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Can ChatGPT Evaluate Plans?

Xinyu FuRuoniu Wang & Chaosu Li (2023). Can ChatGPT Evaluate Plans?, Journal of the American Planning Association, DOI: 10.1080/01944363.2023.2271893

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Problem, research strategy, and findings
Large language models, such as ChatGPT, have recently risen to prominence in producing human-like conversation and assisting with various tasks, particularly for analyzing high-dimensional textual materials. Because planning researchers and practitioners often need to evaluate planning documents that are long and complex, a first-ever possible question has emerged: Can ChatGPT evaluate plans? In this study we addressed this question by leveraging ChatGPT to evaluate the quality of plans and compare the results with those conducted by human coders. Through the evaluation of 10 climate change plans, we discovered that ChatGPT’s evaluation results coincided reasonably well (with an average of 68%) with those from the traditional content analysis approach. We further scrutinized the differences by conducting a more in-depth analysis of the results from ChatGPT and manual evaluation to uncover what might have contributed to the variance in results. Our findings indicate that ChatGPT struggled to comprehend planning-specific jargon, yet it could reduce human errors by capturing details in complex planning documents. Finally, we provide insights into leveraging this cutting-edge technology in future planning research and practice.
Takeaway for practice
ChatGPT cannot be used to replace humans in plan quality evaluation yet. However, it is an effective tool to complement human coders to minimize human errors by identifying discrepancies and fact-checking machine-generated responses. ChatGPT generally cannot understand planning jargon, so planners wanting to use this tool should use extra caution when planning terminologies are present in their prompts. Creating effective prompts for ChatGPT is an iterative process that requires specific instructions.


ChatGPT; large language model; natural language processing; plan evaluation; plan quality

Color as metaphor in architectural design

Minah, G. (2023). Color as metaphor in architectural design. Color Research and Application, 48(5), 536–542.

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In the early stage of a building design, forming a design concept is the first step. The architect must assimilate and organize information involving spatial needs, engineering, building codes, and budget considerations. They must also consider its visual appearance, how the building fits into its physical context, and, most importantly, how to conceive of the building holistically as both functional and aesthetic. A process for accomplishing this will use a methodology associated with intuition and imagination. A metaphor is used that gives form to the building through an analogy that imitates its activities and function and serves as a device for conceiving of the building as a whole. Making a design diagram that defines the concept using the metaphor and showing the relationship of the critical parts of the building is the biggest challenge in this stage. A new approach is to assign color to these parts in the design diagram. With the metaphor as guide, the hierarchical status of the parts will be shown by the perceptual weight of the colors in juxtaposition to one another by contrasts in hue, value, and chroma. The results show that the addition of color increases the clarity and comprehension of the design concept in the eyes of the designer, in visual presentations to faculty in academic settings, and to clients in the profession. The color decisions latter in the process may differ from those used in the diagram, but these decisions will adhere to the established hierarchies of the building parts as foreground or background colors. This methodology is intended to be a tool for students in architecture as well as professional architects.

Neighborhood greenspace and neighborhood income associated with white matter grade worsening: Cardiovascular Health Study

Besser, L. M., Lovasi, G. S., Zambrano, J. J., Camacho, S., Dhanekula, D., Michael, Y. L., Garg, P., Hirsch, J. A., Siscovick, D., Hurvitz, P. M., Biggs, M. L., Galvin, J. E., Bartz, T. M., & Longstreth, W. T. (2023). Neighborhood greenspace and neighborhood income associated with white matter grade worsening: Cardiovascular Health Study. Alzheimer’s & Dementia : Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring, 15(4), e12484–e12484.

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We examined whether a combined measure of neighborhood greenspace and neighborhood median income was associated with white matter hyperintensity (WMH) and ventricle size changes.

The sample included 1260 cognitively normal ≥ 65‐year‐olds with two magnetic resonance images (MRI; ≈ 5 years apart). WMH and ventricular size were graded from 0 (least) to 9 (most) abnormal (worsening = increase of ≥1 grade from initial to follow‐up MRI scans). The four‐category neighborhood greenspace–income measure was based on median neighborhood greenspace and income values at initial MRI. Multivariable logistic regression tested associations between neighborhood greenspace–income and MRI measures (worsening vs. not).

