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Anthropotechnology: Sloterdijk on Environmental Design and the Foamworlds of Co-Isolation

Mugerauer, Robert. (2016). Anthropotechnology: Sloterdijk on Environmental Design and the Foamworlds of Co-Isolation. Architecture And Culture, 4(2), 227 – 248.

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The paper has two primary goals. The first is to reexamine the dynamics of cultural change by applying the innovative interpretations of German theorist and cultural historian Peter Sloterdijk, who contends that the ways we traditionally have made and understood our built environment are grossly inadequate in our contemporary media-saturated, war-weary, biotechnological world. The second is to show how such a reinterpretation of space, architecture, and culture could help us to learn to design better and act by way of an anthropotechnology (Sloterdijk's word) that is simultaneously developmental and threatening - that might enable us to find an orientation in a world of complexity, and thus more positively shape our lives and future world. Sloterdijk's intriguing concepts - spheres of immunization (bubbles, globes, foams), co-isolation, dyads, tensegrity - hold great promise for the next pulse of architectural, planning, and construction theory.


Peter Sloterdijk; Anthropotechnology; Spheres Of Immunization (bubbles, Globes, Foams); Co-isolation; Housing

Validating Self-Reported Food Expenditures against Food Store and Eating-Out Receipts

Tang, W.; Aggarwal, A.; Liu, Z.; Acheson, M.; Rehm, C. D.; Moudon, A. V.; Drewnowski, A. (2016). Validating Self-Reported Food Expenditures against Food Store and Eating-Out Receipts. European Journal Of Clinical Nutrition, 70(3), 352 – 357.

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BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: To compare objective food store and eating-out receipts with self-reported household food expenditures. SUBJECTS/METHODS: The Seattle Obesity Study II was based on a representative sample of King County adults, Washington, USA. Self-reported household food expenditures were modeled on the Flexible Consumer Behavior Survey (FCBS) Module from 2007 to 2009 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Objective food expenditure data were collected using receipts. Self-reported food expenditures for 447 participants were compared with receipts using paired t-tests, Bland-Altman plots and.-statistics. Bias by sociodemographics was also examined. RESULTS: Self-reported expenditures closely matched with objective receipt data. Paired t-tests showed no significant differences between receipts and self-reported data on total food expenditures, expenditures at food stores or eating out. However, the highest-income strata showed weaker agreement. Bland-Altman plots confirmed no significant bias across both methods-mean difference: 6.4; agreement limits: -123.5 to 143.4 for total food expenditures, mean difference 5.7 for food stores and mean difference 1.7 for eating out. The kappa-statistics showed good agreement for each (kappa 0.51, 0.41 and 0.49 respectively. Households with higher education and income had significantly more number of receipts and higher food expenditures. CONCLUSIONS: Self-reported food expenditures using NHANES questions, both for food stores and eating out, serve as a decent proxy for objective household food expenditures from receipts. This method should be used with caution among high-income populations, or with high food expenditures. This is the first validation of the FCBS food expenditures question using food store and eating-out receipts.


Household Food; Supermarket; Obesity; Energy; Purchases; Patterns; Women; Fat

Alignment between Lean Principles and Practices and Worker Safety Behavior

Gambatese, John A.; Pestana, Catarina; Lee, Hyun Woo. (2017). Alignment between Lean Principles and Practices and Worker Safety Behavior. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management, 143(1).

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Alignment and synergy between the areas of lean construction and safety management are expected because all near misses and injury incidents represent waste from the lean perspective. This paper describes a research study of lean and safety principles and practices with regards to worker behavior and safety practices. Specifically, the study aimed to investigate the extent of alignment between lean construction principles/practices and worker behaviors associated with construction safety. To conduct the study, the researchers used a multistep process involving a comprehensive literature review, document content analyses by an expert panel, and a survey of industry practitioners knowledgeable about lean construction. The findings support the perspective that many similarities exist between the application and impacts of lean and safety principles and practices. Lean practitioners surveyed believe that implementation of the last planner system as a lean practice is most beneficial to the following safety practices: management commitment, preproject planning, and pretask planning. The present study revealed that lean principles and practices can provide a valuable opportunity to further improve construction worker safety; however, the findings show that there is a difference between lean construction and safety management practices, revealing a gap with respect to worker behavior. Understanding and eliminating this gap is important for the industry to realize the full benefit that lean principles and practices can have on worker safety. To do so, the authors suggest expanding lean practices to further directly engage field workers and address worker behavior issues along with carefully communicating the lean message to construction personnel. (C) 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers.


