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Affordable Housing in the United States

Colburn, Gregg, and Rebecca J. Walter. Affordable Housing in the United States. Routledge, 2025.

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Affordable Housing in the United States addresses the issue of affordability of housing, or the lack thereof, going beyond conventional policy discussions to consider fundamental questions such as: What makes housing affordable and for whom is it affordable? What are the consequences of a lack of affordable housing? How is affordable housing created? And what steps can be taken to ensure all people have access to affordable housing?

With the understanding that different households face different challenges, the book begins by breaking down the variables relevant to the study of affordable housing, including housing costs, household income, geographic location, and market forces, to help readers understand and quantify affordability at the individual and societal level. Part II examines the consequences of unaffordable housing, highlighting racial inequities in housing access and affordability, and multiple forms of housing precarity including eviction and homelessness. Part III explores the entities involved in providing affordable housing such as local and federal governments, regulatory agencies, non-profit organizations, and for-profit developers. In Part IV, case studies from US cities demonstrate the complex web of organizations, policies, and market conditions that influence housing affordability, revealing substantial regional variations in access and policy response. Part V proposes a future roadmap and outlines four potential states with radically different outcomes for the affordable housing system in the United States.

An ideal book for graduate and undergraduate courses in economics, public policy, real estate finance and development, sociology, and urban planning, this title will also be of value to professionals and policymakers seeking to understand and improve housing affordability and access.

Do inclusionary zoning policies affect local housing markets? An empirical study in the United States

Ruoniu (Vince) Wang, Wei Kang, Xinyu Fu, Do inclusionary zoning policies affect local housing markets? An empirical study in the United States, Cities, Volume 158, 2025, 105736, ISSN 0264-2751,

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In the face of a housing affordability crisis, many cities have adopted inclusionary zoning (IZ) policies to increase the supply of affordable housing. Yet, IZ remains a controversial local policy due to its varied and inconclusive effects on housing market outcomes. This study investigates this debate by adopting a quasi-experimental design with a national dataset of IZ policies in the United States. We find that, on average, IZ policies did not affect municipality-wide housing permits or rents. However, the implementation of IZ resulted in an average of 2.1 % increase in home prices. Our results also underscore the connection between IZ policy design and market outcomes: more stringent IZ policies (i.e., those that are mandatory and apply to the entire jurisdiction) led to a higher impact on home prices while mitigating the rent effect. Additionally, IZ's market effects varied based on market conditions and the time elapsed since policy adoption. We discuss these findings in terms of implications for policy design and planning practice.


Inclusionary zoning; Housing market outcome; Policy effect; United States; Staggered Difference-in-Differences

Housing Market Segmentation: A Finite Mixture Approach

Bourassa, S. C., Dröes, M. I., & Hoesli, M. (2024). Housing Market Segmentation: A Finite Mixture Approach. De Economist (Netherlands), 172(4), 291–337.

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This paper investigates the usefulness of adding a discrete choice model to the hedonic model via a finite mixture approach. Our approach leads to different hedonic models for different housing market segments based on household information. As such, the proposed method goes beyond measuring the average price of housing attributes. As a case study, we estimate the finite mixture model for the Miami and Louisville metropolitan areas using information on race, ethnicity, and income from the American Housing Survey. We find that the model outperforms the standard hedonic model or a model with linear interaction terms between demographics and housing characteristics. Moreover, market segmentation is based on a complex combination of race, ethnicity, and income. For Louisville, Black households need 2.5 times higher income than White households to advance to a higher market segment and even at high incomes tend to occupy their own segment. For Miami, low-income, non-Hispanic households live in their own segment even if occupying the same dwelling size as households in other segments.


Housing market segmentation; Hedonic model; Finite mixture model; R31; O18; D51

“All roads lead to Rome?” Performance evaluation across different types of community land trusts based on a large-scale survey

Wang, R., & Spicer, J. (2024). “All roads lead to Rome?” Performance evaluation across different types of community land trusts based on a large-scale survey. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1–22.

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Community land trusts (CLTs) seek to keep homes and other urban spaces permanently affordable and community controlled. As their number across the United States has increased, different iterations of the CLT model seem to have proliferated in practice, stoking scholarly debate as to their varying outcomes and benefits. There has, however, been little attempt to empirically measure the relationship between this institutional diversity and outcomes. Applying institutional theory to a national CLT dataset, we identify five main organizational sub-types of CLT: traditional CLTs, start-up CLTs, government-housed CLTs, nonprofits with a CLT/shared equity (SE) program, and adapted CLTs. Statistical tests confirm a high degree of similarity in operational scope, organizational capacity, and performance outcomes across the most prominent sub-types. The limited statistical differences which can be identified are consistent with known CLT and urban institutional development processes. Further studies might seek to determine how consequential such limited differences may be.


Community land trust; permanently affordable housing; historical institutionalism; community control; shared equity housing

Products from 2023 Inspire Fund Cohort

A cohort of 4 projects were awarded Inspire Funds in April 2023. The report-outs from these projects are described below with a summary of project work and progress. The 2023 cohort of Inspire Fund awardees met with the 2024 cohort of awardees in May 2024 to share their accomplishments, successes, and challenges, and to foster a connection between these research teams as resources to one another. The 2024 cohort has begun their projects and will share their products in 2025….

2024 CBE Inspire Fund Awardees Announced

The CBE Inspire Fund Awardees for the 2024 cycle have been selected! Their project names and team members are outlined below. Title: Mycelium Grow Lab for Student-led Research Team: Gundula Proksch (Associate Professor, Architecture), Tyler Sprague (Associate Professor, Architecture) Title: Exhibition of the works of OUR: Office of (Un)certainty Research Team: Vikram Prakash (Professor, Architecture) Title: Emergence, Resilience, and Future(s) of Urban Informality in Seattle Team: Julie Johnson (Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture), Manish Chalana (Associate Professor, Urban Design and Planning)…

WCRER releases report and white paper – March 2024

The Washington Center for Real Estate Research (WCRER) has released a white paper entitled “Increasing Washington State’s Residential Development Capacity”, co-authored by WCRER Director Steven Bourassa (also the H. Jon and Judith M. Runstad Endowed Professor and Chair of the Runstad Department of Real Estate) and WCRER Associate Director Mason Virant. WCRER also recently released a report which focuses on the impacts of HB 1923 and HB 2343, legislation enacted in 2019 and 2020 which provide grants to help develop…