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Post-pandemic transit commute: Lessons from focus group discussions on the experience of essential workers during COVID-19

Ashour, L. A., Shen, Q., Moudon, A., Cai, M., Wang, Y., & Brown, M. (2024). Post-pandemic transit commute: Lessons from focus group discussions on the experience of essential workers during COVID-19. Journal of Transport Geography, 116.

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Public transit services, which provide a critical lifeline for many essential workers, were severely interrupted during the COVID-19 pandemic. As institutions gradually return to normal in-person operations, it is critical to understand how the pandemic affected essential workers' commute and what it will take to ensure the effective recovery of transit ridership and enhance the long-term resiliency and equity of public transportation systems for those who need it the most. This study used focus group discussions with essential workers who were pre-pandemic transit riders to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted their commute perceptions, experiences, motives, and challenges and explore the potential changes in their travel behavior post-pandemic. We used NVivo 12 Pro to conduct a thematic analysis of the transcripted discussion data and examined patterns of commute mode change with respect to participants' attributes, including job type, home location, and gender. The results show that public transit had multiple reliability and frequency challenges during the pandemic, which resulted in most participants switching away from public transportation. With the increased availability of hybrid remote work and pandemic-related parking policies, driving emerged as a safer and more affordable commute mode for many pre-pandemic transit riders, rendering transit services less efficient for those who continued to rely on it. Planning for post-COVID resilient and reliable mobility requires a major rethinking of providing an efficient and effective transport system and a more fundamental approach to long-term public transport policy. To recover transit ridership, transit agencies need to ensure transit service availability and provide reliable transit information through smartphone apps. Similarly, transit agencies need to coordinate with other employers to provide free or heavily subsidized transit passes, to facilitate the recovery of transit demand effectively.


Essential workers; Commute; Public transit; Focus group discussions; COVID-19 pandemic; Post-pandemic

Developing a multi-criteria prioritization tool to catalyze TOD on publicly owned land areas

Cai, M., Acolin, A., Moudon, A. V., & Shen, Q. (2023). Developing a multi-criteria prioritization tool to catalyze TOD on publicly owned land areas. Cities, 143, 104606-.

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Public agencies can take a leading role in catalyzing TOD by making land available to developers (selling or leasing land, potentially below market prices). In particular, park-and-ride areas that are publicly owned can be leveraged to support TOD uses, such as affordable housing, office space, small businesses, and mixed-use buildings given their convenient access to transit systems and often large land areas. However, few previous studies have discussed the use of publicly owned park-and-rides, which are an important component of publicly owned land, as a catalyst for TOD. To fill the gap in the literature and effectively support TOD planning, this research developed a multi-criteria prioritization tool to identify the most promising locations for TOD and tested it at three park-and-ride sites owned by the Washington State Department of Transportation. The tool was developed through the Delphi process, which is an effective and inexpensive approach to evaluate relevant indicators by synthesizing the opinions of experts from various backgrounds. Five categories with a total of 14 TOD indicators, including transit supportive land-use zoning, job accessibility, land price, land-use mix, and household income, were selected as measures of TOD suitability. The importance of these indicators varied with three different TOD scenarios: (1) emphasis on affordable housing, (2) emphasis on market-rate housing, and (3) emphasis on mixed-use development. Using the calculated suitability scores, this tool can prioritize potential TOD sites for further review.


TOD; Delphi method; Multi-criteria planning tool; Multi-sources geospatial data; Publicly owned land

Does high-speed rail mitigate peak vacation car traffic to tourist city? Evidence from China

Pan, H., Gao, Y., Shen, Q., Moudon, A. V., Tuo, J., & Habib, K. N. (2023). Does high-speed rail mitigate peak vacation car traffic to tourist city? Evidence from China. Transport Policy, 143, 93–105.