White matter grade worsening was more likely for those in lower greenspace–lower income neighborhoods than higher greenspace–higher income neighborhoods (odds ratio = 1.73; 95% confidence interval = 1.19–2.51).

The combination of lower neighborhood income and lower greenspace may be a risk factor for worsening white matter grade on MRI. However, findings need to be replicated in more diverse cohorts.

Population‐based cohort of older adults (≥ 65 years) with greenspace and MRI data
Combined measure of neighborhood greenspace and neighborhood income at initial MRI
MRI outcomes included white matter hyperintensities (WMH) and ventricular size
Longitudinal change in MRI outcomes measured approximately 5 years apart
Worsening WMH over time more likely for lower greenspace‐lower income neighborhoods


built environment; green space; magnetic resonance imaging; neighborhood; socioeconomic status

Decoding the dynamics of BIM use practice in construction projects

Hu, Y., & Dossick, C. S. (2023). Decoding the dynamics of BIM use practice in construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 1–25.

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Over the past two decades, thought leaders positioned Building Information Modeling (BIM) as a driver to change the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. However, instances of unexpected BIM use have surfaced, with projects often shifting from BIM to hybrid or even solely 2D practices midway. What technology use conditions cause these practice-based rejections of BIM use and how these happen have not been fully explored and make BIM cannot fully play its role in a project. To fill this gap, we use structuration theory as a theoretical lens to analyze the interactions between BIM and project teams and explore how three technology use conditions, (interpretive, technological, and institutional), impact the interactions, which finally shape technology use practices. Specifically, a case study method has been selected. The research team attended a project for two years, collected meeting observations, and conducted surveys and interviews to track the emergent and situated BIM use practice in an integrated project setting with technology use conditions that changed over the course of the project. We analyzed how the three technology use conditions impacted the interactions between BIM and project teams in different ways and how these impacted change in different project phases. We conclude that the sustained use of BIM requires the alignment of project organizations with BIM features and alignment with both top-down and bottom-up investment in practice change, which includes motivation for senior management investment in a sustained project team, in individual capability training, and in early planning.


Building information modeling; structuration theory; technology-in-practice; practice lens

Developing a multi-criteria prioritization tool to catalyze TOD on publicly owned land areas

Cai, M., Acolin, A., Moudon, A. V., & Shen, Q. (2023). Developing a multi-criteria prioritization tool to catalyze TOD on publicly owned land areas. Cities, 143, 104606-.

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Public agencies can take a leading role in catalyzing TOD by making land available to developers (selling or leasing land, potentially below market prices). In particular, park-and-ride areas that are publicly owned can be leveraged to support TOD uses, such as affordable housing, office space, small businesses, and mixed-use buildings given their convenient access to transit systems and often large land areas. However, few previous studies have discussed the use of publicly owned park-and-rides, which are an important component of publicly owned land, as a catalyst for TOD. To fill the gap in the literature and effectively support TOD planning, this research developed a multi-criteria prioritization tool to identify the most promising locations for TOD and tested it at three park-and-ride sites owned by the Washington State Department of Transportation. The tool was developed through the Delphi process, which is an effective and inexpensive approach to evaluate relevant indicators by synthesizing the opinions of experts from various backgrounds. Five categories with a total of 14 TOD indicators, including transit supportive land-use zoning, job accessibility, land price, land-use mix, and household income, were selected as measures of TOD suitability. The importance of these indicators varied with three different TOD scenarios: (1) emphasis on affordable housing, (2) emphasis on market-rate housing, and (3) emphasis on mixed-use development. Using the calculated suitability scores, this tool can prioritize potential TOD sites for further review.


TOD; Delphi method; Multi-criteria planning tool; Multi-sources geospatial data; Publicly owned land

The Articulation and Current Practices of Liquidated Damages in Standard Specifications for Highways

Abdel Aziz, A. M., & Muiruri, K. (2023). The Articulation and Current Practices of Liquidated Damages in Standard Specifications for Highways. Journal of Legal Affairs and Dispute Resolution in Engineering and Construction, 15(4).

