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Industry-Faculty-Student collaboration through the Applied Research Consortium

Owner of RDF Consulting Services and consultant for Turner Construction, Renzo di Furia, is working with Associate Dean for Research Carrie Sturts Dossick in supporting student-industry collaboration. “Applied Research Consortium brings together an interdisciplinary group of built environment firms with faculty experts and graduate student researchers at the University of Washington’s College of Built Environments (CBE) to address the most vexing challenges that firms face today.” A case study in applied research is highlighted in the article. 3D modeling was…

Performative By-Products: The Emergence of Waste Reuse Strategies at the Blue Lagoon

De Almeida, Catherine. (2019). Performative By-Products: The Emergence of Waste Reuse Strategies at the Blue Lagoon. Journal of Landscape Architecture, 13(3), 64-77.

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Materials and landscapes associated with waste are perceived as objectionable. By reactivating and embracing waste conditions as desirable opportunities for diverse programmes rooted in economy, ecology, and culture, designers can form hybrid assemblages on waste sites through the exchange of waste materials—a landscape lifecycles approach. This frame-work is applicable to not only design research, but also as a critical lens for evaluating the landscape performance of existing projects that engage with waste reuse. The Blue Lagoon in southwest Iceland materialized as a spa industry out of geothermal waste effluent from the adjacent Svartsengi Geothermal Power Station, reusing undesirable materials and transforming a waste landscape through diversified material recovery strategies. Featuring an industrial by-product turned economic generator, this case study reveals the opportunities for reusing geothermal ‘waste’ in these emergent landscape conditions, which hybridize economies with recreation, research, and ecology, and shift the conventional relationship with waste from passive to performative.


Waste reuse; Blue Lagoon; material lifecycles; Iceland; landscape reclamation

Quantifying the Impact of Facilitation on Transactive Memory System Formation in Global Virtual Project Networks

Comu, Semra; Iorio, Josh; Taylor, John E.; Dossick, Carrie Sturts. (2013). Quantifying the Impact of Facilitation on Transactive Memory System Formation in Global Virtual Project Networks. Journal Of Construction Engineering & Management, 139(3), 294 – 303.

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Building strong ties between geographically dispersed project participants is crucial to project success. In global project networks, many firms have adopted virtual collaboration tools to address the challenges imposed by temporal and geographical distance. Some researchers have examined the role of facilitators and found that process facilitation can improve collaboration. Research has also shown that facilitators can be drawn into content interactions, which may negatively impact collaboration effectiveness in virtual workspaces. Research to date has not quantified this negative impact. In this study, the formation and maintenance of transactive memory systems (TMS) in two facilitated and two nonfacilitated global virtual project networks were investigated, each executing a 2-month project. Using TMS formation and cohesive subgroup formation as a proxy for performance, quantitative evidence was found that demonstrates a negative impact on collaboration effectiveness when facilitators engage in content facilitation in virtual project networks. This paper shows that this negative impact restricts the establishment of TMSs. These findings have important implications for understanding and designing appropriate facilitator interactions in global virtual project networks. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0000610. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


Globalisation; Groupware; International Collaboration; Production Engineering Computing; Project Management; Process Facilitation; Transactive Memory System Formation; Global Virtual Project Network; Virtual Collaboration Tool; Temporal Distance; Geographical Distance; Content Interaction; Virtual Workspace; Tms Cohesive Subgroup Formation; Content Facilitation; Knowledge Transfer; Group Cohesiveness; Group Cohesion; Performance; Teams; Models; Globalization; Networks; Project Networks; Social Network Analysis; Transactive Memory Systems; Virtual Teams

Guideline for Building Information Modeling in Construction Engineering and Management Education

Lee, Namhun; Dossick, Carrie S.; Foley, Sean P. (2013). Guideline for Building Information Modeling in Construction Engineering and Management Education. Journal Of Professional Issues In Engineering Education And Practice, 139(4), 266 – 274.

