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GPS-Based Exposure to Greenness and Walkability and Accelerometry-Based Physical Activity

James, Peter; Hart, Jaime E.; Hipp, J. Aaron; Mitchell, Jonathan A.; Kerr, Jacqueline; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Glanz, Karen; Laden, Francine. (2017). GPS-Based Exposure to Greenness and Walkability and Accelerometry-Based Physical Activity. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention, 26(4), 525 – 532.

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Background: Physical inactivity is a risk factor for cancer that may be influenced by environmental factors. Indeed, dense and well-connected built environments and environments with natural vegetation may create opportunities for higher routine physical activity. However, studies have focused primarily on residential environments to define exposure and self-reported methods to estimate physical activity. This study explores the momentary association between minute-level global positioning systems (GPS)-based greenness exposure and time-matched objectively measured physical activity. Methods: Adult women were recruited from sites across the United States. Participants wore a GPS device and accelerometer on the hip for 7 days to assess location and physical activity at minutelevel epochs. GPS records were linked to 250mresolution satellitebased vegetation data and Census Block Group-level U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Smart Location Database walkability data. Minute-level generalized additive mixed models were conducted to test for associations between GPS measures and accelerometer count data, accounting for repeated measures within participant and allowing for deviations fromlinearity using splines. Results: Among 360 adult women (mean age of 55.3 +/- 10.2 years), we observed positive nonlinear relationships between physical activity and both greenness and walkability. In exploratory analyses, the relationships between environmental factors and physical activity were strongest among those who were white, had higher incomes, and who were middle-aged. Conclusions: Our results indicate that higher levels of physical activity occurred in areas with higher greenness and higher walkability. Impact: Findings suggest that planning and design policies should focus on these environments to optimize opportunities for physical activity. (C) 2017 AACR.


Built Environments; Health Research; Breast-cancer; Obesity; Neighborhood; Validation; Validity; Walking; Risk; Energetics

Physical and Mental Health Impacts of Household Gardens in an Urban Slum in Lima, Peru

Korn, Abigail; Bolton, Susan M.; Spencer, Benjamin; Alarcon, Jorge A.; Andrews, Leann; Voss, Joachim G. (2018). Physical and Mental Health Impacts of Household Gardens in an Urban Slum in Lima, Peru. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 15(8).

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Rural poverty and lack of access to education has led to urban migration and fed the constant growth of urban slums in Lima, Peru. Inhabitants of these informal settlements lack land rights and access to a public water supply, resulting in poor sanitation, an inability to grow food, and suboptimal health outcomes. A repeated measures longitudinal pilot study utilizing participatory design methods was conducted in Lima between September 2013 and September 2014 to determine the feasibility of implementing household gardens and the subsequent impact of increased green space on well-being. Anthropometric data and a composite of five validated mental health surveys were collected at the baseline, 6-months, and 12-months after garden construction. Significant increases from the baseline in all domains of quality of life, including: physical (p < 0.01), psychological (p = 0.05), social (p = 0.02), environmental (p = 0.02), and overall social capital (p < 0.01) were identified 12 months after garden construction. Life-threatening experiences decreased significantly compared to the baseline (p = 0.02). There were no significant changes in parent or partner empathy (p = 0.21), BMI (p = 0.95), waist circumference (p = 0.18), or blood pressure (p = 0.66) at 6 or 12 months. Improved access to green space in the form of a household garden can significantly improve mental health in an urban slum setting.


Of-life Assessment; Psychometric Properties; Threatening Experiences; Vegetable Consumption; Developing-countries; Community Garden; Climate-change; Green Space; Poverty; Participation; Mental Health; Peru; Quality Of Life; Urban Slum; Social Capital

Cohort Profile: Twins Study of Environment, Lifestyle Behaviours and Health

Duncan, Glen E.; Avery, Ally; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Moudon, Anne Vernez; Tsang, Siny; Turkheimer, Eric. (2019). Cohort Profile: Twins Study of Environment, Lifestyle Behaviours and Health. International Journal Of Epidemiology, 48(4), 1041.

