Chen, Peng. (2015). Built Environment Factors in Explaining the Automobile-Involved Bicycle Crash Frequencies: A Spatial Statistic Approach. Safety Science, 79, 336 – 343.
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The objective of this study is to understand the relationship between built environment factors and bicycle crashes with motor vehicles involved in Seattle. The research method employed is a Poisson lognormal random effects model using hierarchal Bayesian estimation. The Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) is selected as the unit of analysis to quantify the built environment factors. The assembled dataset provides a rich source of variables, including road network, street elements, traffic controls, travel demand, land use, and socio-demographics. The research questions are twofold: how are the built environment factors associated with the bicycle crashes, and are the TAZ-based bicycle crashes spatially correlated? The findings of this study are: (1) safety improvements should focus on places with more mixed land use; (2) off-arterial bicycle routes are safer than on-arterial bicycle routes; (3) TAZ-based bicycle crashes are spatially correlated; (4) TAZs with more road signals and street parking signs are likely to have more bicycle crashes; and (5) TAZs with more automobile trips have more bicycle crashes. For policy implications, the results suggest that the local authorities should lower the driving speed limits, regulate cycling and driving behaviors in areas with mixed land use, and separate bike lanes from road traffic. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Injury Crashes; Risk Analysis; Models; Infrastructure; Dependence; Counts; Level; Bicycle Crash Frequency; Hierarchal Bayesian Estimation; Poisson Lognormal Random Effects Model; Built Environment; Traffic Analysis Zone
Kim, Tae-hyung; Lee, Hyun Woo; Hong, Seok-woo. (2016). Value Engineering for Roadway Expansion Project over Deep Thick Soft Soils. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management, 142(2).
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A roadway expansion that takes place on soft ground is susceptible to differential settlement because of the high consolidation of soft soils. Therefore, steps must be taken to lessen the risk of such settlement; yet, this often only results in costly drainage solutions. In that, applying a systematic value engineering (VE) process can be beneficial to develop cost-effective design alternatives. However, VE studies specifically targeting for this problem are absent from the field. Thus, the goal of this study is to supplement this knowledge gap by applying a systematic VE process to an expansion project on soft ground to demonstrate the benefits of performing VE. A case study was performed on an expansion project over a soft soil layer approximately 50m thick. Through the VE process, the original design was reviewed, problems were discussed, and three alternatives were proposed. Then value analysis techniques were applied to evaluate these alternatives in terms of cost saving, function improvement, and value improvement with respect to the original design. The VE process and design alternatives as applied in this study are expected to serve as a guideline for engineers and decision-makers in roadway expansion projects on soft ground. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Construction Industry; Costing; Project Management; Road Building; Soil; Value Engineering; Engineers; Decision-makers; Value Improvement; Function Improvement; Knowledge Gap; Cost-effective Design; Deep Thick Soft Soils; Soft Ground; Roadway Expansion Project; Systematic Value Engineering Process; Value Engineering (ve); Job Plan; Roadway Expansion; Deep Soft Ground; Differential Settlement; Cost Saving; Project Planning And Design
McAndrews, Carolyn; Pollack, Keshia M.; Berrigan, David; Dannenberg, Andrew L.; Christopher, Ed J. (2017). Understanding and Improving Arterial Roads to Support Public Health and Transportation Goals. American Journal Of Public Health, 107(8), 1278 – 1282.
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Arterials are types of roads designed to carry high volumes of motorized traffic. They are an integral part of transportation systems worldwide and exposure to them is ubiquitous, especially in urban areas. Arterials provide access to diverse commercial and cultural resources, which can positively influence community health by supporting social cohesion as well as economic and cultural opportunities. They can negatively influence health via safety issues, noise, air pollution, and lack of economic development. The aims of public health and transportation partially overlap; efforts to improve arterials can meet goals of both professions. Two trends in arterial design show promise. First, transportation professionals increasingly define the performance of arterials via metrics accounting for pedestrians, cyclists, transit riders, and nearby residents in addition to motor vehicle users. Second, applying traffic engineering and design can generate safety, air quality, and livability benefits, but we need evidence to support these interventions. We describe the importance of arterials (including exposures, health behaviors, effects on equity, and resulting health outcomes) and make the case For public health collaborations with the transportation sector.
Arterial Roads; Public Health -- United States; Public Health -- Social Aspects; Road Construction; Transportation & Society; Health; Air Pollution; Social Cohesion; Influence; Physiological Effects Of Noise; Interprofessional Relations; Metropolitan Areas; Motor Vehicles; Public Health; Transportation; Low-birth-weight; Air-pollution; Land-use; Policy
Eisenberg-Guyot, Jerzy; Moudon, Anne V.; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Mooney, Stephen J.; Whitlock, Kathryn B.; Saelens, Brian E. (2019). Beyond the Bus Stop: Where Transit Users Walk. Journal Of Transport & Health, 14.