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Buildings (structures); Computer Aided Instruction; Construction Industry; Educational Courses; Management Education; Structural Engineering Computing; Building Information Modeling; Construction Engineering And Management Education; Cem Education; Bim; Cem Curriculum

Where to Focus for Successful Adoption of Building Information Modeling within Organization

Won, Jongsung; Lee, Ghang; Dossick, Carrie; Messner, John. (2013). Where to Focus for Successful Adoption of Building Information Modeling within Organization. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management, 139(11).

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Suggestions abound for successful adoption of building information modeling (BIM); however, a company with limited resources cannot adopt them all. The factors that have top management priority for successful accomplishment of a task are termed critical success factors (CSFs). This paper aims to derive the CSFs for four questions commonly asked by companies in the first wave of BIM adoption: (1)What are the CSFs for adopting BIM in a company? (2)What are the CSFs for selecting projects to deploy BIM? (3)What are the CSFs for selecting BIM services? (4)What are the CSFs for selecting company-appropriate BIM software applications? A list of consideration factors was collected for each question, based on a literature review, and then refined through face-to-face interviews based on experiences of BIM experts. An international survey was conducted with leading BIM experts. From the 206 distributed surveys, 52 responses from four continents were collected. This study used quantitative data analysis to derive a manageable number (4-10) of CSFs for each category from dozens of anecdotal consideration factors. The derived CSFs are expected to be used as efficient metrics for evaluating and managing the level of BIM adoption and as a basis for developing BIM evaluation models in the future.


Architectural Cad; Building Information Modeling; Bim; Critical Success Factors; Csf; Management; Building Information Models; Organizations; Computer Software; Building Information Modeling (bim); Critical Success Factor (csf); Organizational Strategy; Bim Software Application; Bim Service; Bim-assisted Project; Information Technologies

Messy Work in Virtual Worlds: Exploring Discovery and Synthesis in Virtual Teams

Dossick, Carrie Sturts(1). (2014). Messy Work in Virtual Worlds: Exploring Discovery and Synthesis in Virtual Teams. Lecture Notes In Computer Science (including Subseries Lecture Notes In Artificial Intelligence And Lecture Notes In Bioinformatics), 8683, 134 – 142.

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The challenges of engineering team collaboration—establishing trust, fostering productive informal communication, cultivating knowledge exchange—are often exacerbated in virtual teams by geographical separation as well as team members’ cultural and linguistic differences. Researchers have observed that powerful collaboration in collocated teams is supported by shared visualizations with which the team engages in informal, flexible and active ways. In studying virtual team interactions in a virtual world known as the CyberGRID, we see that just as with AEC collocated teams, shared visualizations were instrumental for the teams as they define, understand, and generate knowledge when working on interrelated tasks. Emerging from this analysis is an empirically supported theory that while avatar-model interaction supports mutual discovery, more messy interactions of brainstorming, knowledge exchange and synthesis requires flexible, active, and informal shared visualizations. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2014.


Communication; Flow Visualization; Information Technology; Knowledge Management; Visualization; Building Information Model; Bim; Collaboration; Geographical Separation; Global Virtual Teams; Informal Communication; Linguistic Differences; Virtual Team Interactions; Virtual Worlds

Messy Talk in Virtual Teams: Achieving Knowledge Synthesis through Shared Visualizations

Dossick, Carrie Sturts; Anderson, Anne; Azari, Rahman; Iorio, Josh; Neff, Gina; Taylor, John E. (2015). Messy Talk in Virtual Teams: Achieving Knowledge Synthesis through Shared Visualizations. Journal Of Management In Engineering, 31(1).

