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House Price Dynamics and Bank Herding: European Empirical Evidence

Martins, Antonio Miguel; Serra, Ana Paula; Martins, Francisco Vitorino; Stevenson, Simon. (2020). House Price Dynamics and Bank Herding: European Empirical Evidence. Journal Of Real Estate Research, 42(3), 365 – 396.

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This paper examines house price dynamics, bank herding behavior, and the linkages between them. The analysis presented indicates that prior to the financial crisis, non-fundamental factors played a significant role in several European countries, including the United Kingdom, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, and Ireland. We also provide evidence indicative of herding behavior in the residential mortgage loan market. Finally, Granger causality tests show that non-fundamentally justified price dynamics contributed to the herding displayed by lenders and that this behavior was a response by banks as a group to common information on residential property assets.


Bubbles; Market; Behavior; Fundamentals; Constraints; Policy; Model; House Prices; Mortgages; Price Bubble; Herding Behavior

Ecosystem Size Shapes Antipredator Trait Evolution in Estuarine Threespine Stickleback

Wasserman, Ben A.; Paccard, Antoine; Apgar, Travis M.; Des Roches, Simone; Barrett, Rowan D. H.; Hendry, Andrew P.; Palkovacs, Eric P. (2020). Ecosystem Size Shapes Antipredator Trait Evolution in Estuarine Threespine Stickleback. Oikos, 129(12), 1795 – 1806.

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Ecosystem size is known to influence both community structure and ecosystem processes. Less is known about the evolutionary consequences of ecosystem size. A few studies have shown that ecosystem size shapes the evolution of trophic diversity by shaping habitat heterogeneity, but the effects of ecosystem size on antipredator trait evolution have not been explored. Ecosystem size may impact antipredator trait evolution by shaping predator presence (larger ecosystems have longer food chains) and habitat complexity (larger ecosystems may have more diverse habitat structure). We tested these effects using threespine stickleback from bar-built estuaries along the Central Coast of California. These stickleback populations are polymorphic forEctodysplasin-A(Eda), a gene that controls bony lateral plates used as antipredator defense. We inferredEdagenotypes from lateral plate phenotypes and show that the frequency of the complete (C) allele, which is associated with greater number of lateral plates, increases as a function of ecosystem size. Predator presence and habitat complexity are both correlated to ecosystem size. The strongest proximate predictor ofEdaallele frequencies was the presence of predatory fishes (steelhead trout and sculpin). Counter to expectations, habitat complexity did not have a strong modifying effect onEdaallele frequencies. Our results point to the importance of ecosystem size for determining predator presence as being the primary pathway to evolutionary effects. Ecosystem size has received much attention in ecology. Our work shows that it may be an important determinant of adaptive evolution in wild populations.


Food-chain Length; Gasterosteus-aculeatus; Adaptive Radiation; Lateral Plates; Ecological Opportunity; Natural-selection; Armor; Fish; Predation; Area; Antipredator Traits; Bar-built Estuaries; Ecosystem Size; Ectodysplasin Agene; Gasterosteus Aculeatus

Toward a Cross-Platform Framework: Assessing the Comprehensiveness of Online Rental Listings

Costa, Ana; Sass, Victoria; Kennedy, Ian; Roy, Roshni; Walter, Rebecca J.; Acolin, Arthur; Crowder, Kyle; Hess, Chris; Ramiller, Alex; Chasins, Sarah. (2021). Toward a Cross-Platform Framework: Assessing the Comprehensiveness of Online Rental Listings. Cityscape, 23(2), 327 – 339.


Research on rental housing markets in the United States has traditionally relied on national or local housing surveys. Those sources lack temporal and spatial specificity, limiting their use for tracking short-term changes in local markets. As rental housing ads have transitioned to digital spaces, a growing body of literature has utilized web scraping to analyze listing practices and variations in rental market dynamics. Those studies have primarily relied on one platform, Craigslist, as a source of data. Despite Craigslist's popularity, the authors contend that rental listings from various websites, rather than from individual ones, provide a more comprehensive picture. Using a mixed-methods approach to study listings across various platforms in five metropolitan areas, this article demonstrates considerable variation in both the types of rental units advertised and the features provided across those platforms. The article begins with an account of the birth and consolidation of online rental platforms and emergent characteristics of several selected websites, including the criteria for posting, search parameters, search results priority, and first-page search results. Visualizations are used to compare features such as the 40th percentile of rent, rent distribution, and bedroom size based on scraped data from six online platforms (Padmapper, , Trulia, Zillow, Craigslist, and GoSection8), 2020 Fair Market Rents, and 2019 American Community Survey data. The analyses indicate that online listing platforms target different audiences and offer distinct information on units within those market segments, resulting in markedly different estimates of local rental costs and unit size distribution depending on the platform.