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Objectives: Extending the health benefits of public-transit investment requires understanding how transit use affects pedestrian activity, including pedestrian activity not directly temporally or spatially related to transit use. In this study, we identified where transit users walked on transit days compared with non-transit days within and beyond 400 m and 800 m buffers surrounding their home and work addresses. Methods: We used data collected from 2008 to 2013 in King County, Washington, from 221 non-physically-disabled adult transit users, who were equipped with an accelerometer, global positioning system (GPS), and travel diary. We assigned walking activity to the following buffer locations: less than and at least 400 m or 800 m from home, work, or home/work (the home and work buffers comprised the latter buffer). We used Poisson generalized estimating equations to estimate differences in minutes per day of total walking and minutes per day of non-transit-related walking on transit days compared with non-transit days in each location. Results: We found that durations of total walking and non-transit-related walking were greater on transit days than on non-transit days in all locations studied. When considering the home neighborhood in isolation, most of the greater duration of walking occurred beyond the home neighborhood at both 400 m and 800 m; results were similar when considering the work neighborhood in isolation. When considering the neighborhoods jointly (i.e., by using the home/work buffer), at 400 m, most of the greater duration of walking occurred beyond the home/work neighborhood. However, at 800 m, most of the greater duration of walking occurred within the home/work neighborhood. Conclusions: Transit days were associated with greater durations of total walking and non-transit related walking within and beyond the home and work neighborhoods. Accordingly, research, design, and policy strategies focused on transit use and pedestrian activity should consider locations outside the home and work neighborhoods, in addition to locations within them.
Physical-activity; Public-transit; Accelerometer Data; Combining Gps; United-states; Travel; Transportation; Health; Time; Neighborhood
Mooney, Stephen J.; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Moudon, Anne Vernez; Zhou, Chuan; Dalmat, Ronit; Saelens, Brian E. (2020). Residential Neighborhood Features Associated with Objectively Measured Walking Near Home: Revisiting Walkability Using the Automatic Context Measurement Tool (ACMT). Health & Place, 63.
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Many distinct characteristics of the social, natural, and built neighborhood environment have been included in walkability measures, and it is unclear which measures best describe the features of a place that support walking. We developed the Automatic Context Measurement Tool, which measures neighborhood environment characteristics from public data for any point location in the United States. We explored these characteristics in home neighborhood environments in relation to walking identified from integrated GPS, accelerometer, and travel log data from 681 residents of King Country, WA. Of 146 neighborhood characteristics, 92 (63%) were associated with walking bout counts after adjustment for individual characteristics and correction for false discovery. The strongest built environment predictor of walking bout count was housing unit count. Models using data-driven and a priori defined walkability measures exhibited similar fit statistics. Walkability measures consisting of different neighborhood characteristic measurements may capture the same underlying variation in neighborhood conditions.
Built-environment; Physical-activity; Transit; Density; Obesity; Weight; Time; Gps; American Community Survey; Epa Walkability Index; Neighborhood Environment-wide Association; Study; Walking Bouts
Luo, Minghai; Qin, Sixian; Tan, Bo; Cai, Mingming; Yue, Yufeng; Xiong, Qiangqiang. (2021). Population Mobility and the Transmission Risk of the Covid-19 in Wuhan, China. Isprs International Journal Of Geo-information, 10(6).
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At the beginning of 2020, a suddenly appearing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) rapidly spread around the world. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in China occurred during the Spring Festival when a large number of migrants traveled between cities, which greatly increased the infection risk of COVID-19 across the country. Financially supported by the Wuhan government, and based on cellphone signaling data from Unicom (a mobile phone carrier) and Baidu location-based data, this paper analyzed the effects that city dwellers, non-commuters, commuters, and people seeking medical services had on the transmission risk of COVID-19 in the early days of the pandemic in Wuhan. The paper also evaluated the effects of the city lockdown policy on the spread of the pandemic outside and inside Wuhan. The results show that although the daily business activities in the South China Seafood Wholesale Market and nearby commuters' travel behaviors concentrated in the Hankou area, a certain proportion of these people were distributed in the Wuchang and Hanyang areas. The areas with relatively high infection risks of COVID-19 were scattered across Wuhan during the early outbreak of the pandemic. The lockdown in Wuhan closed the passageways of external transport at the very beginning, largely decreasing migrant population and effectively preventing the spread of the pandemic to the outside. However, the Wuhan lockdown had little effect on preventing the spread of the pandemic within Wuhan at that time. During this period, a large amount of patients who went to hospitals for medical services were exposed to a high risk of cross-infection without precaution awareness. The pandemic kept dispersing in three towns until the improvement of the capacity of medical treatment, the management of closed communities, the national support to Wuhan, and the implementation of a series of emergency responses at the same time. The findings in this paper reveal the spatiotemporal features of the dispersal of infection risk of COVID-19 and the effects of the prevention and control measures during the early days of the pandemic. The findings were adopted by the Wuhan government to make corresponding policies and could also provide supports to the control of the pandemic in the other regions and countries.
