Chi, Nai-wen; Lin, Ken-yu; El-Gohary, Nora; Hsieh, Shang-hsien. (2016). Evaluating the Strength of Text Classification Categories for Supporting Construction Field Inspection. Automation In Construction, 64, 78 – 88.
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Field inspection is a common approach to the prevention of on-site accidents in the construction industry, which aims to identify and correct violations before they result in accidents. While conducting a field inspection, quite often safety professionals need to consult applicable construction safety standards. By doing so, they can make informed judgments on the violations and reference applicable standards. Text classification (TC) can be used to classify safety standards based on the types and causes of violations. Safety professionals can therefore use violation types and causes as indices to quickly locate applicable standards. Defining TC categories (or labels) is the first important step in performing TC, because satisfactory results cannot be achieved without appropriate TC categories. Researchers often determine applicable TC categories based on the important topics within a knowledge domain. However, not all TC categories can yield satisfactory TC results because some of them are not associated with strong and specific keywords that can be identified by text classifiers. This paper proposes a methodology with two strength measures for evaluating the appropriateness of candidate TC categories. The measures were tested on two alternative sets of candidate categories that were drafted for supporting construction field inspections. The results showed that the measures could accurately predict the relative TC performance and the satisfaction levels (satisfactory or unsatisfactory) of TC categories. Beyond the construction domain, this research provides a generalized procedure for evaluating the strength of candidate TC categories. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Accident Prevention; Classification; Construction Industry; Inspection; Occupational Safety; Standards; Text Classification Categories; Construction Field Inspection; On-site Accident Prevention; Violations; Safety Professionals; Construction Safety Standards; Candidate Tc Categories; Reference Applicable Standards; Information; Model; Construction Safety; Field Inspection; Text Classification
Lee, Wonil; Lin, Ken-yu; Seto, Edmund; Migliaccio, Giovanni C. (2017). Wearable Sensors For Monitoring On-duty And Off-duty Worker Physiological Status And Activities In Construction. Automation In Construction, 83, 341 – 353.
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Total Worker Health (R) (TWH) integrates occupational health and safety with the promotion of workers' off-duty wellbeing. Wearable sensors (e.g., activity trackers and physiological monitors) have facilitated personalized objective measurement of workers' health and wellbeing. Furthermore, the TWH concept is relevant to construction workers, especially roofing workers, as they encounter high on-duty health and safety risks and have poor off-duty lifestyles. This study examined the reliability and usability of wearable sensors for monitoring roofing workers' on-duty and off-duty activities. The results demonstrated the usability of these sensors and recommended a data collection period of three consecutive days for obtaining an intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.75 for heart rate, energy expenditure, metabolic equivalents, and sleep efficiency. The participants exhibited significant variations in their physical responses, health statuses, and safety behaviors. Moreover, several issues were identified in the application of wearable sensors to TWH evaluations for construction workers including roofers.
Construction Workers; Wearable Technology; Employee Health Promotion; Roofing Industry; Body Sensor Networks; Health; Construction Safety And Health; Usability Study; Wearable Sensors; Worker Monitoring; Worker Physiology; Construction Industry; Ergonomics; Occupational Health; Occupational Safety; Patient Monitoring; Personnel; Roofs; Sleep; Off-duty Worker Physiological Status; Total Worker Health®; Off-duty Wellbeing; Activity Trackers; Physiological Monitors; Twh Concept; On-duty Health; Safety Risks; Off-duty Lifestyles; Monitoring Roofing Workers; Off-duty Activities; Health Statuses; Heart-rate-variability; Energy-expenditure; Health Protection; Physical-activity; Validity; Reliability; Validation; Promotion; Productivity; Actigraph
Lin, Ken-yu; Lee, Wonil; Azari, Rahman; Migliaccio, Giovanni C. (2018). Training Of Low-literacy And Low-english-proficiency Hispanic Workers On Construction Fall Fatality. Journal Of Management In Engineering, 34(2).