Professional Judgement in Clinical Practice (Part 1): Recovering Original, Moderate Evidence-Based Health Care

Mugerauer, Robert. (2021). Professional Judgement in Clinical Practice (Part 1): Recovering Original, Moderate Evidence-Based Health Care. Journal Of Evaluation In Clinical Practice, 27(3), 592 – 602.

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Evidence-based medicine announced its entry as heralding a new paradigm in health care practices, but it has been widely criticized for lacking a coherent theoretical basis. This paper presents the first part of a three-article series examining the epistemological, practical, and ethical dimensions of strong EBM, as well as considering alternatives that promise potential solutions to chronic conceptual and practical problems. While the focus is on the details of the arguments and evidence in thoughtful debates over the last 30 years, it is worthwhile to keep in mind the overall trajectory of modern thought, because strong EBM continues discredited positivist positions, thus repeating its major assumptions and inadequacies, now transferred to the medical sphere and vocabulary. Part 1 of the series examines the development of strong EBM by clarifying and critiquing its somewhat discontinuous accounts of scientific knowledge and epistemology, evidence, the differences between statistical probability in regard to populations and understanding the health of individuals, and its claims for direct transfer of research findings to clinical settings-all of which raises more questions regarding its application to provider-patient decision making, pedagogy, and policy.


Evidence-based Medicine; Theory Of Knowledge; Medical Ethics; Decision Making In Clinical Medicine; Policy Sciences; Clinical Practice; Epistemology; Ethics; Evidence; Evidence‚Äêbased Medicine; 2009 Cancer-control; Integrating Evidence; Decision-making; G. H.; Tonelli; Discourse; Knowledge; Ashcroft; Guyatt; Evidence‐ Based Medicine

Cascadia Subduction Zone Residents’ Tsunami Evacuation Expectations.

Lindell, Michael K.; Prater, Carla S.; House, Donald H. (2022). Cascadia Subduction Zone Residents’ Tsunami Evacuation Expectations. Geosciences (2076-3263), 12(5).

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The U.S. Pacific Northwest coast must be prepared to evacuate immediately after a Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. This requires coastal residents to understand the tsunami threat, have accurate expectations about warning sources, engage in preimpact evacuation preparedness actions, and plan (and practice) their evacuation logistics, including an appropriate transportation mode, evacuation route, and destination. A survey of 221 residents in three communities identified areas in which many coastal residents have reached adequate levels of preparedness. Moreover, residents who are not adequately prepared are willing to improve their performance in most of the areas in which they fall short. However, many respondents expect to engage in time-consuming evacuation preparations before evacuating. Additionally, their estimates of evacuation travel time might be inaccurate because only 28-52% had practiced their evacuation routes. These results indicate that more coastal residents should prepare grab-and-go kits to speed their departure, as well as practice evacuation preparation and evacuation travel to test the accuracy of these evacuation time estimates. Overall, these results, together with recommendations for overcoming them, can guide CSZ emergency managers in methods of improving hazard awareness and education programs. In addition, these data can guide transportation engineers' evacuation analyses and evacuation plans.


