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Case Studies in Co-Benefits Approaches to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Spencer, Benjamin; Lawler, Josh; Lowe, Celia; Thompson, Luanne; Hinckley, Tom; Kim, Soo-hyung; Bolton, Susan; Meschke, Scott; Olden, Julian D.; Voss, Joachim. (2017). Case Studies in Co-Benefits Approaches to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation. Journal Of Environmental Planning & Management, 60(4), 647 – 667.

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Attempts to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions or manage the effects of climate change traditionally focus on management or policy options that promote single outcomes (e.g., either benefiting ecosystems or human health and well-being). In contrast, co-benefits approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation address climate change impacts on human and ecological health in tandem and on a variety of spatial and temporal scales. The article engages the concept of co-benefits through four case studies. The case studies emphasize co-benefits approaches that are accessible and tractable in countries with human populations that are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts. They illustrate the potential of co-benefits approaches and provide a platform for further discussion of several interdependent principles relevant to the implementation of co-benefits strategies. These principles include providing incentives across multiple scales and time frames, promoting long-term integrated impact assessment, and fostering multidimensional communication networks.


Greenhouse Gas Mitigation; Air Pollution Control; Climate Change; Environmental Health; Ecological Impact; Management; Ecological Health; Human Health; Impact Assessment; Incentives; Multidimensional Networks; Health; Impacts; Drought; Perspective; Strategies; Mangroves; Science; Risks; Ecosystems; Platform; Implementation; Networks; Social Welfare; Environmental Policy; Case Studies; Greenhouse Effect; Impact Tests; Communication Networks; Environmental Changes; Greenhouse Gases; Human Populations; Spatial Discrimination; Adaptation; Climate Effects; Mitigation; Environmental Impact; Health Care Policy

Physical and Mental Health Impacts of Household Gardens in an Urban Slum in Lima, Peru

Korn, Abigail; Bolton, Susan M.; Spencer, Benjamin; Alarcon, Jorge A.; Andrews, Leann; Voss, Joachim G. (2018). Physical and Mental Health Impacts of Household Gardens in an Urban Slum in Lima, Peru. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 15(8).

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Rural poverty and lack of access to education has led to urban migration and fed the constant growth of urban slums in Lima, Peru. Inhabitants of these informal settlements lack land rights and access to a public water supply, resulting in poor sanitation, an inability to grow food, and suboptimal health outcomes. A repeated measures longitudinal pilot study utilizing participatory design methods was conducted in Lima between September 2013 and September 2014 to determine the feasibility of implementing household gardens and the subsequent impact of increased green space on well-being. Anthropometric data and a composite of five validated mental health surveys were collected at the baseline, 6-months, and 12-months after garden construction. Significant increases from the baseline in all domains of quality of life, including: physical (p < 0.01), psychological (p = 0.05), social (p = 0.02), environmental (p = 0.02), and overall social capital (p < 0.01) were identified 12 months after garden construction. Life-threatening experiences decreased significantly compared to the baseline (p = 0.02). There were no significant changes in parent or partner empathy (p = 0.21), BMI (p = 0.95), waist circumference (p = 0.18), or blood pressure (p = 0.66) at 6 or 12 months. Improved access to green space in the form of a household garden can significantly improve mental health in an urban slum setting.


Of-life Assessment; Psychometric Properties; Threatening Experiences; Vegetable Consumption; Developing-countries; Community Garden; Climate-change; Green Space; Poverty; Participation; Mental Health; Peru; Quality Of Life; Urban Slum; Social Capital

Is There a Limit to Bioretention Effectiveness? Evaluation of Stormwater Bioretention Treatment Using a Lumped Urban Ecohydrologic Model and Ecologically Based Design Criteria

Wright, Olivia M.; Istanbulluoglu, Erkan; Horner, Richard R.; Degasperi, Curtis L.; Simmonds, Jim. (2018). Is There a Limit to Bioretention Effectiveness? Evaluation of Stormwater Bioretention Treatment Using a Lumped Urban Ecohydrologic Model and Ecologically Based Design Criteria. Hydrological Processes, 32(15), 2318 – 2334.