Construction Industry; Injuries; Lean Production; Occupational Safety; Planning; Lean Principles; Lean Construction; Safety Management Practices; Injury Incidents; Worker Behaviors; Construction Safety; Document Content Analysis; Management Commitment; Preproject Planning; Pretask Planning; Construction Worker Safety Behavior; Construction Accident Causality; Risk; Lean Design; Worker Behavior; Safety; Labor And Personnel Issues

Sustainability in an Urbanizing Planet

Seto, Karen C.; Golden, Jay S.; Alberti, Marina; Turner, B. L., Ii. (2017). Sustainability in an Urbanizing Planet. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America, 114(34), 8935 – 8938.

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Sustainability; Urbanization; Nature; Environment

Socioeconomic Impact Assessment Of Highly Dense-Urban Construction Projects

Ibrahim, Amir; El-Anwar, Omar; Marzouk, Mohamed. (2018). Socioeconomic Impact Assessment of Highly Dense-Urban Construction Projects. Automation In Construction, 92, 230 – 241.

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Dense-urban construction is reported to affect the social and economic welfare of surrounding residents and local businesses in various ways. However, research studies and practical methodologies aimed at assessing to what extent the choice of a construction plan that reduces such effect are very limited. The objective of this paper is to present the development of an automated assessment methodology to fill this research gap. To this end, two formulations are presented; one based on multi-attributed utility functions and the other based on monetary compensations for disruptions caused by construction operations. Both formulations assess the impacts of construction plans on (1) increased travel distance; (2) residents' relocation; (3) business loss; (4) business closure; and (5) noise inconvenience. The proposed automated methodology is implemented in five sequential phases and utilizes Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Visual Basic Application (VBA). Using the proposed implementation, the two alternative formulations are applied to an infrastructure upgrading project in Cairo, Egypt that had five possible construction scenarios. While the two formulations resulted in the same preference order for the five scenarios, they exhibited different performance in terms of their (1) assessment relative values; (2) required input data and robustness; (3) ease of results interpretation; and (4) comprehensiveness and scalability. The developed framework shows promising results in terms of identifying and sorting the major root causes of the socioeconomic disruptions caused by dense urban construction. Results show that using the proposed methodology informs decision-making and planning at the early stages of a project, which in turn helps to reduce cost overruns and schedule delays.


Construction Projects; Socioeconomics; Social Services; Construction Project Management; Building Design & Construction; Geographic Information Systems; Infrastructure (economics); Dense-urban Construction; Gis; Socioeconomic Assessment; Decision Making; Economics; Plant Shutdowns; Tourism Industry; Automated Assessment; Construction Operations; Construction Plan; Socio-economic Assessments; Socio-economic Impact Assessment; Urban Construction; Utility Functions; Visual Basic Application; Pavement Construction; Road; Sustainability; Behavior; Industry; Highway; Models; Choice

Jack Christiansen’s Cylindrical Concrete Shells

Sprague, Tyler S. (2018). Jack Christiansen’s Cylindrical Concrete Shells. Journal Of The International Association For Shell And Spatial Structures, 59(2), 131 – 140.

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This article examines the early thin shell concrete designs of the structural engineer Jack Christiansen (1927-2017), a 2016 recipient of the Eduardo Torroja Medal. With no proper training in shell behavior, Christiansen started his career designing cylindrical concrete shells based on the 1952 American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Manual 31. This manual, and its approach to solving indeterminate behavior, both directed Christiansen's early design and provided a framework for significant creative work outside its bounds. His designs of long, spanning shells and short, arching shells (between 1954 and 1958) were adapted to a variety of architectural spaces, utilizing emerging structural methods like prestressing. These designs constitute the first era of Christiansen's career, and set the stage for more varied shell geometries to come.


Historic Structures; Concrete Shells; Cylindrical Shells; Modernism; Indeterminate Analysis Methods

The Effect of Market Conditions on the Housing Outcomes of Subsidized Households: The Case of the US Voucher Programme

Colburn, Gregg. (2019). The Effect of Market Conditions on the Housing Outcomes of Subsidized Households: The Case of the US Voucher Programme. Housing Studies, 34(9), 1465 – 1484.

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Since being created in the 1970s, housing vouchers have become the primary mode of federal housing support for low-income households in the US. The voucher programme was designed to provide recipients with the mobility needed to secure higher quality housing in neighbourhoods of their choice. Decades of analysis suggest that the programme has failed to produce the favourable outcomes envisioned by policymakers. To add to our understanding of the outcomes of this important federal programme, this paper seeks to underscore the importance of context-dependent policy analysis. In particular, this study analyses the impact of housing market conditions on the outcomes achieved by voucher recipients. Using neighbourhood and housing outcome data from the American Housing Survey, and median rent and rental market vacancy data, this paper demonstrates the important role that market conditions play in programme outcomes. The results from this study suggest that voucher recipients are successful at improving housing unit quality outcomes regardless of market conditions, but the ability to move to a better neighbourhood is a function of vacancy rates.