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The construction industry has made extensive efforts to improve the safety of its labor force through various approaches, including training. However, many construction workers in the United States are recent immigrants who lack English proficiency and do not possess sufficient literacy levels in their own language for training comprehension. This reduces the effectiveness of traditional text-dominated translated training materials, which depend on both literacy and proficiency in a language. Thus, in this study, the authors used three-dimensional (3D) visualization to overcome the communication barriers that hinder effective safety training for low-literacy (LL) and low-English-proficiency (LEP) construction workers. This article summarizes the contributions of a study sponsored by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Susan Harwood Training Grant Program; it describes the methodology to develop scenario-based 3D training materials on fall safety for LL and LEP workers and to validate the effectiveness of the materials. The results show that 3D training materials improve interaction between trainer and trainee during safety training, facilitate learning processes, and can overcome some of the communication barriers that hinder effective safety training. (c) 2017 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Chemical Hazards; Computer Based Training; Construction Industry; Hazardous Materials; Industrial Training; Occupational Health; Occupational Safety; Personnel; Safety; Low-literacy; Low-english-proficiency Hispanic Workers; Construction Fall Fatality; Extensive Efforts; Labor Force; Construction Workers; English Proficiency; Sufficient Literacy Levels; Training Comprehension; Training Materials; Three-dimensional Visualization; Communication Barriers; Effective Safety Training; Health Administration Susan Harwood Training Grant Program; Fall Safety; Occupational Injuries; United-states; Industry; Health; Education; Issues; Occupational Health And Safety; Training; Visualization; Fall Protection; Case Study
Lee, Wonil; Migliaccio, Giovanni C.; Lin, Ken-Yu; Seto, Edmund Y. W. (2020). Workforce Development: Understanding Task-Level Job Demands-Resources, Burnout, and Performance in Unskilled Construction Workers. Safety Science, 123.
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This study examines how task demands and personal resources affect unskilled construction worker productivity and safety performance. It extends the job demands-resources (JD-R) burnout model to show how job characteristics interact with burnout to influence performance. A modified model was designed to measure burnout, with exhaustion and disengagement among unskilled construction workers taken into consideration. An observational study was conducted in a laboratory environment to test the research hypotheses and assess the prediction accuracies of outcome constructs. Twenty-two subjects participated in multiple experiments designed to expose them to varying levels of task-demands and to record their personal resources as they performed common construction material-handling tasks. Specifically, both surveys and physiological measurements using wearable sensors were used to operationalize the model constructs. Moreover, partial least squares structural equation modeling was applied to analyze data collected at the task and individual levels. Exhaustion and disengagement exhibited different relationships with productivity and safety performance outcomes as measured by unit rate productivity and ergonomic behavior, respectively. Subjects with high burnout and high engagement showed high productivity but low safety performance. Thus, exhausted workers stand a greater chance of failing to comply with safety. As the sample and the task performed in the experiment do not cover the experience and trade of all construction workers, our findings are limited in their application to entry-level and unskilled workers, whose work is mainly manual material-handling tasks.
Construction Workers; Structural Equation Modeling; Job Descriptions; Labor Productivity; Labor Supply; Burnout; Job Demand-resources Model; Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling; Productivity; Safety; Wearable Sensors; Biomechanics; Construction Industry; Ergonomics; Occupational Health; Occupational Safety; Occupational Stress; Personnel; Statistical Analysis; Workforce Development; Understanding Task-level Job Demands-resources; Unskilled Construction Workers; Task Demands; Personal Resources; Unskilled Construction Worker Productivity; Job Demands-resources Burnout Model; Job Characteristics Interact; Exhaustion; Disengagement; Outcome Constructs; Varying Levels; Task-demands; Common Construction Material-handling Tasks; Physiological Measurements; Model Constructs; Individual Levels; Unit Rate Productivity; High Burnout; Low Safety Performance; Exhausted Workers; Entry-level; Unskilled Workers; Manual Material-handling Tasks; Heart-rate-variability; Labor Productivity Trends; Physiological Demands; Emotional Exhaustion; Safety Climate; Role Stress; Engagement; Fatigue; Workload; Task Analysis; Workforce; Level (quantity); Construction Materials; Personnel Management; Materials Handling; Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Zhang, Zhenyu; Lin, Ken-yu; Lin, Jia-hua. (2021). Factors Affecting Material-Cart Handling in the Roofing Industry: Evidence for Administrative Controls. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 18(4).