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Twin Studies; Neighborhoods; Native Americans; Normalized Difference Vegetation Index; Life Style; Twins; Body-mass Index; Physical-activity; Neighborhood Walkability; Waist Circumference; Built Environment; Causal Inference; Deprivation; Validation; Registry; Obesity

A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Physical Activity and Weight Misreporting in Diverse Populations: The Seattle Obesity Study III

Buszkiewicz, James; Rose, Chelsea; Gupta, Shilpi; Ko, Linda K.; Mou, Jin; Moudon, Anne, V; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Cook, Andrea; Aggarwal, Anju; Drewnowski, Adam. (2020). A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Physical Activity and Weight Misreporting in Diverse Populations: The Seattle Obesity Study III. Obesity Science & Practice, 6(6), 615 – 627.

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Background: In-person assessments of physical activity (PA) and body weight can be burdensome for participants and cost prohibitive for researchers. This study examined self-reported PA and weight accuracy and identified patterns of misreporting in a diverse sample. Methods: King, Pierce and Yakima county residents, aged 21-59 years (n= 728), self-reported their moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) and weight, in kilograms. Self-reports were compared with minutes of bout-level MVPA, from 3 days of accelerometer data, and measured weights. Regression models examined characteristics associated with underreporting and overreporting of MVPA and weight, the potential bias introduced using each measure and the relation between perceived and measured PA and weight. Results: MVPA underreporting was higher among males and college educated participants; however, there was no differential MVPA overreporting. Weight underreporting was higher among males, those age 40-49 years and persons with obesity. Weight overreporting was higher among Hispanic participants and those reporting stress, unhappiness and fair or poor health. The estimated PA-obesity relation was similar using measured and self-reported PA but not self-reported weight. Perceived PA and weight predicted measured values. Conclusion: Self-reported PA and weight may be useful should objective measurement be infeasible; however, though population-specific adjustment for differential reporting should be considered.


Self-reported Weight; Sedentary Behavior; Validation; Accuracy; Height; Adults; Health Disparity; Obesity; Physical Activity; Self-reported Outcomes

Motorcycle Taxi Programme Increases Safe Riding Behaviours Among Its Drivers In Kampala, Uganda

Muni, Kennedy; Kobusingye, Olive; Mock, Charles; Hughes, James P.; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Guthrie, Brandon. (2020). Motorcycle Taxi Programme Increases Safe Riding Behaviours Among Its Drivers In Kampala, Uganda. Injury Prevention, 26(1), 5 – 11.

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Background SafeBoda is a motorcycle taxi company that provides road safety training and helmets to its drivers in Kampala, Uganda. We sought to determine whether SafeBoda drivers are more likely to engage in safe riding behaviours than regular drivers (motorcycle taxi drivers not part of SafeBoda). Methods We measured riding behaviours in SafeBoda and regular drivers through: (1) computer-assisted personal interview (CAPI), where 400 drivers were asked about their riding behaviours (eg, helmet and mobile phone use) and (2) roadside observation, where riding behaviours were observed in 3000 boda-boda drivers and their passengers along major roads in Kampala. Results Across the two cross-sectional studies, a higher proportion of SafeBoda drivers than regular drivers engaged in safe riding behaviours. For instance, helmet use among SafeBoda compared with regular drivers was 21% points higher (95% CI 0.15 to 0.27; p<0.001) based on the CAPI and 45% points higher (95% CI 0.43 to 0.47; p<0.001) based on roadside observation. Furthermore, compared with regular drivers, SafeBoda drivers were more likely to report having a driver's license (66.3% vs 33.5 %; p<0.001) and a reflective jacket (99.5% vs 50.5 %; p<0.001) and were less likely to report driving towards oncoming traffic (4% vs 45.7 %; p<0.001) in the past 30 days. Conclusion The SafeBoda programme is associated with increased safe riding behaviours among motorcycle taxi drivers in Kampala. Therefore, the promotion and expansion of such programmes may lead to a reduction in morbidity and mortality due to road injuries.


Multiple-imputation; Helmet Use; Knowledge; Injuries; Riders

Advancing Research in Transportation and Public Health: A Selection of Twenty Project Ideas from a US Research Roadmap

Dannenberg, Andrew L.; Rodriguez, Daniel A.; Sandt, Laura S. (2021). Advancing Research in Transportation and Public Health: A Selection of Twenty Project Ideas from a US Research Roadmap. Journal Of Transport & Health, 21.

