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A Global Horizon Scan of the Future Impacts of Robotics and Autonomous Systems on Urban Ecosystems

Goddard, Mark A.; Davies, Zoe G.; Guenat, Solene; Ferguson, Mark J.; Fisher, Jessica C.; Akanni, Adeniran; Ahjokoski, Teija; Anderson, Pippin M. L.; Angeoletto, Fabio; Antoniou, Constantinos; Bates, Adam J.; Barkwith, Andrew; Berland, Adam; Bouch, Christopher J.; Rega-brodsky, Christine C.; Byrne, Loren B.; Cameron, David; Canavan, Rory; Chapman, Tim; Connop, Stuart; Crossland, Steve; Dade, Marie C.; Dawson, David A.; Dobbs, Cynnamon; Downs, Colleen T.; Ellis, Erle C.; Escobedo, Francisco J.; Gobster, Paul; Gulsrud, Natalie Marie; Guneralp, Burak; Hahs, Amy K.; Hale, James D.; Hassall, Christopher; Hedblom, Marcus; Hochuli, Dieter F.; Inkinen, Tommi; Ioja, Ioan-cristian; Kendal, Dave; Knowland, Tom; Kowarik, Ingo; Langdale, Simon J.; Lerman, Susannah B.; Macgregor-fors, Ian; Manning, Peter; Massini, Peter; Mclean, Stacey; Mkwambisi, David D.; Ossola, Alessandro; Luque, Gabriel Perez; Perez-urrestarazu, Luis; Perini, Katia; Perry, Gad; Pett, Tristan J.; Plummer, Kate E.; Radji, Raoufou A.; Roll, Uri; Potts, Simon G.; Rumble, Heather; Sadler, Jon P.; De Saille, Stevienna; Sautter, Sebastian; Scott, Catherine E.; Shwartz, Assaf; Smith, Tracy; Snep, Robbert P. H.; Soulsbury, Carl D.; Stanley, Margaret C.; Van De Voorde, Tim; Venn, Stephen J.; Warren, Philip H.; Washbourne, Carla-leanne; Whitling, Mark; Williams, Nicholas S. G.; Yang, Jun; Yeshitela, Kumelachew; Yocom, Ken P.; Dallimer, Martin. (2021). A Global Horizon Scan of the Future Impacts of Robotics and Autonomous Systems on Urban Ecosystems. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 5(2), 219.

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The future challenges and potential opportunities of robotics and autonomous systems in urban ecosystems, and how they may impact biodiversity, are explored and prioritized via a global horizon scan of 170 experts. Technology is transforming societies worldwide. A major innovation is the emergence of robotics and autonomous systems (RAS), which have the potential to revolutionize cities for both people and nature. Nonetheless, the opportunities and challenges associated with RAS for urban ecosystems have yet to be considered systematically. Here, we report the findings of an online horizon scan involving 170 expert participants from 35 countries. We conclude that RAS are likely to transform land use, transport systems and human-nature interactions. The prioritized opportunities were primarily centred on the deployment of RAS for the monitoring and management of biodiversity and ecosystems. Fewer challenges were prioritized. Those that were emphasized concerns surrounding waste from unrecovered RAS, and the quality and interpretation of RAS-collected data. Although the future impacts of RAS for urban ecosystems are difficult to predict, examining potentially important developments early is essential if we are to avoid detrimental consequences but fully realize the benefits.


Smart City; Green Infrastructure; Automated Vehicles; Water-quality; Land-use; Cities; Opportunities; Biodiversity; Challenges; Services; Robotics; Horizon; Ecosystems; Land Use; Ecosystem Management; Transportation Systems; Strategic Management; Urban Areas

uilding Watershed Narratives: An Approach for Broadening the Scope of Success in Urban Stream Restoration

Yocom, Ken. (2014). Building Watershed Narratives: An Approach for Broadening the Scope of Success in Urban Stream Restoration. Landscape Research, 39(6), 698 – 714.

