Research Portal

July 1, 2022

Research Validation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Construction Domain

Lucko, Gunnar; Rojas, Eddy M. (2010). Research Validation: Challenges and Opportunities in the Construction Domain. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management, 136(1), 127 – 135.

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Validation of the research methodology and its results is a fundamental element of the process of scholarly endeavor. Approaches used for construction engineering and management research have included experiments, surveys and observational studies, modeling and simulation, theory building, case studies, and various subtypes thereof. Some studies use more than one approach. A particular contribution of this paper is that it reviews different types of validation using examples of studies, analyzes the specific challenges that were found to be significant, and presents how they were successfully overcome in each case. Another contribution is that it describes new opportunities for research validation that are emerging at the horizon as well as ongoing collaborative efforts to enhance the access of construction researchers to validation tools. This paper increases the awareness of the paramount role that validation techniques play in scholarly work by providing readers with recommendations to properly validate their own research efforts.


Labor Productivity; Regression-models; Delivery-systems; Performance; Cost; Methodology; Management; Framework; Control Methods; Delphi Method; Models; Research Needs; Sampling Design; Statistical Analysis; Surveys; Validation; Verification