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[Re]Evaluating Significance: The Environmental and Cultural Value in Older and Historic Buildings

Merlino, Kathryn Rogers. (2014). [Re]Evaluating Significance: The Environmental and Cultural Value in Older and Historic Buildings. Public Historian, 36(3), 70 – 85.

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Traditionally the value of a building is measured through the historical, cultural, or architectural significance that has emerged from the established traditions of historic preservation policy in the United States. Although the designation of historic properties is a critical venue to save our most historically significant buildings, it does not account for those that fall outside of the established categories of significance. Accounting for the environmental value of buildings and understanding them as repositories of energy and materials repositions the way we value of the built environment for a more sustainable future.


Adaptive Reuse; Historic Preservation; Sustainability; Cultural Preservation; Building Reuse

The Consuming Mob: Bargain Shopping in the City

Iarocci, Louisa. (2019). The Consuming Mob: Bargain Shopping in the City. Architectural Theory Review, 23(2), 195 – 213.

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This paper examines the representation of the crowd as the consuming mob in the American department store in the early twentieth century. In store promotions and popular accounts, urban retail spaces provide the setting for the materialization of the crowd as the driving engine and mutated body of mass consumption. Store owners and their backers employed the image of shopping hordes on their premises as an advertisement for the success of modern trade. The department store served as a model of a rational utopian order in its operations and spaces. But in popular representations the growing assemblies of bodies and goods often appeared as a potentially unruly force that threatened the constraints of their surroundings. This paper will trace the path of the urban crowd as it flowed from the city streets into the inner recesses of the store, mapping narratives of shopping through the lenses of gender and class.


Crowds; Department Stores; Shopping; City; Consumption

A Performance-based Optimization Approach For Diffusive Surface Topology Design

Shtrepi, Louena; Echenagucia, Tomás Méndez; Badino, Elena; Astolfi, Arianna. (2021). A Performance-based Optimization Approach For Diffusive Surface Topology Design. Building Acoustics, 28(3), 231 – 247.

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Different numerical techniques have been used in the last decades for the acoustic characterization and performance optimization of sound diffusive surfaces. However, these methods require very long calculation times and do not provide a rapid feedback. As a result, these methods can hardly be applied by designers at early stages of the design process, when successive design iterations are necessary from an aesthetic point of view. A suitable alternative could be the use of parametric modeling in combination with performance investigations during the design process of sound diffusive surfaces. To this aim, this study presents a design process for diffusive surfaces topology optimization based on the combination of parametric models and geometrical acoustic simulations. It aims to provide architects and designers with rapid visual feedback on acoustic performances at a preliminary stage of the design process. The method has been tested on different case studies, which have been modelled based on geometric guidelines for diffusive surface optimization. The sensitivity of the method showed that it could be a very useful tool for comparisons among surface design alternatives. Finally, the advantages and limitations of the integrated optimization in comparison with conventional optimizations are discussed.


Acoustic Performance; Room Acoustics; Scattering; Coefficients; Accuracy; Field; Simulations; Diffusion; Surface Optimization; Performance-based Design

Elizabeth Golden and team at united4design shortlisted for Aga Khan Award in architecture

The Aga Khan Award for Architecture (AKAA) recently announced 20 shortlisted projects for the 2022 Award cycle.  The projects will compete for a share of the US$ 1 million prize, one of the largest in architecture. The 20 shortlisted projects were selected by an independent Master Jury from a pool of 463 projects nominated for the 15th Award Cycle (2020-2022). The Aga Khan Award for Architecture was established by His Highness the Aga Khan in 1977 to identify and encourage…

College of Built Environments’ unique Inspire Fund aims to foster research momentum in underfunded pursuits college-wide. And it’s working.

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Daniel Abramson and collaborators awarded EarthLab Innovation grant for community-based research project on climate change & social justice

The EarthLab Innovations Grant Program was launched in 2019 to fund actionable environmental research. The 2022-23 EarthLab Innovation Grants program received 33 high-quality proposals for research at the intersection of climate change and social justice. One awarded project titled, “Centering Place and Community to Address Climate Change and Social Justice” was led by P.I. Daniel Abramson, Associate Professor of Urban Design & Planning and Adjunct Associate Professor of Architecture & Landscape Architecture, and Community Lead, Jamie Judkins, of the Shoalwater…

Carbon Leadership Forum awarded ARPA-E grant to develop life cycle assessment tools for carbon negative buildings 

ARPA-E announced $5 million in funding to two universities—the University of Washington and University of California, Davis—working to develop life cycle assessment tools and frameworks associated with transforming buildings into net carbon storage structures. The funding is part of the Harnessing Emissions into Structures Taking Inputs from the Atmosphere (HESTIA) Exploratory Topic. Parametric Open Data for Life Cycle Assessment (POD | LCA) – $3,744,303 The University of Washington’s Carbon Leadership Forum will develop a rigorous and flexible parametric Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)…

Ann Marie Borys publishes book on American Unitarian churches

Ann Marie Borys, Associate Professor in Architecture recently published a book titled American Unitarian Churches: Architecture of a Democratic Religion. The Unitarian religious tradition was a product of the same eighteenth-century democratic ideals that fueled the American Revolution and informed the founding of the United States. Its liberal humanistic principles influenced institutions such as Harvard University and philosophical movements like Transcendentalism. Yet, its role in the history of American architecture is little known and studied. In American Unitarian Churches, Ann Marie…

2022 CBE Inspire Fund awardees announced

In 2021 the College of Built Environments launched the CBE Inspire Fund, designed to support CBE research activities for which a relatively small amount of support can be transformative. The second year of awards have just been announced, supporting five projects across 4 departments within the college as they address topics such as food sovereignty, anti-displacement, affordable housing, and health & wellbeing. This year’s awardees include:  Defining the New Diaspora: Where Seattle’s Black Church Congregants Are Moving and Why Rachel…

Ken Tadashi Oshima named a Society of Architectural Historians Fellow

Ken Tadashi Oshima is Professor in the Department of Architecture at the University of Washington, Seattle, where he teaches trans-national architectural history, theory and design. He has also been a visiting professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Design and UCLA, and has taught at Columbia University and the University of British Columbia. He earned an AB degree, magna cum laude, in East Asian studies and visual and environmental studies from Harvard College, an MArch degree from University of California,…