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The success of urban stream restoration is often measured through biophysical attributes, or the progress towards restoration of a notionally intact section of landscape. What remains understudied is how success can be defined across social, economic, as well as ecological parameters. This research offers a narrative approach for urban restoration research that serves as a chronotope for untangling the biophysical and sociocultural complexities of the contemporary urban environment. The framework of this approach is presented through a case study of a recent stream restoration project in Seattle, Washington. The findings highlight the need for urban stream restoration processes to be grounded within a sociocultural context that is interdependent with biophysical conditions, and recommends measures of project success to include community, educational and participatory goals.


River Restoration; Landscape; Management; Catchment; Systems; History; People; Restoration; Success; Watershed; Narrative; Urban

Transitions In Urban Waterfronts: Imagining, Contesting, And Sustaining The Aquatic/terrestrial Interface

Taufen, Anne; Yocom, Ken. (2021). Transitions In Urban Waterfronts: Imagining, Contesting, And Sustaining The Aquatic/terrestrial Interface. Sustainability, 13(1).

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Urban waterfronts represent hybrid locations of ecological, economic, and social zones of transition and dispersal, spatially reified between land and water. Yet, through advancements in technology and the emergence of globally linked economies, the structure and function of urban waterfronts as economic and industrial drivers is becoming increasingly complex. As cities seek to redevelop their waterfronts in response to these changes, recent research and scholarship has focused on understanding the ecological, social, and economic benefits derived from urban waterfronts. This research reveals that their benefits are unevenly distributed among local and regional populations as sites of accumulated inequity and inaccessibility that are generative for only a relatively small percentage of the people living in a metropolitan area. Set within this paradoxical nexus, this paper frames a call to scientists, planners, academics, and waterfront activists to expand urban waterfront research from an indicator and benefits model to incorporate three conceptual tools for better understanding key dimensions of waterfront reclamation within the context of green infrastructure research: urban hybridity, functional performance and hierarchies of access. We explore these key dimensions in relation to the waterfront redevelopment of Tacoma, Washington, USA. By acknowledging the hybridity of urban waterfronts, we illustrate that their relative performance and accessibility require ongoing empirical study and practical intervention. Our theoretical explorations plot some of the potential areas of investigation for examining the structural and functional transitions of urban waterfronts as critical locations for green infrastructure development for the 21st century.


Place Attachment; Community Participation; Cities; Justice; Indicators; Challenges; Resilience; Governance; Space; Urban Waterfronts; Complexity; Urban Hybridity; Functional Performance; Hierarchies Of Access; Public Access; Stormwater Management; Infrastructure; Reclamation; Green Aspects; Waterfront Development; Urban Areas; Terrestrial Environments; Waterfronts; Economics; Hierarchies; Redevelopment; Regulation; Dispersal; Economic Activity; Shorelines; Regions; Terrestrial Ecosystems; Sustainable Development; Structure-function Relationships; Ports; Rivers; Metropolitan Areas; Urbanization; United States--us

Ecological Design For Urban Waterfronts

Dyson, Karen; Yocom, Ken. (2015). Ecological Design For Urban Waterfronts. Urban Ecosystems, 18(1), 189 – 208.

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Urban waterfronts are rarely designed to support biodiversity and other ecosystem services, yet have the potential to provide these services. New approaches that integrate ecological research into the design of docks and seawalls provide opportunities to mitigate the environmental impacts of urbanization and recover ecosystem function in urban waterfronts. A review of current examples of ecological design in temperate cities informs suggestions for future action. Conventional infrastructures have significant and diverse impacts on aquatic ecosystems. The impacts of conventional infrastructure are reduced where ecological designs have been implemented, particularly by projects adding microhabitat, creating more shallow water habitat, and reconstructing missing or altered rocky benthic habitats. Opportunities for future research include expanding current research into additional ecosystems, examining ecological processes and emergent properties to better address ecosystem function in ecological design, and addressing the impact of and best practices for continuing maintenance. Planned ecological infrastructure to replace aging and obsolete structures will benefit from design feedback derived from carefully executed in situ pilot studies.