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Tourist travel contributes greatly to transport problems in attractive tourist cities. To take full advantage of high-speed rail (HSR) for alleviating massive car traffic during the peak vacation period, this paper analyses the travel modes of domestic visitors to Shaoxing before and after the operation of HSR. Scenario-based comparison and a random-coefficients structure Mixed Logit (MXL) model with error components were adopted to analyze the travel mode change and the factors explaining tourists’ travel mode choices. Our findings show that the HSR modal share increased substantially at the expense of express buses, more than cars. Also, HSR was found to be less competitive than cars on toll-free days for medium short travel distances. The MXL model results indicate that HSR was more likely to be used over automobiles by young people, females, and one-destination travellers, for longer travel distances, and with high service frequency to Shaoxing. Besides, online booking services were highly associated with HSR use. Driving was favoured over HSR by higher income level groups, when travelling with family or friends, on toll-free national holidays. Current government policy to waive road tolls during the peak holiday period further induced car traffic to tourist cities. When individual taste was considered, tourists showed a similar preference in their valuation of the travel time variable, while were heterogenous in their preference for low per-distance cost. Our findings suggest that the adjustment of the road-toll policy, pre-booking design for targeted tourists, and measures to reduce the total travel time of HSR should be considered to promote HSR as well as impede the use of cars during peak periods. This study offers empirical evidence of achieving effective travel demand management and reducing car dependence through HSR and complementary measures.


High-speed rail; Tourist mode choice; Tourist travel package; Travel demand management

Designing Bike-Friendly Cities: Interactive Effects of Built Environment Factors on Cycling

Wang, Lan, Kaichen Zhou, Surong Zhang, Anne Vernez Moudon, Jinfeng Wang, Yong-Guan Zhu, Wenyao Sun, Jianfeng Lin, Chao Tian, and Miao Liu. 2023. “Designing Bike-Friendly Cities: Interactive Effects of Built Environment Factors on Cycling.” SSRN Electronic Journal.

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Geographical detector models facilitate a comprehensive approach to urban Design. • Interaction detector measures combined effects of the built environment on Cycling. • Street network centrality has the largest explanatory power on cycling. • A sense of enclosure defined by streetscape elements encourages cycling. Designing bike-friendly cities could promote health and mitigate climate change. Most studies of the association between the built environment and cycling used the "5Ds" framework and linear modeling. However, the built environment exerts complex influences on travel behavior. To better inform urban design for cycling, this study employed geographical detector models that quantify the explanatory power of individual and interactively paired built environment factors on bike-sharing. Data came from 6.5 million bike-sharing orders in Shanghai. Expectedly, we found that street network centrality and important facilities like supermarkets and libraries have the greatest independent and interactive effects. More surprisingly, streetscape elements, including sky view and building frontage, offered significantly higher explanatory power when paired with each other or with street network centrality and important facilities. By identifying the overlooked interactive effects of urban environment factors, the study provides guidance for urban designers to consider combinations of factors that effectively promote cycling. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


Bike-friendly city; Cycling; Street view images; Urban design

UW Urban Design and Planning lead study on post-pandemic commuting in downtown Seattle

The COVID-19 pandemic changed how people connected to work. Some were able to telework, others had to be at a jobsite. While remote and hybrid work have emerged as common practice, it’s unclear what these trends mean for downtown Seattle commuting. To help businesses and transportation agencies understand the “new normal,” academic expertise from Urban Design and Planning were tapped to develop and lead a study that gains better insights. Launched by the Mobility Innovation Center, in partnership with Commute…

Impact of a Light Rail Transit Line on Physical Activity: Findings from the Longitudinal Travel Assessment and Community (TRAC) Study

Saelens, Brian E., Hurvitz, Philip M., Zhou, C., Colburn, T., Marchese, A., & Moudon, Anne Vernez (2022). Impact of a Light Rail Transit Line on Physical Activity: Findings from the Longitudinal Travel Assessment and Community (TRAC) Study. Journal of Transport & Health, 27.

