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Comparative Analysis of the National Fatality Rate in Construction Industry Using Time-series Approach and Equivalent Evaluation Conditions

Shim, Yukyung; Jeong, Jaemin; Jeong, Jaewook; Lee, Jaehyun; Kim, Yongwoo. (2022). Comparative Analysis of the National Fatality Rate in Construction Industry Using Time-series Approach and Equivalent Evaluation Conditions. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 19(4).

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Fatality rates such as fatalities per full-time equivalent workers are officially used to compare the risk level of the construction industry among various countries. However, each country evaluates the fatality rate using different conditions. This paper presents the comparison of fatality rates of various countries using conventional (national data) and pair (equivalent condition) methods through a time-series approach. The research was conducted in three stages. The risk level was evaluated in order in South Korea (1.54), Japan (0.84), Mexico (0.83), China (0.70), United Kingdom (0.15), and Singapore (0.13) in terms of national data. However, the risk level was re-evaluated in order in China (2.27), South Korea (2.05), Mexico (1.23), Singapore (0.98), Japan (0.80), and United Kingdom (0.47) in terms of equivalent conditions. The risk level of each can be changed when the fatality rate is compared under given equivalent conditions.


Fatality Rate; Risk Level; Full-time Equivalent Workers; Equivalent Evaluation Conditions; Time-series Analysis; Occupational Accidents; United-states; Injuries; Korea; Work; Comparative Analysis; Equivalence; Manual Workers; Risk Levels; Construction Industry; Fatalities; Risk Assessment; Safety Management; Industrial Accidents; Environmental Protection; Time Series; Accident Investigations; United Kingdom--uk; South Korea; Mexico; United States--us; Singapore; China; Japan

Advancing Impact of Education, Training, and Professional Experience on Integrated Project Delivery

Hyun Woo Lee; Anderson, S.M.; Yong-Woo Kim; Ballard, G.. (2014). Advancing Impact of Education, Training, and Professional Experience on Integrated Project Delivery. Practice Periodical On Structural Design And Construction, 19(1), 8 – 14.

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With the increased interest in applying integrated forms of project delivery to complex and uncertain construction projects, the building industry has been experiencing an increased demand for integrated project delivery (IPD). With the trend, many empirical studies have examined the collaborative characteristics of IPD and reported that participants must make the necessary transition for its contractual, technological, and cultural requirements. However, little study has been done to investigate relevant education, training, or professional experience that can support the transition. In response, this study used an online survey that was designed to investigate the level and type of education, training, and professional experience of project members and their corresponding level of background knowledge for each IPD requirement. The key survey findings include (1) project members have the highest level of background knowledge on the cultural requirements of IPD, but the lowest level on the technological requirements; (2) the group with more design-build experience has more background knowledge; (3) the group that received an IPD kick-off training has more background knowledge; and (4) having a lean construction class can prepare students for the IPD environment. It is expected that the survey findings will advance the education, training, and levels of background knowledge of IPD participants, which will enhance their IPD experience accordingly.


Buildings (structures); Construction Industry; Contracts; Cultural Aspects; Industrial Training; Professional Aspects; Project Management; Construction Project; Building Industry; Integrated Project Delivery; Ipd; Contractual Requirement; Cultural Requirement; Professional Experience; Design-build Experience; Training Impact; Education Impact

Prefabrication Supply Chains With Multiple Shops: Optimization For Job Allocation.

Ho, Chung; Kim, Yong-woo; Zabinsky, Zelda B. (2022). Prefabrication Supply Chains With Multiple Shops: Optimization For Job Allocation. Automation In Construction, 136.

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Prefabrication or off-site construction is a growing trend contributing to productivity improvements. It motivates specialty contractors and suppliers to operate multiple fabrication shops close to market regions, where a shop can produce and delivery prefabricated components in a timely fashion and at a minimal cost. Few quantitative models are available to assist companies with scheduling and allocation questions. This research utilizes optimization to answer these questions supporting the production planning in prefabrication supply chains. The paper presents an optimization model that seeks minimal cost while considering job demands and shop capacities. Computational results suggest that the model generates a lower-cost production schedule than the early due date (EDD) method. It also indicates that varying due dates cause changes in total cost. Moreover, this research supports decision-makers by analyzing the impacts of changing shop capacities regarding available machines. It provides further insight into construction supply chain management with multiple shops.


Supply Chains; Job Shops; Supply Chain Management; Production Scheduling; Production Planning; Warehouses; Construction; Modularization; Optimization; Prefabrication; Scheduling; Off-site Construction; Modular Buildings; Scheduling Model; Precast; Management; Transportation; Performance; Decisions

Computerized Integrated Project Management System for a Material Pull Strategy

Kim, Sang-Chul; Kim, Yong-Woo. (2014). Computerized Integrated Project Management System for a Material Pull Strategy. Journal Of Civil Engineering And Management, 20(6), 849 – 863.