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Background: Transportation policies and projects have multiple impacts on health. Research on these impacts can help promote positive and reduce adverse health consequences of decisions made by transportation agencies. Methods: In 2019 the U.S. National Cooperative Highway Research Program published a research roadmap for transportation and public health based on an extensive literature search and key informant interviews. The roadmap identified 44 research gaps and 122 research needs on a wide range of relevant topics. From this list, using pre-established criteria including specificity, equity, potential impact, and long-term usefulness, we selected 20 topics suitable for further research especially in academic settings. Results: We present the questions, context, and possible research approach for each of the 20 topics. These topics cover issues ranging from integrating equity into performance measures and developing forecasting models for active travel to incorporating health questions into routine household travel surveys and examining health impacts of autonomous vehicles. We added questions on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on transportation. Discussion: This list will be useful to faculty, researchers, and students as they consider topics for research in transportation and public health. Results of research on these topics could influence transportation decisions in policy making, planning and community participation, capital programming, project design, and implementation. Future leaders of transportation agencies, transportation providers, and advocacy organizations may be more likely to consider transportation policies that incorporate a health perspective if their training includes research findings that increase their awareness of the health impacts of these policies.


Public Health; Equity; Research; Public Transit; Metrics; Transportation Planning

Safety Climate and Productivity Improvement of Construction Workplaces Through the 6S System: Mixed-Method Analysis of 5S and Safety Integration

Soltaninejad, Mostafa; Fardhosseini, Mohammad Sadra; Kim, Yong Woo. (2021). Safety Climate and Productivity Improvement of Construction Workplaces Through the 6S System: Mixed-Method Analysis of 5S and Safety Integration. International Journal Of Occupational Safety & Ergonomics, 28(3), 1811-1821.

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The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for integrating essential safety practices (visualization, job safety analysis and plan-do-check-act) into 5S steps and validate it. First, 18 interviews with a snowball sample of construction workers, safety representatives, supervisors and site and project managers were conducted. A grounded theory method was utilized to code the interview data. The results revealed that the studied construction companies implement a systematic safety-based methodology to minimize construction work injuries. Second, to validate the proposed framework, a pre-test and post-test study was applied. The case and control groups (26 participants) answered a 6S questionnaire before the 6S system and 1 month after implementation. The results revealed that safety climate and productivity significantly increased for the case group but reduced for the control group during time.


5s Method; 6s System; Grounded Theory; Lean Construction; Productivity; Safety Climate; Health; Management; Leadership; Culture; Impact

Genetic and Environmental Influences on Residential Location in the US

Duncan, Glen E.; Dansie, Elizabeth J.; Strachan, Eric; Munsell, Melissa; Huang, Ruizhu; Moudon, Anne Vernez; Goldberg, Jack; Buchwald, Dedra. (2012). Genetic and Environmental Influences on Residential Location in the US. Health & Place, 18(3), 515 – 519.

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We used a classical twin design and measures of neighborhood walkability and social deprivation, using each twin's street address, to examine genetic and environmental influences on the residential location of 1389 same-sex pairs from a US community-based twin registry. Within-pair correlations and structural equation models estimated these influences on walkability among younger (ages 18-24.9) and older (ages 25+) twins. Adjusting for social deprivation, walkability of residential location was primarily influenced by common environment with lesser contributions of unique environment and genetic factors among younger twins, while unique environment most strongly influenced walkability, with small genetic and common environment effects, among older twins. Thus, minimal variance in walkability was explained by shared genetic effects in younger and older twins, and confirms the importance of environmental factors in walkability of residential locations. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Homesites; Community Life -- Social Aspects; Structural Equation Modeling; Genetics; Analysis Of Variance; Environmental Health; Walking; United States; Environment; Neighborhood; Twins; Walkability; Physical-activity; Twin Registry; Epidemiology; Preferences; Selection; Zygosity

The Geography of Diabetes by Census Tract in a Large Sample of Insured Adults in King County, Washington, 2005-2006

Drewnowski, Adam; Rehm, Colin D.; Moudon, Anne V.; Arterburn, David. (2014). The Geography of Diabetes by Census Tract in a Large Sample of Insured Adults in King County, Washington, 2005-2006. Preventing Chronic Disease, 11.

