Zhang, Zhenyu; Lin, Ken-yu; Lin, Jia-hua. (2021). Factors Affecting Material-Cart Handling in the Roofing Industry: Evidence for Administrative Controls. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 18(4).
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Material-cart handling can be strenuous and lead to overexertion injuries. The aim of this study is to produce a thorough understanding of how the cart condition, tire type, physical environment-related factors, and load interact to influence the ergonomics and productivity of cart handling. Eighteen roofing carts with different conditions, tires, and loads were tested by one subject on three laboratory tracks: one L-shaped, one with ramps within constrained spaces, and one with obstacles within constrained spaces. A multiple linear regression analysis was performed to quantify the main and interaction effects of the factors of interest on the cart operations. The research findings confirm that using aged carts increases the injury risk by as much as 30.5% and decreases productivity by 35.4%. Our study also highlights the necessity of keeping an open space for cart operation; the travel distance from a cart to a ramp/obstacle should be greater than 61 cm. Finally, the results suggest the at-risk thresholds for different ramp slopes and obstacle heights, and the safe load capacities for the various working circumstances that are common on construction sites. The evidence created in this study can be translated into administrative controls for cart handling to reduce overexertion injuries and enhance performance.
Overexertion In Pulling And Pushing; Material Cart Handling; Roof Construction; Ergonomic Risk Factors; Administrative Control
Hong, Jinhyun; Shen, Qing. (2013). Residential Density and Transportation Emissions: Examining the Connection by Addressing Spatial Autocorrelation and Self-Selection. Transportation Research Part D-transport And Environment, 22, 75 – 79.
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This paper examines the effect of residential density on CO2 equivalent from automobile using more specific emission factors based on vehicle and trip characteristics, and by addressing problems of spatial autocorrelation and self-selection. Drawing on the 2006 Puget Sound Regional Council Household Activity Survey data, the 2005 parcel and building database, the 2000 US Census data, and emission factors estimated using the Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator, we analyze the influence of residential density on road-based transportation emissions. In addition, a Bayesian multilevel model with spatial random effects and instrumental variables is employed to control for spatial autocorrelation and self-selection. The results indicate that the effect of residential density on transportation emissions is influenced by spatial correlation and self-selection. Our results still show, however, that increasing residential density leads to a significant reduction in transportation emissions. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Urban Form; Travel; Transportation Emissions; Residential Density; Confounding By Location; Self-selection
Lin, Ken-yu; Tsai, Meng-han; Gatti, Umberto C.; Lin, Jacob Je-chian; Lee, Cheng-hao; Kang, Shih-chung. (2014). A User-centered Information And Communication Technology (ict) Tool To Improve Safety Inspections. Automation In Construction, 48, 53 – 63.
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Occupational safety is imperative in construction, and safety inspection is among the most common practices that help enforce job safety on site. The safety inspection process, however, suffers from several drawbacks that hinder the efficiency, effectiveness, and analytical learning capacity of the process. Dedicated tools for user-centered information and communications technology could significantly reduce such drawbacks. This paper discusses the use of an original two-step user-centered design approach to develop and evaluate an iPad application that aims to address such drawbacks and improve the day-to-day practices and management of safety inspections. Evaluation results indicate the usefulness and practicality of the application and identify innovative uses not previously envisioned. Furthermore, the developed tool allows consistent data collection that can eventually be used to aid the development of advanced safety and health data analysis techniques. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Information & Communication Technologies; Industrial Safety; Data Analysis; Technological Innovations; Ipads; Construction Safety; Field Data Collection; Field Inspection; Information And Communication Technology; Research To Practice; Safety Audit; Safety Inspection; Safety Technology; Site Inspection; User-centered Design; User-centered Information And Communication Technology Tool; Safety Inspection Process; Occupational Safety; Job Safety; Analytical Learning Capacity; Communications Technology; Two-step User-centered Design Approach; Ipad Application; Innovative Uses; Consistent Data Collection; Construction; Advanced Safety-health Data Analysis Techniques; Construction Industry; Information Technology; Inspection; Occupational Health; User Centred Design; Construction Site Safety; Management-system; Design; Productivity
Chen, Peng; Zhou, Jiangping. (2016). Effects of the Built Environment on Automobile-involved Pedestrian Crash Frequency and Risk. Journal Of Transport & Health, 3(4), 448 – 456.