Subduction Zones; Tsunamis; Tsunami Warning Systems; Civilian Evacuation; Earthquake Zones; Transportation Engineering; Expectation (psychology); Residents; Cascadia Subduction Zone; Evacuation Preparedness; Evacuation Time Estimates; Tsunami; Natural Warning Signs; Coastal Communities; American-samoa; New-zealand; Earthquake; Behavior; Preparedness; Awareness; Japan; Washington; Earthquakes; Transportation; Evacuations & Rescues; Travel Time; Subduction; Surveying; Evacuation; Travel; Coasts; Emergency Warning Programs; Seismic Activity; Emergency Preparedness; Perceptions; Traveltime; Coastal Zone; Peers; Estimates; Logistics; Evacuation Routing; Subduction (geology); Households; United States--us; Pacific Northwest; Cascadia

Optimization Research: Enhancing the Robustness of Large-Scale Multiobjective Optimization in Construction

Kandil, Amr; El-Rayes, Khaled; El-Anwar, Omar. (2010). Optimization Research: Enhancing the Robustness of Large-Scale Multiobjective Optimization in Construction. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management, 136(1), 17 – 25.

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Many construction planning problems require optimizing multiple and conflicting project objectives such as minimizing construction time and cost while maximizing safety, quality, and sustainability. To enable the optimization of these construction problems, a number of research studies focused on developing multiobjective optimization algorithms (MOAs). The robustness of these algorithms needs further research to ensure an efficient and effective optimization of large-scale real-life construction problems. This paper presents a review of current research efforts in the field of construction multiobjective optimization and two case studies that illustrate methods for enhancing the robustness of MOAs. The first case study utilizes a multiobjective genetic algorithm (MOGA) and an analytical optimization algorithm to optimize the planning of postdisaster temporary housing projects. The second case study utilizes a MOGA and parallel computing to optimize the planning of construction resource utilization in large-scale infrastructure projects. The paper also presents practical recommendations based on the main findings of the analyzed case studies to enhance the robustness of multiobjective optimization in construction engineering and management.


Optimizing Resource Utilization; Trade-off; Highway Construction; Genetic Algorithms; Cost; Model; Network; Design; Colony; Optimization Models; Parallel Processing; Resource Management; Housing; Multiple Objective Analysis; Linear Analysis; Algorithms

Findings from Research on Active Transportation to School and Implications for Safe Routes to School Programs

Stewart, Orion. (2011). Findings from Research on Active Transportation to School and Implications for Safe Routes to School Programs. Journal Of Planning Literature, 26(2), 127 – 150.

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This literature review identified common factors associated with active transportation to school (ATS). It used a conceptual framework of a child's commute mode to school to classify 480 variables from forty-two studies that were tested for association with ATS. Four factors most frequently influenced ATS: distance, income, traffic and crime fears, and parental attitudes and schedules. Regular ATS results in more physical activity but research is lacking on other outcomes. Safe Routes to School, a program designed to increase rates and safety of ATS, can use an understanding of these influences and outcomes to more effectively allocate its limited resources.


Physical-activity Levels; Travel Mode; Urban Form; Environmental-factors; Elementary-schools; Weight Status; Walking; Children; Prevalence; Bus; Active Transportation To School; Safe Routes To School; Biking

The Economic Value of Walkable Neighborhoods

Sohn, Dong Wook; Moudon, Anne Vernez; Lee, Jeasun. (2012). The Economic Value of Walkable Neighborhoods. Urban Design International, 17(2), 115 – 128.

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This study investigated how the benefits of a walkable neighborhood were reflected in the American real estate market by examining the economic values of urban environmental factors supporting walking activities. Property values were used as a proxy measure for economic value and analyzed in relation to land use characteristics that have been known to correlate with walking at the neighborhood scale. Four aspects of the built environment supporting walking were included in the analyses: development density, land use mix, public open space and pedestrian infrastructure. Hedonic models were employed where the property value was regressed on the measures of the four sets of correlates of walking in a neighborhood. Models were estimated for four land use types - single-family residential, rental multi-family residential, commercial and office. The findings did not support previous arguments that increasing density weakens the quality of a neighborhood. To the contrary, the positive association of higher development density with the value of single-family residential properties detected in King County suggested that high development density might increase surrounding property values. The pedestrian infrastructure and land use mix significantly contributed to increases in rental multi-family residential property values. Higher development density with higher street and sidewalk coverage were also favored by retail service uses. In relation to land use mix, mixing retail service uses and rental multi-family residential uses helped make rental housings more attractive. URBAN DESIGN International (2012) 17, 115-128. doi:10.1057/udi.2012.1; published online 4 April 2012


Land-use; Physical-activity; Travel Behavior; Smart Growth; Mode Choice; Urban Form; Walking; Gis; Transportation; Accessibility; Mixed Land Use; Neighborhood; Urban Design

Walking Objectively Measured: Classifying Accelerometer Data with GPS and Travel Diaries

Kang, Bumjoon; Moudon, Anne V.; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Reichley, Lucas; Saelens, Brian E. (2013). Walking Objectively Measured: Classifying Accelerometer Data with GPS and Travel Diaries. Medicine & Science In Sports & Exercise, 45(7), 1419 – 1428.