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Increasing transit infrastructure could increase transit use and result in higher physical activity if users actively travel to access transit. Few studies have rigorously examined transit use and physical activity change from before to years after among residents living close versus farther away from new transit options.Methods: An initial sample (n = 722) of residents living either close (1 mile network distance; unexposed) from future new light rail transit (LRT) stops in the Seattle/King County area were recruited and assessed prior to LRT opening and again 1-2 and 3-4 years later. At each assessment timepoint, residents wore an accelerometer and GPS data logger for 7 days and completed a 7-day travel log and demographic and attitudinal survey. Difference-in-difference analyses examined longitudinal change between those exposed versus unexposed to LRT in physical activity, walking (both utilitarian and recreational), and transit-related walking, and transit use.Results: There was no differential change by LRT exposure in overall physical activity (including or not including light intensity physical activity), recreational walking, or utilitarian walking, with most decreasing significantly in both exposure conditions through follow-ups. There was a differential change in transit-related walking, with those exposed to LRT slightly increasing such physical activity to the most distal follow-up, but the difference from the unexposed condition was modest (<2 min/day). There was no substantial differential change over time in transit use by LRT exposure.Conclusions: Exposure to a new light rail line did not markedly change the frequency of transit use of nearby residents, but did result in a small increase in transit-related walking relative to those unexposed. This did not differentially change the amount of overall physical activity or time spent walking compared to residents living farther away from the new LRT.


Public Transit; Accelerometer Data; Built Environment; Behavior; Walking; Transportation; Neighborhood; Time; GPS

Street Environments and Crime around Low-income and Minority Schools: Adopting an Environmental Audit Tool to Assess Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)

Lee, Sungmin, Lee, Chanam, Won Nam, Ji, Vernez Moudon, Anne, & Mendoza, Jason A. (2023). Street Environments and Crime around Low-income and Minority Schools: Adopting an Environmental Audit Tool to Assess Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED). Landscape and Urban Planning, 232.

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• CPTED principles have been applied in school neighborhood safety. • Multiple crime types had significant associations with CPTED principles. • The cleanliness of streets and visual quality of buildings can reduce crime. • Being adjacent to multi-family housing and bus stops can increase crime. • The findings add to the evidence supporting the effectiveness of CPTED initiatives. Crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) suggests an association between micro-scale environmental conditions and crime, but little empirical research exists on the detailed street-level environmental features associated with crime near low-income and minority schools. This study focuses on the neighborhoods around 14 elementary schools serving lower income populations in Seattle, WA to assess if the distribution of crime incidences (2013–2017) is linked with the street-level environmental features that reflect CPTED principles. We used a total of 40 audit variables that were included in the four domains derived from the broken windows theory and CPTED principles: natural surveillance (e.g., number of windows, balconies, and a sense of surveillance), territoriality (e.g., crime watch signs, trees), image/maintenance (e.g., graffiti and a sense of maintenance/cleanness), and geographical juxtaposition (e.g., bus stops, presence of arterial). We found that multiple crime types had significant associations with CPTED components at the street level. Among the CPTED domains, two image/maintenance features (i.e., maintenance of streets and visual quality of buildings) and two geographical juxtaposition features (i.e., being adjacent to multi-family housing and bus stops) were consistently associated with both violent and property crime. The findings suggest that local efforts to improve maintenance of streets and visual quality of buildings and broader planning efforts to control specific land uses near schools are important to improve safety in marginalized neighborhoods near schools that tend to be more vulnerable to crime. Our research on micro-scale environmental determinants of crime can also serve as promising targets for CPTED research and initiatives. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]


CPTED; Crime; Environmental audit; Micro-scale environment of Crime; Street environments

Changes in Perceived Work-from-Home Productivity during the Pandemic: Findings from Two Waves of a Covid-19 Mobility Survey

Shi, Xiao; Richards, Mary; Moudon, Anne Vernez; Lee, Brian H. Y.; Shen, Qing; & Ban, Xuegang. (2022). Changes in Perceived Work-from-Home Productivity during the Pandemic: Findings from Two Waves of a Covid-19 Mobility Survey. Findings.