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This area-based study explores the relationship between automobile-involved pedestrian crash frequency versus risk and various built environment factors such as road network and land use. The methodology involves the use of Bayesian hierarchical intrinsic conditional autoregressive model, which accounts for unobserved heterogeneities and spatial autocorrelations. The city of Seattle is selected for this empirical study, and the geospatial unit of analysis is traffic analysis zone. The primary data were obtained from collision profiles available at the Seattle Department of Transportation. The major findings of this study include: (1) the densities of 4-way intersections and more than 5-way intersections and land use mixture are positively correlated with the pedestrian crash frequency and risk; (2) sidewalk density and the proportion of steep areas are negatively associated with the pedestrian crash frequency and risk; (3) areas with a higher bus stop density are likely to have more pedestrian crashes; (4) areas with a greater proportion of industrial land use have lower pedestrian crash frequency; (5) areas with an averagely higher posted speed limit has higher pedestrian crash risk; (6) areas with a higher employment density has lower pedestrian crash risk; (7) the mode share of walking and the total number of trips are positively correlated with the pedestrian crash frequency, and the total number of trips is negatively correlated with the pedestrian crash risk. These findings provide support for planning policy making and road safety programs. Local authorities should improve walkability by providing more sidewalks and separate travel lanes for motorized traffic and pedestrians in areas with different land use purposes. Compact development should be encouraged to support building a safe walking environment. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Spatial-analysis; Urban Form; Land-use; Model; Counts; Transportation; Severity; Bicycle; Safety; Travel; Pedestrian Crash Frequency; Pedestrian Crash Risk; Built Environment; Spatial Autocorrelation; Road Network; Land Use
Van Den Wymelenberg, Kevin; Inanici, Mehlika. (2016). Evaluating a New Suite of Luminance-Based Design Metrics for Predicting Human Visual Comfort in Offices with Daylight. Leukos, 12(3), 113 – 138.
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A new suite of visual comfort metrics is proposed and evaluated for their ability to explain the variability in subjective human responses in a mock private office environment with daylight. Participants (n = 48) rated visual comfort and preference factors, including 1488 discreet appraisals, and these subjective results were correlated against more than 2000 unique luminance-based metrics that were captured using high dynamic range photography techniques. Importantly, luminance-based metrics were more capable than illuminance-based metrics for fitting the range of human subjective responses to data from visual preference questionnaire items. No metrics based upon the entire scene ranked in the top 20 squared correlation coefficients, nor did any based upon illuminance or irradiance data, nor did any of the studied glare indices, luminance ratios, or contrast ratios. The standard deviation of window luminance was the metric that best fit human subjective responses to visual preference on seven of 12 questionnaire items (with r(2) = 0.43). Luminance metrics calculated using the horizontal 40. band (a scene-independent mask) and the window area (a scene-dependent mask) represented the majority of the top 20 squared correlation coefficients for almost all subjective visual preference questionnaire items. The strongest multiple regression model was for the semantic differential rating (too dim-too bright) of the window wall (R-adj(2) = 0.49) and was built upon three variables; standard deviation of window luminance, the 50th percentile luminance value from the lower view window, and mean luminance of the 40. horizontal band.
Discomfort Glare; Controls; Daylighting; Visual Perception
Quistberg, D. Alex; Howard, Eric J.; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Moudon, Anne V.; Ebel, Beth E.; Rivara, Frederick P.; Saelens, Brian E. (2017). The Relationship between Objectively Measured Walking and Risk of Pedestrian–Motor Vehicle Collision. American Journal Of Epidemiology, 185(9), 810 – 821.