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Delayed delivery of highway infrastructure could financially hurt businesses that rely on such facilities, disrupt the public commute, and increase road user costs. For these reasons, state highway agencies (SHAs) tend to use and enforce liquidated damages (LDs) for the contractor’s failure to meet the completion times. While SHAs may have similar experiences on how their standard specifications (SSs) are structured and written, there are differences among the states on how the LDs are articulated. Further, with their requirements, SHAs need to maintain that their LDs regulations follow and account for the Code of Federal Regulations, for example, CFR.635.127. Additionally, contractors may legally challenge the LDs enforceability as unreasonable, excessive, penalty statements, or concurrently caused. This work aims to critically examine and thoroughly analyze how LDs were articulated in the SSs. For that, the LDs sections, definitions, and contract times of the standard specifications of all departments of transportation in the United States were collected, thoroughly reviewed, compared, and analyzed. With commonalities and differences among the SSs, themes of LDs current practice were identified under LDs characterization, application periods, reference times, and implementation forms. A detailed account of the particulars of each theme and practice is discussed and explained. The work provides insights for SHAs to evaluate their current LDs practice to other states’ practices to improve how LDs provisions are articulated.

Kevin Muiruri

Research interests: project delivery methods and impact to project success; project control and construction contracts; privatization in construction and private-public partnerships; project cost management; sustainability.

M.S. Construction Management, University of Washington (2022)
B.S. Civil Engineering, Dedan Kimathi University of Technology, Kenya (2017)

Research Methods in Daylighting and Electric Lighting

Inanici, M. (2021). Research Methods in Daylighting and Electric Lighting. In: Azari, R., Rashed-Ali, H. (eds) Research Methods in Building Science and Technology. Springer, Cham.

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Research in daylighting and electric lighting focuses on the physical quantity of light, physiological response to the physical stimuli, and the resulting visual perception. This chapter starts with an overview of the measurement and simulation-based research approaches used in understanding and quantifying the lighting availability and variability in the luminous environment. Field and laboratory measurements are discussed along with computational techniques. The rest of the chapter focuses on psychophysical research methods that aim to quantify the human physiological and psychological responses to the quantity and distribution of light.


Daylighting; Electric lighting; Visual comfort; Visual performance; Visual perception; Energy efficiency; Circadian lighting

A Critical Investigation of Common Lighting Design Metrics for Predicting Human Visual Comfort in Offices with Daylight

Van Den Wymelenberg, K., & Inanici, M. (2014). A Critical Investigation of Common Lighting Design Metrics for Predicting Human Visual Comfort in Offices with Daylight. Leukos, 10(3), 145–164.

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Existing visual comfort metrics are reviewed and critiqued based upon their ability to explain the variability in human subjective responses in a daylit private office laboratory environment. Participants (n = 48) evaluated visual comfort and preference factors, totaling 1488 discreet appraisals, and luminance-based metrics were captured with high dynamic range images and illuminance-based metrics were recorded. Vertical illuminance outperformed all commonly referenced visual comfort metrics including horizontal illuminance, IES luminance ratios, daylight glare probability (DGP), and daylight glare index (DGI). The bounded borderline between comfort and discomfort is introduced, and preliminary visual comfort design criteria are proposed for several existing metrics. Fundamental limitations of glare indices are documented, and the implications of inconsistent application of luminance ratio calculation methods are quantified. Future research is detailed.


daylight glare; daylight metrics; luminance ratio; vertical illuminance; visual comfort

Window View Quality: Why It Matters and What We Should Do

Ko, W. H., Schiavon, S., Altomonte, S., Andersen, M., Batool, A., Browning, W., Burrell, G., Chamilothori, K., Chan, Y.-C., Chinazzo, G., Christoffersen, J., Clanton, N., Connock, C., Dogan, T., Faircloth, B., Fernandes, L., Heschong, L., Houser, K. W., Inanici, M., … Kent, M. (2022). Window View Quality: Why It Matters and What We Should Do. Leukos, 18(3), 259–267.

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