Covid-19; Covid-19 Pandemic; Sars-cov-2; Seafood Markets; Pandemics; Cell Phones; City Dwellers; Wuhan (china); Big Data; Novel Coronavirus; Population Mobility; Risk Analysis; Zika Virus; Diseases; Africa; Impact; Ebola; Spain; Passageways; Smartphones; Investigations; Disease Control; Emergency Response; Health Services; Viral Diseases; Policies; Outbreaks; Emergency Preparedness; Risk; Seafood; Coronaviruses; Medical Treatment; Transmission; Commuting; Dispersion; Dispersal; Infections; Cross-infection; Epidemics; Health Risks; Disease Transmission; China
Hutyra, Lucy R.; Yoon, Byungman; Hepinstall-Cymerman, Jeffrey; Alberti, Marina. (2011). Carbon Consequences of Land Cover Change and Expansion of Urban Lands: A Case Study in the Seattle Metropolitan Region. Landscape And Urban Planning, 103(1), 83 – 93.
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Understanding the role humans play in modifying ecosystems through changing land cover is central to addressing our current and emerging environmental challenges. In particular, the consequences of urban growth and land cover change on terrestrial carbon budgets is a growing issue for our rapidly urbanizing planet. Using the lowland Seattle Statistical Metropolitan Area (MSA) region as a case study, this paper explores the consequences of the past land cover changes on vegetative carbon stocks with a combination of direct field measurements and a time series of remote sensing data. Between 1986 and 2007, the amount of urban land cover within the lowland Seattle MSA more than doubled, from 1316 km(2) to 2798 km(2), respectively. Virtually all of the urban expansion was at the expense of forests with the forested area declining from 4472 km(2) in 1986 to 2878 km(2) in 2007. The annual mean rate of urban land cover expansion was 1 +/- 0.6% year(-1). We estimate that the impact of these regional land cover changes on aboveground carbon stocks was an average loss of 1.2 Mg C ha(-1) yr(-1) in vegetative carbon stocks. These carbon losses from urban expansion correspond to nearly 15% of the lowland regional fossil fuel emissions making it an important, albeit typically overlooked, term in regional carbon emissions budgets. As we plan for future urban growth and strive for more ecologically sustainable cities, it is critical that we understand the past patterns and consequences of urban development to inform future land development and conservation strategies. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Sprawl; Growth; Carbon Cycle; Emissions; Land Cover; Urbanization; Seattle; Vegetation; Carbon; Carbon Sinks; Case Studies; Cities; Ecosystems; Forests; Fossil Fuels; Humans; Land Use; Planning; Remote Sensing; Time Series Analysis
Kang, Bumjoon; Moudon, Anne V.; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Reichley, Lucas; Saelens, Brian E. (2013). Walking Objectively Measured: Classifying Accelerometer Data with GPS and Travel Diaries. Medicine & Science In Sports & Exercise, 45(7), 1419 – 1428.
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Purpose: This study developed and tested an algorithm to classify accelerometer data as walking or nonwalking using either GPS or travel diary data within a large sample of adults under free-living conditions. Methods: Participants wore an accelerometer and a GPS unit and concurrently completed a travel diary for seven consecutive days. Physical activity (PA) bouts were identified using accelerometry count sequences. PA bouts were then classified as walking or nonwalking based on a decision-tree algorithm consisting of seven classification scenarios. Algorithm reliability was examined relative to two independent analysts' classification of a 100-bout verification sample. The algorithm was then applied to the entire set of PA bouts. Results: The 706 participants' (mean age = 51 yr, 62% female, 80% non-Hispanic white, 70% college graduate or higher) yielded 4702 person-days of data and had a total of 13,971 PA bouts. The algorithm showed a mean agreement of 95% with the independent analysts. It classified PA into 8170 walking bouts (58.5 %) and 5337 nonwalking bouts (38.2%); 464 bouts (3.3%) were not classified for lack of GPS and diary data. Nearly 70% of the walking bouts and 68% of the nonwalking bouts were classified using only the objective accelerometer and GPS data. Travel diary data helped classify 30% of all bouts with no GPS data. The mean + SD duration of PA bouts classified as walking was 15.2 + 12.9 min. On average, participants had 1.7 walking bouts and 25.4 total walking minutes per day. Conclusions: GPS and travel diary information can be helpful in classifying most accelerometer-derived PA bouts into walking or nonwalking behavior.