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Safe urban walking environments may improve health by encouraging physical activity, but the relationship between an individual's location and walking pattern and the risk of pedestrian-motor vehicle collision is unknown. We examined associations between individuals' walking bouts and walking risk, measured as mean exposure to the risk of pedestrian-vehicle collision. Walking bouts were ascertained through integrated accelerometry and global positioning system data and from individual travel-diary data obtained from adults in the Travel Assessment and Community Study (King County, Washington) in 2008-2009. Walking patterns were superimposed onto maps of the historical probabilities of pedestrian-vehicle collisions for intersections and midblock segments within Seattle, Washington. Mean risk of pedestrian-vehicle collision in specific walking locations was assessed according to walking exposure (duration, distance, and intensity) and participant demographic characteristics in linear mixed models. Participants typically walked in areas with low pedestrian collision risk when walking for recreation, walking at a faster pace, or taking longer-duration walks. Mean daily walking duration and distance were not associated with collision risk. Males walked in areas with higher collision risk compared with females, while vehicle owners, residents of single-family homes, and parents of young children walked in areas with lower collision risk. These findings may suggest that pedestrians moderate collision risk by using lower-risk routes.
Traffic Accidents; Confidence Intervals; Geographic Information Systems; Health Promotion; Maps; Research Funding; Walking; Accelerometry; Physical Activity; Data Analysis Software; Diary (literary Form); Descriptive Statistics; Risk Factors; Washington (state); Accidents; Environment Design; Global Positioning Systems; Pedestrians; Risk Assessment; Traffic; Physical-activity; Built Environment; Traffic Safety; Accident Risk; Injury Rates; Route-choice; Exposure; Gps; Travel; Accidents, Traffic
Mooney, Stephen J.; Lemaitre, Rozenn N.; Siscovick, David S.; Hurvitz, Philip; Goh, Charlene E.; Kaufman, Tanya K.; Zulaika, Garazi; Sheehan, Daniel M.; Sotoodehnia, Nona; Lovasi, Gina S. (2018). Neighborhood Food Environment, Dietary Fatty Acid Biomarkers, and Cardiac Arrest Risk. Health & Place, 53, 128 – 134.
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We explored links between food environments, dietary intake biomarkers, and sudden cardiac arrest in a population-based longitudinal study using cases and controls accruing between 1990 and 2010 in King County, WA. Surprisingly, presence of more unhealthy food sources near home was associated with a lower 18:1 trans-fatty acid concentration ( - 0.05% per standard deviation higher count of unhealthy food sources, 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 0.01, 0.09). However, presence of more unhealthy food sources was associated with higher odds of cardiac arrest (Odds Ratio [OR]: 2.29, 95% CI: 1.19, 4.41 per standard deviation in unhealthy food outlets). While unhealthy food outlets were associated with higher cardiac arrest risk, circulating 18:1 trans fats did not explain the association.
Fatty Acids; Biological Tags; Cardiac Arrest; Food Contamination; Standard Deviations; Food Supply; Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest; Residence Characteristics; Sudden Cardiac Death; Trans Fatty Acids; New-york-city; Acute Myocardial-infarction; Low Socioeconomic-status; United-states; Vascular Inflammation; Cardiovascular Health; Older-adults; Death; Epidemiology; Arrhythmias; Dietary Supplements; Biomarkers; Heart Attacks; Risk Factors; Diet; Heart; Healthy Food; Fats; Dietary Intake; Food Sources; Food; Confidence Intervals; Biological Markers; Myocardial Infarction; Population Studies; Food Intake; Correlation Analysis; Neighborhoods
Kang, Mingyu; Moudon, Anne Vernez; Kim, Haena; Boyle, Linda Ng. (2019). Intersections and Non-Intersections: A Protocol for Identifying Pedestrian Crash Risk Locations in GIS. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 16(19).
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Intersection and non-intersection locations are commonly used as spatial units of analysis for modeling pedestrian crashes. While both location types have been previously studied, comparing results is difficult given the different data and methods used to identify crash-risk locations. In this study, a systematic and replicable protocol was developed in GIS (Geographic Information System) to create a consistent spatial unit of analysis for use in pedestrian crash modelling. Four publicly accessible datasets were used to identify unique intersection and non-intersection locations: Roadway intersection points, roadway lanes, legal speed limits, and pedestrian crash records. Two algorithms were developed and tested using five search radii (ranging from 20 to 100 m) to assess the protocol reliability. The algorithms, which were designed to identify crash-risk locations at intersection and non-intersection areas detected 87.2% of the pedestrian crash locations (r: 20 m). Agreement rates between algorithm results and the crash data were 94.1% for intersection and 98.0% for non-intersection locations, respectively. The buffer size of 20 m generally showed the highest performance in the analyses. The present protocol offered an efficient and reliable method to create spatial analysis units for pedestrian crash modeling. It provided researchers a cost-effective method to identify unique intersection and non-intersection locations. Additional search radii should be tested in future studies to refine the capture of crash-risk locations.
