Baganz, Gösta; Proksch, Gundula; Kloas, Werner; Wolf Lorleberg; Baganz, Daniela; Staaks, Georg; Lohrberg, Frank. (2020). Site Resource Inventories – A Missing Link in the Circular City’s Information Flow. Advances In Geosciences, 54, 23-32.
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A circular city builds upon the principles of circular economy, which key concepts of reduce, reuse, recycle, and recover lead to a coupling of resources: products and by-products of one production process become the input of another one, often in local vicinity. However, sources, types and available quantities of underutilised resources in cities are currently not well documented. Therefore, there is a missing link in the information flow of the circular city between potential users and site-specific data. To close this gap, this study introduces the concept of a site resource inventory in conjunction with a new information model that can manage the data needed for advancing the circular city. A core taxonomy of terms is established as the foundation for the information model: the circular economy is defined as a network of circular economy entities which are regarded as black boxes and connected by their material and energy inputs and outputs. This study proposes a site resource inventory, which is a collection of infrastructural and building-specific parameters that assess the suitability of urban sites for a specific circular economy entity. An information model is developed to manage the data that allows the entities to effectively organise the allocation and use of resources within the circular city and its material and energy flows. The application of this information model was demonstrated by comparing the demand and availability of required alternative resources (e.g. greywater) at a hypothetical site comprising a commercial aquaponic facility (synergistic coupling of fish and vegetables production) and a residential building. For the implementation of the information model a proposal is made which uses the publicly available geodata infrastructure of OpenStreetMap and adopts its tag system to operationalise the integration of circular economy data by introducing new tags. A site resource inventory has the potential to bring together information needs and it is thus intended to support companies when making their business location decisions or to support local authorities in the planning process.
Digital Mapping; Economics; By Products; Aquaponics; Economic Conditions; Fish; Spatial Data; Consumers; Food; Infrastructure; Energy Flow; Greywater; Information Flow; Biogas; Consumption; Residential Buildings; Taxonomy; Data; Resources; Sustainable Development; Urban Areas; Cities; Coupling
Horn, Erin; Proksch, Gundula. (2022). Symbiotic And Regenerative Sustainability Frameworks: Moving Towards Circular City Implementation. Frontiers In Built Environment, 7.
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Growing in popularity, the circular city framework is at the leading-edge of a larger and older transitional dialogue which envisions regenerative, circular, and symbiotic systems as the future of urban sustainability. The need for more research supporting the implementation of such concepts has been often noted in literature. To help address this gap, this holistic review assesses a range of pertinent sustainability frameworks as a platform to identify actionable strategies which can be leveraged to support and implement circular city goals. This assessment is grounded in a holistic overview of related frameworks across interdisciplinary and scalar domains including circular city, the food-water-energy nexus, circular economy, bioeconomy, industrial symbiosis, regenerative design, and others. Building on these interrelationships, the applied strategies espoused within these publications are synthesized and assessed in the context of circular city implementation. From an initial 250 strategies identified in literature, thirty-four general implementation strategies across six thematic areas are distinguished and discussed, finding strong overlaps in implementation strategies between frameworks, and opportunities to further develop and harness these synergies to advance circular city toward sustainable urban futures.
Circular City; Implementation Strategies; Literature Review; Circular Economy; Fwe-nexus; Regenerative Design; Systems Integration; Environmental Assessment; Rooftop Greenhouses; Anaerobic-digestion; Urban Agriculture; Built Environment; Waste Management; Climate-change; Carbon Nexus; Food Nexus; Economy
Sprague, Tyler. (2010). Eero Saarinen, Eduardo Catalano and the Influence of Matthew Nowicki: A Challenge to Form and Function. Nexus Network Journal, 12(2), 249 – 258.
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Matthew Nowicki befriended Eero Saarinen at the Cranbrook Academy and was succeeded as Chair of the School of Design at North Carolina College of Design by Eduardo Catalano. Nowicki's influence is evident in subsequent work of these two architects. Themes of function, structure and humanism resonated differently in each. All three of these interconnected individuals were engaged in the same intellectual milieu, each manifesting his own architecture in a unique yet contextual way. Taken as a whole, their endeavors stand as evidence of the shifting understanding of what modern architecture was about.
Eero Saarinen; Eduardo Catalano; Matthew Nowicki; Modern Architecture; Hyperbolic Paraboloids; Saddle Shapes
Van Den Wymelenberg, Kevin; Inanici, Mehlika. (2016). Evaluating a New Suite of Luminance-Based Design Metrics for Predicting Human Visual Comfort in Offices with Daylight. Leukos, 12(3), 113 – 138.