Housing Subsidies; Housing Vouchers; Housing Market; Poor Communities; Neighborhoods; Housing; Housing Choice Voucher; Market; Neighbourhood; Section 8; Vacancy; Voucher; Residential-mobility Decisions; Choice Vouchers; Neighborhood; Income; Live; Families; Place; Home; Markets; Economic Conditions; Policy Analysis; Households; Impact Analysis; Policy Making; Low Income Groups; Vouchers; Mobility; Vacancies; Conditions; United States--us

Identification and Reduction of Synchronous Replacements in Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Equipment

Kim, Jonghyeob; Han, Sangwon; Hyun, Chang-taek. (2019). Identification and Reduction of Synchronous Replacements in Life-Cycle Cost Analysis of Equipment. Journal Of Management In Engineering, 35(1).

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Life-cycle cost analysis (LCCA) is a methodology used to calculate the total cost of a project from initial planning to final disposal. In conventional approaches, LCCA assumes that regular and preventive maintenance will be performed according to each replacement cycle for individual components, and replacement for each component is considered independently. However, because the components of equipment used in buildings are installed systemically, replacements of major components may cause unexpected replacements of dependent minor components. Therefore, it is necessary to identify additional replacements based on the associations among these related replacement components to achieve a more reliable LCCA. In response, this study proposes an LCCA model that comprehensively considers the relationships among the maintenance components. The development of the model involves identifying relationships among components using social network analysis (SNA), arranging individual replacement timings of the components that reflect these relationships, and analyzing the life-cycle cost (LCC) based on the arranged timing. To validate the model, its applicability and effectiveness was illustrated and tested using 19 components of a rainwater reuse system. This study makes a theoretical contribution to the body of knowledge by suggesting concepts of synchronous relationships and replacements based on SNA. In addition, the use of the model proposed in this study enables practitioners to analyze LCCs that reflect synchronous replacements, which allows more reasonable decision-making considering hidden costs in conventional LCC. (C) 2018 American Society of Civil Engineers.


Decision Making; Life Cycle Costing; Preventive Maintenance; Synchronous Replacements; Life-cycle Cost Analysis; Lcca Model; Maintenance Components; Social Network Analysis; Painted Surfaces; Decision-making; Prediction; Model; Risk; Maintenance; Replacement; Synchronous Replacement; Synchronous Relationship; Life-cycle Cost Analysis (lcca); Social Network Analysis (sna)

A Time-Based Objective Measure of Exposure to the Food Environment

Scully, Jason Y.; Moudon, Anne Vernez; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Aggarwal, Anju; Drewnowski, Adam. (2019). A Time-Based Objective Measure of Exposure to the Food Environment. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 16(7).

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Exposure to food environments has mainly been limited to counting food outlets near participants' homes. This study considers food environment exposures in time and space using global positioning systems (GPS) records and fast food restaurants (FFRs) as the environment of interest. Data came from 412 participants (median participant age of 45) in the Seattle Obesity Study II who completed a survey, wore GPS receivers, and filled out travel logs for seven days. FFR locations were obtained from Public Health Seattle King County and geocoded. Exposure was conceptualized as contact between stressors (FFRs) and receptors (participants' mobility records from GPS data) using four proximities: 21 m, 100 m, 500 m, and 1/2 mile. Measures included count of proximal FFRs, time duration in proximity to 1 FFR, and time duration in proximity to FFRs weighted by FFR counts. Self-reported exposures (FFR visits) were excluded from these measures. Logistic regressions tested associations between one or more reported FFR visits and the three exposure measures at the four proximities. Time spent in proximity to an FFR was associated with significantly higher odds of FFR visits at all proximities. Weighted duration also showed positive associations with FFR visits at 21-m and 100-m proximities. FFR counts were not associated with FFR visits. Duration of exposure helps measure the relationship between the food environment, mobility patterns, and health behaviors. The stronger associations between exposure and outcome found at closer proximities (<100 m) need further research.


Global Positioning Systems; Physical-activity; Health Research; Land-use; Neighborhood; Gps; Obesity; Tracking; Validity; Mobility; Fast Food; Spatio-temporal Exposure; Mobility Patterns; Selective Mobility Bias

Opinion: Change Agency, Value Change

Cheng, RenĂ©e. (2020). Opinion: Change Agency, Value Change. Architect, 109(9), 20 – 20.


Attitude Change (psychology); Air Flow; Hand Washing