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A two-wave survey of workers in Seattle revealed an increase in self-reported work productivity over time for those who shifted to work from home (WFH) since the outbreak of Covid-19. Teleworkers with higher household income adapted better and were more likely to report an increase in productivity as they continued WFH. While those living with friends and relatives were more likely to report a decrease in productivity as they telework for longer. Commute trip reduction programs might encourage the portion of the population with such characteristics to continue WFH after the pandemic subsides and provide support to those with fewer recourses to telework productively if they choose to.


work from home; teleworking; work productivity; commute trip reduction; transportation demand management; natural experiment; covid-19

Factors Influencing Teleworking Productivity – a Natural Experiment during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Shi, Xiao; Moudon, Anne Vernez; Lee, Brian H. Y.; Shen, Qing; Ban, Xuegang (Jeff). (2020). Factors Influencing Teleworking Productivity – a Natural Experiment during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Findings.

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Of 2174 surveyed adults who were teleworking following the implementation of a Covid-19 work-from-home policy, 23.8% reported an increase in productivity, 37.6% no change, and 38.6% a decrease in productivity compared to working at their prior workplace. After controlling for feelings of depression and anxiety likely caused by pandemic-related circumstances, the socioeconomic characteristics associated with no change or an increase in productivity after shifting to teleworking included being older; not employed in higher education; having lower education attainment; and not living with children. Respondents with longer commute trips in single-occupancy vehicles prior to teleworking were more likely to be more productive but those with longer commute by walking were not. Lifestyle changes associated with increased productivity included better sleep quality, spending less time on social media, but more time on personal hobbies.

City Planning Policies to Support Health and Sustainability: An International Comparison of Policy Indicators for 25 Cities

Lowe, Melanie; Adlakha, Deepti; Sallis, James F.; Salvo, Deborah; Cerin, Ester; Moudon, Anne Vernez; Higgs, Carl; Hinckson, Erica; Arundel, Jonathan; Boeing, Geoff; Liu, Shiqin; Mansour, Perla; Gebel, Klaus; Puig-ribera, Anna; Mishra, Pinki Bhasin; Bozovic, Tamara; Carson, Jacob; Dygryn, Jan; Florindo, Alex A.; Ho, Thanh Phuong; Hook, Hannah; Hunter, Ruth F.; Lai, Poh-chin; Molina-garcia, Javier; Nitvimol, Kornsupha; Oyeyemi, Adewale L.; Ramos, Carolina D. G.; Resendiz, Eugen; Troelsen, Jens; Witlox, Frank; Giles-corti, Billie. (2022). City Planning Policies to Support Health and Sustainability: An International Comparison of Policy Indicators for 25 Cities. Lancet Global Health, 10(6), E882-E894.

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City planning policies influence urban lifestyles, health, and sustainability. We assessed policy frameworks for city planning for 25 cities across 19 lower-middle-income countries, upper-middle-income countries, and high-income countries to identify whether these policies supported the creation of healthy and sustainable cities. We systematically collected policy data for evidence-informed indicators related to integrated city planning, air pollution, destination accessibility, distribution of employment, demand management, design, density, distance to public transport, and transport infrastructure investment. Content analysis identified strengths, limitations, and gaps in policies, allowing us to draw comparisons between cities. We found that despite common policy rhetoric endorsing healthy and sustainable cities, there was a paucity of measurable policy targets in place to achieve these aspirations. Some policies were inconsistent with public health evidence, which sets up barriers to achieving healthy and sustainable urban environments. There is an urgent need to build capacity for health-enhancing city planning policy and governance, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries.


Physical-activity; Population Health; Walkability