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The purpose of this paper is to present a computerized integrated project management system and report results of a survey on the effectiveness of the system. The system consists of a scheduling system, material management system, labor/equipment system, and safety/quality control system. The backbone system is a scheduling system that adopts a production planning system and a project scheduling system. The lowest level in the scheduling system is a daily work management system, which is linked to each functional management system (i.e. material management system, labor/equipment system, and safety/quality control system). The paper focuses on the material management and scheduling systems to implement a material pull system to reduce material inventories on site. Details of material management and scheduling systems are discussed, and a sample application is presented to demonstrate the features of the proposed computer application system. The paper presents practitioners and researchers with a practical tool to integrate material management and scheduling systems for site personnel.


Construction; Lean Construction; Material Management System; Integrated System; Daily Work Management

Reinforcement Learning Approach To Scheduling Of Precast Concrete Production

Kim, Taehoon; Kim, Yong-woo; Lee, Dongmin; Kim, Minju. (2022). Reinforcement Learning Approach To Scheduling Of Precast Concrete Production. Journal Of Cleaner Production, 336.

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The production scheduling of precast concrete (PC) is essential for successfully completing PC construction projects. The dispatching rules, widely used in practice, have the limitation that the best rule differs according to the shop conditions. In addition, mathematical programming and the metaheuristic approach, which would improve performance, entail more computational time with increasing problem size, let alone its models being revised as the problem size changes. This study proposes a PC production scheduling model based on a reinforcement learning approach, which has the advantages of a general capacity to solve various problem conditions with fast computation time and good performance in real-time. The experimental study shows that the proposed model outperformed other methods by 4-12% of the total tardiness and showed an average winning rate of 77.0%. The proposed model could contribute to the successful completion of off-site construction projects by supporting the stable progress of PC construction.


Precast Concrete; Reinforcement Learning; Deep Q -network; Production Scheduling; Minimize; Model

Statistical Analysis of Embodied Carbon Emission for Building Construction

Kang, Goune; Kim, Taehoon; Kim, Yong-woo; Cho, Hunhee; Kang, Kyung-in. (2015). Statistical Analysis of Embodied Carbon Emission for Building Construction. Energy And Buildings, 105, 326 – 333.

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Buildings are significant contributors to the greenhouse effect through emission of considerable carbon dioxide during their life cycle. Life cycle carbon resulting from buildings consists of two components: operational carbon (OC) and embodied carbon (EC). Recent studies have shown the growing significance of EC because much effort has already been invested into reducing OC. In this context, it is important to estimate and reduce EC. Because of the variability and uncertainty contained in a range of conditions, the EC of building needs to be calculated based on probabilistic analysis. This study identifies and analyzes the statistical characteristics of EC emitted from building construction materials. It was aimed at buildings constructed of reinforced concrete and nine representative construction materials. Descriptive statistics analysis, correlation analysis, and a goodness-of-fit test were performed to describe the statistical characteristics of EC. In addition, a case study was carried out to show the difference between the deterministic and probabilistic estimations. Presenting statistical information on EC data and the differences between the deterministic and probabilistic values, the result shows the necessity and reasonability of the probabilistic method for EC estimation. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.


Construction; Construction Materials; Greenhouse Gases; Probability Theory; Goodness-of-fit Tests; Quantitative Research; Building Materials; Correlation; Descriptive Statistics; Embodied Carbon; Goodness-of-fit; Buildings (structures); Reinforced Concrete; Statistical Analysis; Embodied Carbon Emission; Greenhouse Effect; Carbon Dioxide; Life Cycle Carbon; Operational Carbon; Oc; Probabilistic Analysis; Building Construction Materials; Statistics Analysis; Correlation Analysis; Probabilistic Estimations; Statistical Information; Ec Data; Probabilistic Method; Ec Estimation; Life-cycle; Energy Measurement; System Boundary

Impact of Measuring Operational-Level Planning Reliability on Management-Level Project Performance

Kim, Sang-chul; Kim, Yong-woo; Park, Kun Soo; Yoo, Choong-yuel. (2015). Impact of Measuring Operational-Level Planning Reliability on Management-Level Project Performance. Journal Of Management In Engineering, 31(5).

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The earned value management system (EVMS) and the last planner system (LPS) have been widely used as effective performance measurement tools for construction managers and production units at construction projects. While the EVMS measures project-level costs and scheduling performances, the LPS measures the percent plan complete (PPC), which indicates the level of planning reliability. This paper investigates the relationship between planning reliability at the operational level and project performance at the management level (i.e., the success or failure of a project). Analyzing the empirical data of 23 residential projects of a large construction company, the authors find that, while the production plan in the weekly schedule is correlated rigidly with the daily plan in successful projects, such a rigid correlation is not observed in unsuccessful projects. To understand this finding, the authors further conducted interviews with project stakeholders. Taken together, this study suggests that an emphasis on LPS indices causes subcontractors to engage in myopic behaviors such as modifying operational-level indices. Consequently, management-level production plan rigidity is at risk. The findings in this paper offer valuable insights and help project stakeholders understand the attributes of operational-level and management-level indices and their relationships. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.