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A new suite of visual comfort metrics is proposed and evaluated for their ability to explain the variability in subjective human responses in a mock private office environment with daylight. Participants (n = 48) rated visual comfort and preference factors, including 1488 discreet appraisals, and these subjective results were correlated against more than 2000 unique luminance-based metrics that were captured using high dynamic range photography techniques. Importantly, luminance-based metrics were more capable than illuminance-based metrics for fitting the range of human subjective responses to data from visual preference questionnaire items. No metrics based upon the entire scene ranked in the top 20 squared correlation coefficients, nor did any based upon illuminance or irradiance data, nor did any of the studied glare indices, luminance ratios, or contrast ratios. The standard deviation of window luminance was the metric that best fit human subjective responses to visual preference on seven of 12 questionnaire items (with r(2) = 0.43). Luminance metrics calculated using the horizontal 40. band (a scene-independent mask) and the window area (a scene-dependent mask) represented the majority of the top 20 squared correlation coefficients for almost all subjective visual preference questionnaire items. The strongest multiple regression model was for the semantic differential rating (too dim-too bright) of the window wall (R-adj(2) = 0.49) and was built upon three variables; standard deviation of window luminance, the 50th percentile luminance value from the lower view window, and mean luminance of the 40. horizontal band.
Discomfort Glare; Controls; Daylighting; Visual Perception
Cheng, Renée. (2020). Opinion: Change Agency, Value Change. Architect, 109(9), 20 – 20.
Attitude Change (psychology); Air Flow; Hand Washing
Van Den Wymelenberg, Kevin; Inanici, Mehlika; Johnson, Peter. (2010). The Effect of Luminance Distribution Patterns on Occupant Preference in a Daylit Office Environment. Leukos, 7(2), 103 – 122.
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New research in daylighting metrics and developments in validated digital High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography techniques suggest that luminance based lighting controls have the potential to provide occupant satisfaction and energy saving improvements over traditional illuminance based lighting controls. This paper studies occupant preference and acceptance of patterns of luminance using HDR imaging and a repeated measures design methodology in a daylit office environment. Three existing luminance threshold analysis methods [method1: predetermined absolute luminance threshold (for example, 2000 cd/m(2)), method2: scene based mean luminance threshold, and method3: task based mean luminance threshold] were studied along with additional candidate metrics for their ability to explain luminance variability of 18 participant assessments of 'preferred' and 'just disturbing' scenes under daylighting conditions. Per-pixel luminance data from each scene were used to calculate Daylighting Glare Probability (DGP), Daylight Glare Index (DGI), and other candidate metrics using these three luminance threshold analysis methods. Of the established methods, the most consistent and effective metrics to explain variability in subjective responses were found to be; mean luminance of the task (using method3; (adj)r(2) = 0.59), mean luminance of the entire scene (using method2; (adj)r(2) = 0.44), and DGP using 2000 cd/m(2) as a glare source identifier (using method1; (adj)r(2) = 0.41). Of the 150 candidate metrics tested, the most effective was the 'mean luminance of the glare sources', where the glare sources were identified as 7* the mean luminance of the task position ((adj)r(2) = 0.64). Furthermore, DGP consistently performed better than DGI, confirming previous findings. 'Preferred' scenes never had more than similar to 10 percent of the field of view (FOV) that exceeded 2000 cd/m(2). Standard deviation of the entire scene luminance also proved to be a good predictor of satisfaction with general visual appearance.
Glare; Daylight Metrics; Luminance Based Lighting Controls; Discomfort Glare; Occupant Preference; High Dynamic Range
Inanici, Mehlika; Hashemloo, Alireza. (2017). An Investigation of the Daylighting Simulation Techniques and Sky Modeling Practices for Occupant Centric Evaluations. Building And Environment, 113, 220 – 231.
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Occupant centric performance approaches in daylighting studies promote design decisions that support human visual comfort, productivity, and visual preferences, along with more conventional energy efficiency criteria. Simulating per-pixel luminance values and luminance distribution patterns for the entire scene allows us to analyze the occupant centric metrics and performance criteria. However, there are a number of different sky models, complex fenestration models, and simulation techniques that produce either conventional point in time images or annual luminance maps. This paper discusses the similarities and differences between different techniques; and a comparison analyses provides insight about their impact on occupant centric lighting measures. The comparisons for sky modeling include the conventional CIE skies (Clear, Intermediate, and Overcast), measurement based CIE models, Perez all-weather skies, and high dynamic range image based skies. The comparison of simulation techniques include point in time simulations, image based lighting simulations, and annual luminance simulations (threephase and five-phase methods). Results demonstrate that measurement based sky models match real world conditions with reasonable proximity, and generic CIE skies consistently underestimate the indoor lighting conditions. Annual simulation methods provide a large database of temporal luminance variations, where individual instances are comparable to point in time simulations. Long term luminance simulations provide opportunities to evaluate the percentage of the year that a given luminance based criteria is met or violated. (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Complex Fenestration Systems; Scattering Distribution-functions; Discomfort Glare; Visual Comfort; Daylit Spaces; Validation; Radiance; Performance; Offices; Design; Sky Models; Daylight Simulations; Point In Time Simulations; Image Based Lighting; Annual Lighting Simulations; Annual Luminance Maps
Huang, M.; Simonen, K. (2020). Comparative Environmental Analysis of Seismic Damage in Buildings. Journal Of Structural Engineering, 146(2).