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Engineering teams collaborating in virtual environments face many technical, social, and cultural challenges. In this paper we focus on distributed teams making joint unanticipated discoveries in virtual environments. We operationalize a definition of messy talk as a process in which teams mutually discover issues, critically engage in clarifying and finding solutions to the discovered issues, exchange their knowledge, and resolve the issue. Can globally distributed teams use messy talk via virtual communication technology? We analyzed the interactions of four distributed student teams collaborating on a complex design and planning project using building information models (BIMs) and the cyber-enabled global research infrastructure for design (CyberGRID), a virtual world specifically developed for collaborative work. Their interactions exhibited all four elements of messy talk, even though resolution was the least common. Virtual worlds support real-time joint problem solving by (1)providing affordances for talk mediated by shared visualizations, (2)supporting team perceptions of building information models that are mutable, and (3)allowing transformations of those models while people were together in real time. Our findings suggest that distributed team collaboration requires technologies that support messy talkand iterative trial and errorfor complex multidimensional problems. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


Buildings (structures); Data Visualisation; Design; Grid Computing; Groupware; Knowledge Management; Structural Engineering Computing; Team Working; Virtual Manufacturing; Virtual Reality; Virtual Teams; Knowledge Synthesis; Engineering Teams Collaboration; Virtual Environments; Technical Challenges; Social Challenges; Cultural Challenges; Distributed Teams Making; Messy Talk; Knowledge Exchange; Globally Distributed Teams; Virtual Communication Technology; Distributed Student Teams; Design And Planning Project; Building Information Models; Bim; Cyber-enabled Global Research Infrastructure; Cybergrid; Virtual World; Collaborative Work; Team Perceptions; Iterative Trial And Error; Complex Multidimensional Problems; Visual Representations; Construction; Technology; Implementation; Collaboration; Communication; Teamwork; Digital Techniques; Knowledge-based Systems

BIM Curriculum Design in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Education: A Systematic Review

Abdirad, Hamid; Dossick, Carrie S. (2016). BIM Curriculum Design in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Education: A Systematic Review. Journal Of Information Technology In Construction, 21, 250 – 271.


In the past several years, Building Information Modeling (BIM) adoption has grown significantly in the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. In response to this trend, the industry and academia realized that BIM education in university curricula is an important requirement for satisfying educational demands of the industry, and a notable body of research has reported strategies AEC programs implemented to incorporate BIM in their curricula. However, no study has comprehensively reviewed and synthesized the research on sfrategies adopted by educators. To bridge this gap in the literature, this paper presents a systematic review of research on BIM curriculum design in AEC education. The authors report on the trends of research on BIM curriculum design (e.g. methods, timelines, and contexts) as well as a synthesis of implemented pedagogical strategies with detailed discussions on their implications and effectiveness across different studies and contexts. These strategies address a variety of important pedagogical issues such as enrolment of students, optional or required BIM use, important competencies and skills, tutoring methods, industry engagement, designing assignments, and assessment methods and criteria. This synthesis shows that designing pedagogical sfrategies for BIM education is complex and challenging, and AEC programs need to make trade-offs between advantages and disadvantages associated with these strategies. The results also highlight the need for more diverse research designs and settings to bridge the gaps identified in BIM curriculum research to date. Finally, the authors present a literature-based framework of BIM curriculum design sfrategies as well as a set of recommendations that can be used BIM educators and researchers as a guide for designing or assessing their BIM curricula in future research.


Bridges; Curricula; Economic And Social Effects; Education; Information Theory; Personnel Training; Reviews; Students; Architecture; Engineering; And Constructions; Building Information Model; Bim; Curriculum Designs; Pedagogical Issues; Pedagogical Strategies; Research Designs; Systematic Review; University Curricula; Industry; Management; Building Information Modeling; Training; Curriculum; Review

The Impact of Avatars, Social Norms and Copresence on the Collaboration Effectiveness of AEC Virtual Teams

Anderson, Anne; Dossick, Carrie Sturts; Iorio, Josh; Taylor, John E. (2017). The Impact of Avatars, Social Norms and Copresence on the Collaboration Effectiveness of AEC Virtual Teams. Journal Of Information Technology In Construction, 22, 287 – 304.