Construction Industry; Costing; Production Planning; Project Management; Reliability; Scheduling; Subcontracting; Construction Projects; Production Units; Myopic Behaviors; Project Stakeholders; Subcontractors; Production Plan; Percent Plan Completion; Scheduling Performances; Project-level Costs; Performance Measurement Tools; Construction Managers; Last Planner System; Earned Value Management System; Management-level Project Performance; Evms; Operational-level Planning Reliability; Balanced Scorecard; Lean Construction; Contractors; Indexes; Design; Model; Earned Value; Lean; Construction; Schedule Performance Index; Cost Performance Index; Percent-plan-completion; Empirical Analysis

Integration Evaluation Framework for Integrated Design Teams of Green Buildings: Development and Validation

Azari, Rahman; Kim, Yong-Woo. (2016). Integration Evaluation Framework for Integrated Design Teams of Green Buildings: Development and Validation. Journal Of Management In Engineering, 32(3).

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Integrated design (ID) process encourages integration of team members in the design phase of green building projects through intense collaborative processes and free exchange of information. Although integration in general and ID in particular have been well theorized by construction management research community, there exists no systematic mechanism in the field to help owners, architects, and managers of green project teams assess the level of integration in their projects' ID team environment in a practical manner. The key objective of the present article is therefore to use a qualitative-quantitative methodology to propose and validate an integration evaluation framework for green project teams and to statistically test the association between integration level and project success. The framework can be used by green project teams for comparison, benchmarking, or educational purposes and for integration evaluation and improvement in ID team environments. This research also provides empirical evidence to anecdotes suggesting positive link between team integration and project success in green projects.


Architecture; Benchmark Testing; Buildings (structures); Construction Industry; Education; Information Management; Process Design; Project Management; Statistical Testing; Team Working; Integration Evaluation Framework; Integrated Design Process; Team Members; Green Building Project; Construction Management Research Community; Architect; Id Team Environment; Benchmarking; Educational Purpose; Information Exchange; Construction; Delivery; Evaluation; Integration; Integrated Design; Green Buildings; Validation; Context; Input; Process; And Product (cipp)

Configuration of Earthwork Equipment Considering Environmental Impacts, Cost and Schedule

Kim, Byung-soo; Kim, Yong-woo. (2016). Configuration of Earthwork Equipment Considering Environmental Impacts, Cost and Schedule. Journal Of Civil Engineering And Management, 22(1), 73 – 85.

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Along with promotion of public awareness about sustainability, the concept of sustainability has gained in- creasing attention across all industries. The construction industry is one of the largest industries, and at the same time, among the largest polluters. Thus, the concept of sustainability has become increasingly important to construction firms and many contractors have started to reduce the environmental impacts of their construction activities. As part of the effort to achieve sustainability in construction sector, the study develops a method to select earth-moving equipment, based on their environmental impacts as well as duration and cost considerations. To this end, the study initially devel- ops a model for determining construction costs and duration as well as a model for determining monetary environmental impacts on earthwork construction. The study then uses an Improved Weight Decision Method (IWDM) to determine the weight of variables in order to find the best performed equipment configuration. The authors expect that the findings of the study will contribute to the research and practice in configuring earthwork equipment, taking into account associated environmental impacts as well as time and costs.


Earthwork; Environmental Impact Analysis; Sustainable Development; Production Scheduling; Cost Analysis; Earthwork Equipment; Environmental Impacts; Equipment Configuration; Improved Weight Decision Method (iwdm); Construction Activities; Construction Costs; Construction Firms; Construction Sectors; Cost And Schedule; Decision Method; Public Awareness; Construction Equipment; Construction Industry; Excavation; Foundations; 0

Customer Earned Value: Performance Indicator from Flow and Value Generation View

Kim, Taehoon; Kim, Yong-woo; Cho, Hunhee. (2016). Customer Earned Value: Performance Indicator from Flow and Value Generation View. Journal Of Management In Engineering, 32(1).

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The earned value method (EVM) is considered an advanced project control technique that provides a quantitative measure of work performance. However, the EVM is effective only under the assumption that every activity is independent. Literature shows that the EVM lacks the value generation view even working against the reliability of workflow. The goal of this research is to propose a project metric system to supplement the EVM in terms of the workflow and value generation. The researchers suggest a new metric of customer earned value (CEV), which is defined as the budgeted amount of work completed and is used by the successors on a network. Through a hypothetical case study, this research investigates how the work-in-process between trades and schedule performance in each trade behave under different uncertainties. The result suggests that the proposed metrics can provide project managers with more relevant managerial information on project progress as well as on the level of collaboration. The proposed system with the EVM would facilitate collaboration on project planning and control where variability and interdependency are involved. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.


Budgeting; Customer Services; Organisational Aspects; Planning; Project Management; Customer Earned Value; Project Planning; Project Managers; Trade-schedule Performance; Work-in-process; Budgeted Amount; Project Metric System; Advanced Project Control Technique; Earned Value Method; Performance Indicator; Value Generation View; Management; Project Control Metric; Collaboration