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Material-cart handling can be strenuous and lead to overexertion injuries. The aim of this study is to produce a thorough understanding of how the cart condition, tire type, physical environment-related factors, and load interact to influence the ergonomics and productivity of cart handling. Eighteen roofing carts with different conditions, tires, and loads were tested by one subject on three laboratory tracks: one L-shaped, one with ramps within constrained spaces, and one with obstacles within constrained spaces. A multiple linear regression analysis was performed to quantify the main and interaction effects of the factors of interest on the cart operations. The research findings confirm that using aged carts increases the injury risk by as much as 30.5% and decreases productivity by 35.4%. Our study also highlights the necessity of keeping an open space for cart operation; the travel distance from a cart to a ramp/obstacle should be greater than 61 cm. Finally, the results suggest the at-risk thresholds for different ramp slopes and obstacle heights, and the safe load capacities for the various working circumstances that are common on construction sites. The evidence created in this study can be translated into administrative controls for cart handling to reduce overexertion injuries and enhance performance.
Overexertion In Pulling And Pushing; Material Cart Handling; Roof Construction; Ergonomic Risk Factors; Administrative Control
El-Anwar, Omar; El-Rayes, Khaled; Elnashai, Amr S. (2010). Maximizing the Sustainability of Integrated Housing Recovery Efforts. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management, 136(7), 794 – 802.
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The large-scale and catastrophic impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005 challenged the efficacy of traditional postdisaster temporary housing methods. To address these challenges, the U.S. Congress appropriated $400 million to the Department of Homeland Security to support alternative housing pilot programs, which encourage innovative housing solutions that will facilitate sustainable and permanent affordable housing in addition to serving as temporary housing. Facilitating and maximizing the sustainability of postdisaster alternative housing is an important objective that has significant social, economic, and environmental impacts. This paper presents the development of a novel optimization model that is capable of (1) evaluating the sustainability of integrated housing recovery efforts under the alternative housing pilot program and (2) identifying the housing projects that maximize sustainability. An application example is analyzed to demonstrate the use of the developed model and its unique capabilities in maximizing the sustainability of integrated housing recovery efforts after natural disasters.
Northridge Earthquake; United-states; Disasters; Optimization; Postdisaster Alternative Housing; Sustainability; Housing Recovery
El-Anwar, Omar; Chen, Lei. (2013). Computing a Displacement Distance Equivalent to Optimize Plans for Postdisaster Temporary Housing Projects. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management, 139(2), 174 – 184.
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Residence in temporary housing is a critical period for the social, economic, and psychological recovery of displaced families following disasters. Temporary housing locations define the displacement distance between families and their essential needs. The objective of this paper is to develop a novel methodology to capture the specific proximity needs and preferences of displaced families. This paper proposes a displacement distance equivalent as an objective metric to evaluate the performance of temporary housing locations in meeting the needs of displaced families. Moreover, the paper describes the development of an integer programming optimization model capable of optimizing temporary housing assignments to minimize total displacement distance equivalent while meeting budget constraints. The main contribution of this paper to the body of knowledge is in transforming the purpose of temporary housing programs from offering general accommodation to providing customized housing solutions tailored to the individual proximity needs of each household using the proposed displacement metric. In addition, the proposed optimization model enables decision makers to set budget constraints to ensure the economic feasibility of identified temporary housing solutions. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO. 1943-7862.0000601. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Disasters; Emergency Management; Integer Programming; Social Sciences; Displaced Families; Customized Housing Solutions; Decision Makers; Displacement Metric; Budget Constraints; Integer Programming Optimization Model; Objective Metric; Temporary Housing Locations; Post-disaster Temporary Housing Projects; Displacement Distance Equivalent Computation; Multiobjective Optimization; Optimization; Temporary Housing; Disaster Recovery; Displacement Distance; Housing Sites
Kim, Sang-Chul; Kim, Yong-Woo. (2014). Computerized Integrated Project Management System for a Material Pull Strategy. Journal Of Civil Engineering And Management, 20(6), 849 – 863.
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The purpose of this paper is to present a computerized integrated project management system and report results of a survey on the effectiveness of the system. The system consists of a scheduling system, material management system, labor/equipment system, and safety/quality control system. The backbone system is a scheduling system that adopts a production planning system and a project scheduling system. The lowest level in the scheduling system is a daily work management system, which is linked to each functional management system (i.e. material management system, labor/equipment system, and safety/quality control system). The paper focuses on the material management and scheduling systems to implement a material pull system to reduce material inventories on site. Details of material management and scheduling systems are discussed, and a sample application is presented to demonstrate the features of the proposed computer application system. The paper presents practitioners and researchers with a practical tool to integrate material management and scheduling systems for site personnel.