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Purpose: This study developed and tested an algorithm to classify accelerometer data as walking or nonwalking using either GPS or travel diary data within a large sample of adults under free-living conditions. Methods: Participants wore an accelerometer and a GPS unit and concurrently completed a travel diary for seven consecutive days. Physical activity (PA) bouts were identified using accelerometry count sequences. PA bouts were then classified as walking or nonwalking based on a decision-tree algorithm consisting of seven classification scenarios. Algorithm reliability was examined relative to two independent analysts' classification of a 100-bout verification sample. The algorithm was then applied to the entire set of PA bouts. Results: The 706 participants' (mean age = 51 yr, 62% female, 80% non-Hispanic white, 70% college graduate or higher) yielded 4702 person-days of data and had a total of 13,971 PA bouts. The algorithm showed a mean agreement of 95% with the independent analysts. It classified PA into 8170 walking bouts (58.5 %) and 5337 nonwalking bouts (38.2%); 464 bouts (3.3%) were not classified for lack of GPS and diary data. Nearly 70% of the walking bouts and 68% of the nonwalking bouts were classified using only the objective accelerometer and GPS data. Travel diary data helped classify 30% of all bouts with no GPS data. The mean + SD duration of PA bouts classified as walking was 15.2 + 12.9 min. On average, participants had 1.7 walking bouts and 25.4 total walking minutes per day. Conclusions: GPS and travel diary information can be helpful in classifying most accelerometer-derived PA bouts into walking or nonwalking behavior.


Walking; Algorithms; Decision Trees; Geographic Information Systems; Research Funding; Travel; Accelerometry; Diary (literary Form); Descriptive Statistics; Algorithm; Classification; Physical Activity; Walk Trip; Global Positioning Systems; Physical-activity; Environment; Behaviors; Validity; Location

Use of Health Impact Assessment for Transportation Planning Importance of Transportation Agency Involvement in the Process

Dannenberg, Andrew L.; Ricklin, Anna; Ross, Catherine L.; Schwartz, Michael; West, Julie; White, Steve; Wier, Megan L. (2014). Use of Health Impact Assessment for Transportation Planning Importance of Transportation Agency Involvement in the Process. Transportation Research Record, 2452, 71 – 80.

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A health impact assessment (HIA) is a tool that can be used to inform transportation planners of the potential health consequences of their decisions. Although dozens of transportation-related HIAs have been completed in the United States, the characteristics of these HIAs and the interactions between public health professionals and transportation decision makers in these HIM have not been documented. A master list of completed HIAs was used to identify transportation-related HIAs. Seventy-three transportation-related HIAs conducted in 22 states between 2004 and 2013 were identified. The HIAs were conducted for projects such as road redevelopments, bridge replacements, and development of trails and public transit. Policies such as road pricing, transit service levels, speed limits, complete streets, and safe routes to schools were also assessed. Five HIAs in which substantial interactions between public health and transportation professionals took place during and after the HIA were examined in detail and included HIAs of the road pricing policy in San Francisco, California; a bridge replacement in Seattle, Washington; new transit lines in Baltimore, Maryland, and Portland, Oregon; and the BeltLine transit, trails, and parks project in Atlanta, Georgia. Recommendations from the HIAs led to changes in decisions in some cases and helped to raise awareness of health issues by transportation decision makers in all cases. HIAs are now used for many topics in transportation. The range of involvement of transportation decision makers in the conduct of HIAs varies. These case studies may serve as models for the conduct of future transportation-related HIAs, because the involvement of transportation agencies may increase the likelihood that an HIA will influence subsequent decisions.


Policy; Inequalities; Benefits; Justice; Oregon