A growing number of architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) firms are outsourcing complex design and construction work to international vendors. Due to the significant geographic distances that can separate project team members in global design networks, much of this work is executed in virtual teams, defined as teams composed of geographically separated members who collaborate to accomplish organizational tasks mediated by technology. The challenges of working in geographically distributed networks have prompted the development of alternative, virtual workspaces. Questions remain on how these virtual workspaces support or hinder collaborative work. People are social beings that rely on body language and other non-verbal cues to communicate. What happens to team formation and collaborative effectiveness when non-verbal cues are mediated through avatar actions? In this paper, qualitative ethnographic data collected over four years from studies conducted in a 3D virtual world are used to examine collaboration effectiveness of global virtual engineering project teams. We found that avatar movement and position was effective at communicating nonverbal information, even when done so unintentionally. Avatar actions that map to established social norms in the physical world results in more efficient communication. Collaboration was also enhanced when gesture bubbles were used for backchannel communication and when text chat was used to avoid interrupting voice communication. We found collaboration was hindered when the learning curve was too steep for participants to adapt to tool use or avatar actions in the environment. These findings have important implications for the future of collaboration in virtual environments, particularly in the AEC industry where 3D models can be imported into the virtual environment and explored synchronously by a project team.


Architectural Design; Human Resource Management; International Trade; Bim Coordination; Collaboration Technology; Distributed Teams; Social Norm; Virtual Worlds; Communication; Design; Technology; Dimensions; Teamwork; Behavior; Collaboration Technologies; Social Norms

Cybergrid: A Virtual Workspace for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction

Taylor, John E.; Alin, Pauli; Anderson, Anne; Çomu, Semra; Dossick, Carrie Sturts; Hartmann, Timo; Iorio, Josh; Mahalingam, Ashwin; Mohammadi, Neda. (2018). Cybergrid: A Virtual Workspace for Architecture, Engineering, and Construction. Transforming Engineering Education: Innovative, Computer-mediated Learning Technologies, 291-321.

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Projects in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry frequently involve a large number of firms that increasingly span national boundaries. National boundary spanning by AEC firms engaged in complex, interdependent work introduces coordination challenges because stakeholders may not share the same language, culture or work practices. These types of firms have begun to explore the use of technologies that can meaningfully create productive work connections between the distributed participants 47 and help improve work coordination and execution. In this chapter, we describe the CyberGRID (Cyber-enabled Global Research Infrastructure for Design); a virtual workspace designed to support geographically distributed AEC work coordination and execution. The CyberGRID was created as a research tool to both enable and study virtual AEC teamwork. We summarize findings from multiple experiments over the jive year history of CyberGRID research and development. These findings help to improve our understanding of interactional dynamics among virtual teams in complex sociotechnical systems like the CyberGRID. We then discuss the challenges faced in developing the CyberGRID and in achieving widespread adoption of such tools in the industry. We close the chapter with a discussion of future research opportunities to develop improved sociotechnical systems to better support the execution of AEC projects. Our goal with this chapter is to argue that sociotechnical systems like the CyberGRID can fundamentally and positively transform the interactional dynamics of AEC project stakeholders to create more efficient global virtual work practices.


Civil Engineering Computing; Construction Industry; Data Visualisation; Groupware; Project Management; Team Working; Virtual Reality; Cybergrid; Virtual Workspace; Construction; Engineering; National Boundaries; National Boundary Spanning; Aec Firms; Complex Work; Interdependent Work; Coordination Challenges; Culture; Productive Work Connections; Chapter; Global Research Infrastructure; Geographically Distributed Aec Work Coordination; Research Tool; Virtual Aec Teamwork; Virtual Teams; Complex Sociotechnical Systems; Future Research Opportunities; Improved Sociotechnical Systems; Aec Projects; Aec Project Stakeholders; Efficient Global Virtual Work Practices