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In this study, we developed the urban ecohydrology model (UEM) to investigate the role of bioretention on watershed water balance, runoff production, and streamflow variability. UEM partitions the land surface into pervious, impervious, and bioretention cell fractions. Soil moisture and vegetation dynamics are simulated in pervious areas and bioretention cells using a lumped ecohydrological approach. Bioretention cells receive runoff from a fraction of impervious areas. The model is calibrated in an urban headwater catchment near Seattle, WA, USA, using hourly weather data and streamflow observations for 3years. The calibrated model is first used to investigate the relationship between streamflow variability and bioretention cell size that receives runoff from different values of impervious area in the watershed. Streamflow variability is quantified by 2 indices, high pulse count (HPC), which quantifies the number of flow high pulses in a water year above a threshold, and high pulse range (HPR), which defines the time over which the pulses occurred. Low values of these indices are associated with improved stream health. The effectiveness of the modelled bioretention facilities are measured by their influence on reducing HPC and HPR and on flow duration curves in comparison with modelled fully forested conditions. We used UEM to examine the effectiveness of bioretention cells under rainfall regimes that are wetter and drier than the study area in an effort to understand linkages between the degree of urbanization, climate, and design bioretention cell size to improve inferred stream health conditions. In all model simulations, limits to the reduction of HPC and HPR indicators were reached as the size of bioretention cells grew. Bioretention was more effective as the rainfall regime gets drier. Results may guide bioretention design practices and future studies to explore climate change impacts on bioretention design and management.


Performance Assessment; Hydrologic Alteration; Automated Techniques; Management-practices; Land-cover; Streams; Water; Impact; Area; Runoff; Bioretention; Ecohydrology; Green Infrastructure; Stormwater; Stream Health; Urban Hydrology; Evaluation; Urbanization; Watersheds; Soil Moisture; Water Balance; Stream Flow; Design; Variability; Ecological Monitoring; Computer Simulation; Storms; Climate Change; Duration; Water Runoff; Flow Duration Curves; Flow Duration; Cell Size; Soils; Duration Curves; Rainfall; Rivers; Cells; Headwaters; Surface Runoff; Dynamics; Rainfall Regime; Catchment Area; Design Criteria; Environmental Impact; Retention Basins; Soil Dynamics; Stream Discharge; Climatic Changes; Meteorological Data; Headwater Catchments

Performance Assessment of a Street-Drainage Bioretention System

Chapman, Cameron; Horner, Richard R. (2010). Performance Assessment of a Street-Drainage Bioretention System. Water Environment Research, 82(2), 109 – 119.

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Event-based, flow-paced composite sampling was carried out at the inlet and outlet of a street-side bioretention facility in Seattle, Washington, to assess its ability to reduce street runoff quantity and pollutants. Over 2.5 years, 48 to 74% of the incoming runoff was lost to infiltration and evaporation. Outlet pollutant concentrations were significantly lower than those at the inlet for nearly all monitored constituents. In terms of mass, the system retained most of the incoming pollutants. Besides soluble reactive phosphorus (the mass of which possibly increased), dissolved copper was the least effectively retained; at least 58% of dissolved copper (and potentially as much as 79%) was captured by the system. Motor oil was removed most effectively, with 92 to 96% of the incoming motor oil not leaving the system. The results indicate that bioretention systems can achieve a high level of runoff retention and treatment in real-weather conditions. Water Environ. Res., 82, 109 (2010).


Stormwater; Removal; Runoff; Bioretention; Water Quality Monitoring; Best Management Practices; Low-impact Development

Reintegrating The North American Beaver (castor Canadensis) In The Urban Landscape.

Bailey, David R.; Dittbrenner, Benjamin J.; Yocom, Ken P. (2019). Reintegrating The North American Beaver (castor Canadensis) In The Urban Landscape. Wires Water, 6(1).