Walking; Algorithms; Decision Trees; Geographic Information Systems; Research Funding; Travel; Accelerometry; Diary (literary Form); Descriptive Statistics; Algorithm; Classification; Physical Activity; Walk Trip; Global Positioning Systems; Physical-activity; Environment; Behaviors; Validity; Location
Kang, Bumjoon; Scully, Jason Y.; Stewart, Orion; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Moudon, Anne V. (2015). Split-Match-Aggregate (SMA) Algorithm: Integrating Sidewalk Data with Transportation Network Data in GIS. International Journal Of Geographical Information Science, 29(3), 440 – 453.
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Sidewalk geodata are essential to understand walking behavior. However, such geodata are scarce, only available at the local jurisdiction and not at the regional level. If they exist, the data are stored in geometric representational formats without network characteristics such as sidewalk connectivity and completeness. This article presents the Split-Match-Aggregate (SMA) algorithm, which automatically conflates sidewalk information from secondary geometric sidewalk data to existing street network data. The algorithm uses three parameters to determine geometric relationships between sidewalk and street segments: the distance between streets and sidewalk segments; the angle between sidewalk and street segments; and the difference between the lengths of matched sidewalk and street segments. The SMA algorithm was applied in urban King County, WA, to 13 jurisdictions' secondary sidewalk geodata. Parameter values were determined based on agreement rates between results obtained from 72 pre-specified parameter combinations and those of a trained geographic information systems (GIS) analyst using a randomly selected 5% of the 79,928 street segments as a parameter-development sample. The algorithm performed best when the distances between sidewalk and street segments were 12m or less, their angles were 25 degrees or less, and the tolerance was set to 18m, showing an excellent agreement rate of 96.5%. The SMA algorithm was applied to classify sidewalks in the entire study area and it successfully updated sidewalk coverage information on the existing regional-level street network data. The algorithm can be applied for conflating attributes between associated, but geometrically misaligned line data sets in GIS.
Geodatabases; Sidewalks; Algorithms; Pedestrians; Digital Mapping; Algorithm; Gis; Pedestrian Network Data; Polyline Conflation; Sidewalk; Built Environment; Physical-activity; Mode Choice; Urban Form; Land-use; Travel; Generation; Walking
Lee, Wonil; Migliaccio, Giovanni Ciro. (2016). Physiological Cost Of Concrete Construction Activities. Construction Innovation, 16(3), 281 – 306.
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Purpose - The purpose of this paper was to investigate the physiological cost of concrete construction activities. Design/methodology/approach - Five concrete construction workers were recruited. The workers' three-week heart rate (HR) data were collected in summer and autumn. In this paper, several HR indexes were used to investigate the physiological cost of work in concrete construction trades, including average working HR, relative HR and ratio of working HR to resting HR. Findings - This paper measures how absolute and relative HRs vary throughout a workday and how working HR compares to resting HR for individual workers. Research limitations/implications - Field observations are usually extremely difficult as researchers need to overcome a number of barriers, including employers' resistance to perceived additional liabilities, employees' fear that their level of activity will be reported to managers and many other practical and technical difficulties. As these challenges increase exponentially with the number of employers, subjects and sites, this study was limited to a small number of subjects all working for the same employer on the same jobsite. Still, challenges are often unpredictable and lessons learned from this study are expected to guide both our and other researchers' continuation of this work. Originality/value - The time effect on the physiological cost of work has not been considered in previous studies. Thus, this study is noteworthy owing to the depth of the data collected rather than the breadth of the data.
Concrete; Construction Industry; Costing; Human Resource Management; Occupational Health; Personnel; Physiology; Physiological Cost; Concrete Construction Activity; Construction Workers; Summer; Autumn; Construction Trade; Working Heart Rate; Relative Heart Rate; Resting Heart Rate; Employee Fear; Jobsite; Heart-rate Strain; Stress; Work; Risk; Management; Fusion; Model; Index; Biosensing And Environmental Sensing; Occupational Safety And Health; Threshold Limit Value; Work Physiology