Coastal Defense Structures; Fixed Artificial Habitats; Marine Habitats; Intertidal Seawalls; Benthic Communities; Reconciliation Ecology; Subtidal Epibiota; Rocky Shores; Reef; Biodiversity; Ecological Design; Seawalls; Habitat; Waterfront; Urban Infrastructure; Aquatic Ecology

Coping on the Inside: Design for Therapeutic Incarceration Interventions – A Case Study

Wagenfeld, Amy; Winterbottom, Daniel. (2021). Coping on the Inside: Design for Therapeutic Incarceration Interventions – A Case Study. Work-a Journal Of Prevention Assessment & Rehabilitation, 68(1), 97 – 106.

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BACKGROUND: Adjusting to incarceration is traumatic. An under-utilized strategy understood to buffer and counteract the negative impacts of incarceration are nature interventions. OBJECTIVE: Outcomes of an interdisciplinary design studio course focused on developing masterplans for a women's prison in the Pacific Northwest (US) are presented. Course objectives included comprehension and application of therapeutic and culturally expressive design principles to increase the benefits of environmental design within a carceral setting; collaboration, developing a deeper, more representative understanding of how design processes can improve the lives of marginalized populations; and enhancing design skills, including at masterplan and schematic scale using an iterative process and reflection. METHODS: A landscape architect, occupational therapist, and architect teaching team, with support from architects and justice specialists facilitated an elective design studio course to redesign the Washington Corrections Center for Women campus. RESULTS: In a ten-week academic quarter, six student design teams created conceptual masterplans for therapeutic outdoor spaces at the Washington Corrections Center for Women. Students presented their plans to prison staff, current and ex-offenders, and architects and landscape architects in practice, and then received positive feedback. CONCLUSION: Despite well-documented need for and value of nature interventions to improve health and wellbeing for everyone regardless of circumstance or situation, the project awaits administrative approval to move forward to installation.


Recovery; Exposure; Health; Correctional Institutions; Environmental Justice; Therapeutic Outdoor Environments; Interdisciplinary Academic Design Studio

Improved Fog Collection Using Turf Reinforcement Mats

Feld, Shara I.; Spencer, Benjamin R.; Bolton, Susan M. (2016). Improved Fog Collection Using Turf Reinforcement Mats. Journal Of Sustainable Water In The Built Environment, 2(3).

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Impoverished communities are particularly vulnerable to increasing water scarcity. The development of low-cost technologies that improve access to unconventional water sources, such as the freshwater contained in fog, is one way to address water scarcity. Passive fog collectors, sited to maximize exposure to orographic and advection fog, are typically constructed using 35% Raschel mesh stretched within a structural frame. To assess improvements to this technology, the fog collection potential of nonwoven turf reinforcement mats ( TRM), underwent preliminary testing in a laboratory fog tunnel and more conclusive testing at a field site in Lima, Peru. In fog tunnel tests, both of the two tested TRM specimens increased fog collection yields over 35% Raschel mesh by 26 and 33% respectively. At one field site, the tested mats increased fog collection yields over 35% Raschel mesh by 62 and 75% respectively. At a second field site, these materials increased collection volumes over the 35% Raschel mesh by 146 and 178% respectively. Differences in TRM performance at different sites were likely due to different orientation to prevailing winds at the two test stations. This work suggests that nonwoven turf reinforcement mats have the potential to improve water access in arid, foggy low income communities. (C) 2016 American Society of Civil Engineers.


Water; Efficiency; Fresh Water; Water Resources; Water Supply; Peru; Fog Capture

The Urban University’s Hybrid Campus

Way, Thaisa. (2016). The Urban University’s Hybrid Campus. Journal Of Landscape Architecture, 11(1), 42 – 55.

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With the growth of urban campuses in the twenty-first century, how can landscape architecture foster the innovation associated with cities and urban neighbourhoods? In Seattle, West Campus at the University of Washington serves as a good urban neighbour while engaging the traditional experiences of a campus. Additionally, the design suggests how an urban campus might generate the culture of an urban innovation district. The contribution of landscapes to innovation districts has rarely been considered in campus design because the focus has been on the architecture of the buildings and the culture of collaboration as social phenomena. This paper explores how the public landscapes of parks, courtyards, and streets shape the experience of an innovation district and contribute to fostering creativity and serendipity. As an extension, the paper suggests the importance of universities in the creation and stewardship of vibrant, creative, and resilient cities.


City Planning; Innovation District; Student Residential Planning; University Landscape Design; Urban Campus

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