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In recent decades, ecological restoration and landscape architecture have focused on reintegrating ecological processes in the urban environment to support greater habitat complexity and increase biodiversity. As these values are more broadly recognized, new approaches are being investigated to increase ecosystem services and ecological benefits in urban areas. Ecosystem engineers, such as the North American beaver (Castor canadensis), can create complex habitat and influence ecological processes in natural environments. Through dam building and wetland formation, beaver can create fish habitat, diversify vegetation in riparian zones, and aggrade sediment to increase stream productivity. As beaver populations have increased in urban areas across North America, their presence presents challenges and opportunities. Beaver can be integrated into the design of new and established urban green spaces to improve ecosystem functions. If managed properly, the conflicts that beaver sometimes create can be minimized. In this paper, we examine how landscape architects and restoration ecologists are anticipating the geomorphic and hydrological implications of beaver reintroduction in the design of wetlands and urban natural areas at regional and site levels. We present an urban beaver map and three case studies in Seattle, WA, USA, to identify various approaches, successes, and management strategies for integrating the actions of beaver into project designs. We make recommendations for how designers can capitalize on the benefits of beaver by identifying sites with increased likelihood of colonization, leveraging ecosystem engineers in design conception, designing site features to reduce constraints for the reintroduction and establishment of beaver, and anticipating and managing impacts. This article is categorized under: Water and Life > Conservation, Management, and Awareness Engineering Water > Planning Water


Beavers; Cities & Towns In Art; Nature; Riparian Areas; Municipal Water Supply; Restoration Ecology; Wetland Ecology; United States; Seattle (wash.); North America; Beaver; Biodiversity; Castor Canadensis; Ecological Design; Ecological Restoration; Ecosystem Engineers; Ecosystem Services; Species Richness; Wetland Habitat; River-basin; Dams; Channel; Streams; Impact; Water; Ponds; Ecology; Urban Populations; Habitats; Ecosystem Management; Landscape Architecture; Colonization; Fish; Geomorphology; Habitat; Design; Ecological Monitoring; Landscape; Urban Areas; Restoration; Riparian Environments; Ecosystems; Wetlands; Ecologists; Reintroduction; Case Studies; Environmental Restoration; Open Spaces; Freshwater Mammals; Urban Environments; Aquatic Mammals; Water Conservation; Ecological Effects; Disputes; Design Engineering; Dam Construction; Engineers; Urban Planning; Complexity; Hydrology

Building Bosnia

Winterbottom, Daniel. (2010). Building Bosnia. Landscape Architecture, 100(4), 94 – 102.

Between Fixities and Flows: Navigating Place Attachments in an Increasingly Mobile World

Di Masso, Andres; Williams, Daniel R.; Raymond, Christopher M.; Buchecker, Matthias; Degenhardt, Barbara; Devine-Wright, Patrick; Hertzog, Alice; Lewicka, Maria; Manzo, Lynne; Shahrad, Azadeh; Stedman, Richard; Verbrugge, Laura; von Wirth, Timo. (2019). Between Fixities and Flows: Navigating Place Attachments in an Increasingly Mobile World. Journal Of Environmental Psychology, 61, 125 – 133.

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This paper develops a theoretical argument for how place attachments are forged and become dynamically linked to increasingly common mobility practices. First, we argue that mobilities, rather than negating the importance of place, shift our understanding of place and the habitual ways we relate to and bond with places as distinct from a conception of place attachment premised on fixity and stability. Second, we document how the body of research on place attachment has both reinforced and contested 'sedentaristic' assumptions criticized within the so-called 'mobilities turn' in the social sciences. Third, we present a conceptual framework, built around different modes of interrelation between fixity and flow, as a way to re-theorize, link and balance the various studies of place attachment that have grappled with mobility. Finally, we sketch out the main research implications of this framework for advancing our understanding of place attachment in a mobile world.


Sense; Identity; Dimensions; Mobilities; Home; Cosmopolitan; Environment; Migration; Community; Benefits; Flow; Fixity; Place Attachment; Human Settlements; Psychology; Social Environment

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Daniel Abramson and collaborators awarded EarthLab Innovation grant for community-based research project on climate change & social justice

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