Traffic Crash; Walking; Collisions; Accidents; Models; Pedestrian Safety; Spatial Autocorrelation; Algorithm
Hua, Chunlin; Huang, Shih-Kai; Lindell, Michael K.; Yu, Chin-Hsien. (2020). Rural Households’ Perceptions and Behavior Expectations in Response to Seismic Hazard in Sichuan, China. Safety Science, 125.
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This study analyzed data from 663 rural households in the city of Jiangyou, Sichuan, China to examine the correlations of expectations of taking nine indoor seismic hazard response actions to a hypothetical earthquake with preparedness efforts, risk perceptions, and information reliance. The results indicate that respondents expect to rely on TV and local authorities as their principal sources of earthquake information. Respondents have greater expectations of infrastructure disruptions than property damage and casualties. In addition, they have greater expectations of taking some alternative actions, such as running outside of the building and helping others, than recommended in-place protective actions such as drop, cover, and hold. However, some erroneous actions, such as protecting property and ignoring the threat, are the least likely. Furthermore, regression analyses indicated that risk perceptions, together with some demographic characteristics and earthquake experience, are significant predictors of recommended in-place protective actions and helping others, whereas evacuation is related to higher risk perceptions. Unsurprisingly, respondents having previous seismic damage experience tend to be concerned about property protection and, similarly, those having fewer years of education are more likely to ignore the threat. This study also found that residents expect to rely on different channels to receive information before and after an earthquake. Nonetheless, respondents expect to engage in similar patterns of behavior during and after an earthquake. The results of this study indicate a need for greater dissemination of earthquake information in such rural areas to increase residents' risk perceptions and, in turn, understanding of appropriate emergency responses.
Seismic Response; Risk Perception; Households; Sensory Perception; Property Damage; Sichuan Sheng (china); Information Reliance; Protective Actions; Risk Perceptions; Seismic Hazard; Climate-change; Hurricane Evacuation; Earthquake; Preparedness; Adjustment; Education; Injuries; Communication; Intentions
Schell, Christopher J.; Dyson, Karen; Fuentes, Tracy L.; Des Roches, Simone; Harris, Nyeema C.; Miller, Danica Sterud; Woelfle-Erskine, Cleo A.; Lambert, Max R. (2020). The Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Systemic Racism in Urban Environments. Science, 369(6510), 1446.
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Urban areas are dynamic ecological systems defined by interdependent biological, physical, and social components. The emergent structure and heterogeneity of urban landscapes drives biotic outcomes in these areas, and such spatial patterns are often attributed to the unequal stratification of wealth and power in human societies. Despite these patterns, few studies have effectively considered structural inequalities as drivers of ecological and evolutionary outcomes and have instead focused on indicator variables such as neighborhood wealth. In this analysis, we explicitly integrate ecology, evolution, and social processes to emphasize the relationships that bind social inequities-specifically racism-and biological change in urbanized landscapes. We draw on existing research to link racist practices, including residential segregation, to the heterogeneous patterns of flora and fauna observed by urban ecologists. In the future, urban ecology and evolution researchers must consider how systems of racial oppression affect the environmental factors that drive biological change in cities. Conceptual integration of the social and ecological sciences has amassed considerable scholarship in urban ecology over the past few decades, providing a solid foundation for incorporating environmental justice scholarship into urban ecological and evolutionary research. Such an undertaking is necessary to deconstruct urbanization's biophysical patterns and processes, inform equitable and anti-racist initiatives promoting justice in urban conservation, and strengthen community resilience to global environmental change.
New-york; Climate-change; Land-cover; Socioeconomic-status; Ecosystem Services; Oxidative Stress; Green Spaces; Gene Flow; Justice; Cities