Construction; Lean Construction; Material Management System; Integrated System; Daily Work Management
Choi, Kunhee; Lee, Hyun Woo. (2016). Deconstructing the Construction Industry: A Spatiotemporal Clustering Approach to Profitability Modeling. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management, 142(10).
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In spite of the strong influence of the construction industry on the national health of the United States' economy, very little research has specifically aimed at evaluating the key performance parameters and trends (KPPT) of the industry. Due to this knowledge gap, concerns have been constantly raised over lack of accurate measures of KPPT. To circumvent these challenges, this study investigates and models the macroeconomic KPPT of the industry through spatiotemporal clustering modeling. This study specifically aims to analyze the industry in 14 of its subsectors and subsequently, by 51 geographic spatial areas at a 15-year temporal scale. KPPT and their interdependence were firstly examined by utilizing the interpolated comprehensive U.S. economic census data. A hierarchical spatiotemporal clustering analysis was then performed to create predictive models that can reliably determine firm's profitability as a function of the key parameters. Lastly, the robustness of the predictive models was tested by a cross-validation technique called the predicted error sum of square. This study yields a notable conclusion that three key performance parameterslabor productivity, gross margin, and labor wageshave steadily improved over the study period from 1992 to 2007. This study also reveals that labor productivity is the most critical factor; the states and subsectors with the highest productivity are the most profitable. This study should be of value to decision-makers when plotting a roadmap for future growth and rendering a strategic business decisions.
Construction Industry; Decision Making; Knowledge Management; Labour Resources; Macroeconomics; Organisational Aspects; Productivity; Profitability; Salaries; Statistical Analysis; Strategic Planning; Hierarchical Spatiotemporal Clustering Approach; National Health; Macroeconomic Kppt; Knowledge Gap; Spatiotemporal Clustering Modeling; Interpolated Comprehensive U.s. Economic Census Data; Parameters-labor Productivity; Gross Margin; Labor Wages; Strategic Business Decisions; Deconstructing; Key Performance Parameters And Trends; Firms Profitability; Error Sum Of Square; Labor Productivity; Projects; Firms; Performance; Performance Measurement; Cluster Analysis; Economic Census; Project Planning And Design
Lee, Wonil; Seto, Edmund; Lin, Ken-yu; Migliaccio, Giovanni C. (2017). An Evaluation Of Wearable Sensors And Their Placements For Analyzing Construction Worker’s Trunk Posture In Laboratory Conditions. Applied Ergonomics, 65, 424 – 436.
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This study investigates the effect of sensor placement on the analysis of trunk posture for construction activities using two off-the-shelf systems. Experiments were performed using a single-parameter monitoring wearable sensor (SPMWS), the ActiGraph GT9X Link, which was worn at six locations on the body, and a multi-parameter monitoring wearable sensor (MPMWS), the Zephyr BioHarnessTM3, which was worn at two body positions. One healthy male was recruited and conducted 10 experiment sessions to repeat measurements of trunk posture within our study. Measurements of upper-body thoracic bending posture during the lifting and lowering of raised deck materials in a laboratory setting were compared against video-captured observations of posture. The measurements from the two sensors were found to be in agreement during slow-motion symmetric bending activities with a target bending of <= 45. However, for asymmetric bending tasks, when the SPMWS was placed on the chest, its readings were substantially different from those of the MPMWS worn on the chest or under the armpit. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Detectors; Construction Workers; Posture; Wearable Technology; Accelerometers; Work-related Injuries; Health; Accelerometer For Inclinometry; Construction Worker; Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorder; Motion Measurement; Position Measurement; Sensor Placement; Upper-body Thoracic Bending Posture Measurements; Trunk Posture Measurements; Zephyr Bioharness 3; Sensor Placement Effect; Construction Worker Trunk Posture Analysis; Wearable Sensor Evaluation; Asymmetric Bending Tasks; Slow-motion Symmetric Bending Activities; Mpmws; Multiparameter Monitoring Wearable Sensor; Actigraph Gt9x Link; Spmws; Single-parameter Monitoring Wearable Sensor; Low-back-pain; Physical-activity Assessment; Risk-factors; Musculoskeletal Disorders; Reliability; Movements; Validity; System; Gt3x+accelerometer