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In studying the environmental impacts of buildings, earthquake hazards are rarely considered, but their environmental impacts can be significant. This case study paper demonstrates how the US Federal Emergency Management Agency's Performance Assessment Calculation Tool (PACT) can be used to analyze the environmental impacts of buildings using probabilistic seismic hazard assessment. PACT was used to evaluate 10 case study buildings that varied by five types of lateral systems and two risk categories. For each building, PACT generated 1,000 realizations at five earthquake intensities. The resulting environmental impacts were analyzed according to their distribution, median, and average values, and the differences among building component types, risk categories, and lateral force-resisting systems were explored. In this study, building components that were categorized under Exterior Enclosures, Interior Finishes, and Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) produced notably higher environmental impacts in response to seismic damage, and their vulnerability to displacement- or acceleration-induced damage could be attributed to the characteristics of the lateral systems. Although these observations are notable, they should not be taken as universally applicable to all buildings. Instead, these findings exemplify how the environmental impact results from PACT can be analyzed and interpreted to address both the seismic and environmental aspects of building design. (C) 2019 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Ilyas, Salman; Emery, Ashley; Heerwagen, Judith; Heerwagen, Dean. (2012). Occupant Perceptions of an Indoor Thermal Environment in a Naturally Ventilated Building. Ashrae Transactions, 118(2), 114 – 121.
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A strong emphasis is currently being placed on the use of natural ventilation as a means for providing a safe and healthful indoor environment as part of green building programs. There has been an increasing interest in developing natural ventilation design strategies that can furnish adequate fresh air to the building interior and simultaneously control the indoor air quality effectively, while providing significant energy savings. In naturally ventilated spaces, furnishing a suitable air exchange rate between the building exterior and interior can create a thermally comfortable and healthy indoor environment. However, the air exchange must occur such that the indoor air quality of the building is not compromised and thermally comfortable conditions for the occupants can be maintained. Architecture Hall is a recently renovated, naturally ventilated building located on the University of Washington campus in Seattle. The natural ventilation in this building was evaluated using a variety of experimental techniques, which included measurement of carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, air exchange rates and air velocities. High CO2 concentrations are a good indicator of inadequate ventilation rates and poor air movement in a space. Hence, a number of standards and certification programs specify the use of outdoor air monitoring based on CO2 concentrations in an occupied space. Occupant surveys, based on a U.S. EPA study, were also administered to understand and analyse occupant perceptions about the indoor thermal environment and to identify the prevalence of any building related illness symptoms. The discussion in this paper will focus on the findings of the occupant surveys and how they relate to the measured CO2 levels, air exchange rates and air velocities in the naturally ventilated spaces. The natural ventilation function in Architecture Hall is largely climate driven. For the period of November through March particularly, outside temperatures are quite low and windows are seldom opened by the occupants, in spite of a large number of occupants being dissatisfied with the indoor environmental quality. Consequently, CO2 concentrations consistently exceed acceptable levels and very little air movement is recorded. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]; Copyright of ASHRAE Transactions is the property of ASHRAE and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
Thermal Comfort; Natural Ventilation; Energy Consumption Of Buildings; Indoor Air Quality; Heat Exchangers; Carbon Dioxide
Ochsner, Jeffrey Karl. (2017). The Past and Future of Pioneer Square Historic Character and Infill Construction in Seattle’s First Historic District. Change Over Time-an International Journal Of Conservation And The Built Environment, 7(2), 320 – 343.
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Seattle designated the Pioneer Square Preservation District, the city's first historic district, nearly fifty years ago. Over the past half century, the district has seen significant infrastructure improvements, a changing resident population, and an evolving mix of businesses. Although many buildings underwent interior alteration, the visible external character of the historic fabric has remained largely intact. The district's Preservation Board reviews a constant stream of small exterior restoration and rehabilitation projects, but it is the relatively few examples of new infill construction that have presented the most challenging questions as the board has had to balance the desire for new development and the activity it brings with the wish to protect historic character. Although the Pioneer Square District ordinance, the Secretary of Interior's Standards, and rules developed by the board all offer guidance, every new design presents questions about the exact meaning of terms like compatible and differentiated. Today, with Seattle's booming economy and growing population, more new projects of a larger scale are being proposed. As a result, the Pioneer Square Preservation District presents a singular case study demonstrating continuing efforts to protect the historic built environment while still allowing appropriate growth.