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Introduction Identifying areas of high diabetes prevalence can have an impact on public health prevention and intervention programs. Local health practitioners and public health agencies lack small-area data on obesity and diabetes. Methods Clinical data from the Group Health Cooperative health care system were used to estimate diabetes prevalence among 59,767 adults by census tract. Area-based measures of socioeconomic status and the Modified Retail Food Environment Index were obtained at the census-tract level in King County, Washington. Spatial analyses and regression models were used to assess the relationship between census tract level diabetes and area-based socioeconomic status and food environment variables. The mediating effect of obesity on the geographic distribution of diabetes was also examined. Results In this population of insured adults, diabetes was concentrated in south and southeast King County, with smoothed diabetes prevalence ranging from 6.9% to 21.2%. In spatial regression models, home value and college education were more strongly associated with diabetes than was household income. For each 50% increase in median home value, diabetes prevalence was 1.2 percentage points lower. The Modified Retail Food Environment Index was not related to diabetes at the census-tract level. The observed associations between area-based socioeconomic status and diabetes were largely mediated by obesity (home value, 58%; education, 47%). Conclusion The observed geographic disparities in diabetes among insured adults by census tract point to the importance of area socioeconomic status. Small-area studies can help health professionals design community-based programs for diabetes prevention and control.


Prevalence; Obesity; Us; Disease

Multilevel Models for Evaluating the Risk of Pedestrian-Motor Vehicle Collisions at Intersections and Mid-Blocks

Quistberg, D. Alex; Howard, Eric J.; Ebel, Beth E.; Moudon, Anne V.; Saelens, Brian E.; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Curtin, James E.; Rivara, Frederick P. (2015). Multilevel Models for Evaluating the Risk of Pedestrian-Motor Vehicle Collisions at Intersections and Mid-Blocks. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 84, 99 – 111.

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Walking is a popular form of physical activity associated with clear health benefits. Promoting safe walking for pedestrians requires evaluating the risk of pedestrian motor vehicle collisions at specific roadway locations in order to identify where road improvements and other interventions may be needed. The objective of this analysis was to estimate the risk of pedestrian collisions at intersections and mid-blocks in Seattle, WA. The study used 2007-2013 pedestrian motor vehicle collision data from police reports and detailed characteristics of the microenvironment and macroenvironment at intersection and mid-block locations. The primary outcome was the number of pedestrian motor vehicle collisions over time at each location (incident rate ratio [IRR] and 95% confidence interval [95% CI]). Multilevel mixed effects Poisson models accounted for correlation within and between locations and census blocks over time. Analysis accounted for pedestrian and vehicle activity (e.g., residential density and road classification). In the final multivariable model, intersections with 4 segments or 5 or more segments had higher pedestrian collision rates compared to mid-blocks. Non-residential roads had significantly higher rates than residential roads, with principal arterials having the highest collision rate. The pedestrian collision rate was higher by 9% per 10 feet of street width. Locations with traffic signals had twice the collision rate of locations without a signal and those with marked crosswalks also had a higher rate. Locations with a marked crosswalk also had higher risk of collision. Locations with a one-way road or those with signs encouraging motorists to cede the right-of-way to pedestrians had fewer pedestrian collisions. Collision rates were higher in locations that encourage greater pedestrian activity (more bus use, more fast food restaurants, higher employment, residential, and population densities). Locations with higher intersection density had a lower rate of collisions as did those in areas with higher residential property values. The novel spatiotemporal approach used that integrates road/crossing characteristics with surrounding neighborhood characteristics should help city agencies better identify high-risk locations for further study and analysis. Improving roads and making them safer for pedestrians achieves the public health goals of reducing pedestrian collisions and promoting physical activity. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Pedestrian Accidents; Road Interchanges & Intersections; Built Environment; Pedestrian Crosswalks; Correlation (statistics); Collision Risk; Multilevel Model; Pedestrians; Geographic Information-systems; Road-traffic Injuries; Physical-activity; Signalized Intersections; Impact Speed; Urban Form; Land-use; Safety; Walking