (Ed.), Interdisciplinary Design Thinking in Architecture Education. Routledge. ISBN 9781032283241.

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This book explores the creative potential for architecture curricula to integrate solid interdisciplinary thinking in design studio education.

Annotated case studies, both from academic institutions and from professional practices, provide examples of interdisciplinary engagement in creative design work, highlighting the challenges and opportunities of this approach. Cases are from a diverse selection of international collaborators, featuring projects from the United States, Australia, Mexico, Germany, and Italy, and cover a range of project types and scales. Chapters by invited experts offer speculations on current and future models, situating examples within the broader context, and encouraging dialogue between practice and pedagogy. The collection of voices in this book offers critical and provocative lenses, learning from history while forging inventive and creative roles for the architect as practitioner, entrepreneur, strategist, choreographer, activist, facilitator, leader, and teacher.

Interdisciplinary Design Thinking provides insights into the potential of interdisciplinary engagement at the level of foundational undergraduate education, making it ideal for faculty in architecture schools. It will also be of interest to design professionals concerned with interdisciplinary collaboration and how to incorporate similar efforts in their own practices.

February 2022 Inspire Fund Awardees: Progress and Products

Five projects were awarded Inspire Fund awards in February 2022. They have completed various stages of work and have provided a report on their progress and products. Below, excerpts from these reports are highlighted to showcase the work that has been “Inspired” in 2022-23. Rick Mohler: “One Seattle: Leveraging Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan Update to advance housing diversity, affordability, livability and racial equity” This funding supported products from the Architecture 594 research seminar and Architecture 508 design studio, which tasked students…

Pushing Back on Displacement: Community-Based Redevelopment through Historically Black Churches

Born, Branden; Berney, Rachel; Baker, Olivia; Jones, Mark R.; King, Donald; Marcus, Dylan. (2021). Pushing Back on Displacement: Community-Based Redevelopment through Historically Black Churches. Societies, 11(1).

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Gentrification and subsequent displacement are common problems in cities, and result in the removal of poor communities and communities of color from urban areas as they move to cheaper locations in the metropolitan region. Here we describe a community-based approach to redevelopment by historic Black churches that seeks to counter such displacement and cultural removal. We explain the history of a historically Black neighborhood in Seattle and the founding and rationale for a church-led project called the Nehemiah Initiative. Our perspective is that of participants in the work of the Nehemiah Initiative and as faculty and students from a local university partner supporting it. We conclude with policy strategies that can be used to support such redevelopment in Seattle, with understanding that some may be broadly applicable to other cities.


Black Churches; Community Based; Displacement; Equitable Development; Faith Based; Gentrification; Housing Affordability; Redevelopment; University-community Partnership

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2022 CBE Inspire Fund awardees announced

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Donald King

Donald King is an architect, planner and educator with over 50 years of professional experience. He is currently Principal Architect of Mimar Studio, a predevelopment planning and design consultancy. Since 2017, he has been an Affiliate Professor of Architecture in the College of Built Environments at the University of Washington. He is a co-founder of the Nehemiah Inititaive Seattle.