Purcell, Mark. (2014). Possible Worlds: Henri Lefebvre and the Right to the City. Journal Of Urban Affairs, 36(1), 141 – 154.
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There has been much attention paid recently the idea of the right to the city. This article argues that in order to fully appreciate the power of the idea, we should understand it through a close reading of Henri Lefebvre's body of work on the city and politics. Lefebvre presents a radical vision for a city in which users manage urban space for themselves, beyond the control of both the state and capitalism. However, while it calls for profound change, Lefebvre's vision is also eminently practical; it can very much serve as a guide and inspiration for concrete action to change the city today.
Dossick, Carrie Sturts; Anderson, Anne; Azari, Rahman; Iorio, Josh; Neff, Gina; Taylor, John E. (2015). Messy Talk in Virtual Teams: Achieving Knowledge Synthesis through Shared Visualizations. Journal Of Management In Engineering, 31(1).
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Engineering teams collaborating in virtual environments face many technical, social, and cultural challenges. In this paper we focus on distributed teams making joint unanticipated discoveries in virtual environments. We operationalize a definition of messy talk as a process in which teams mutually discover issues, critically engage in clarifying and finding solutions to the discovered issues, exchange their knowledge, and resolve the issue. Can globally distributed teams use messy talk via virtual communication technology? We analyzed the interactions of four distributed student teams collaborating on a complex design and planning project using building information models (BIMs) and the cyber-enabled global research infrastructure for design (CyberGRID), a virtual world specifically developed for collaborative work. Their interactions exhibited all four elements of messy talk, even though resolution was the least common. Virtual worlds support real-time joint problem solving by (1)providing affordances for talk mediated by shared visualizations, (2)supporting team perceptions of building information models that are mutable, and (3)allowing transformations of those models while people were together in real time. Our findings suggest that distributed team collaboration requires technologies that support messy talkand iterative trial and errorfor complex multidimensional problems. (C) 2014 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Buildings (structures); Data Visualisation; Design; Grid Computing; Groupware; Knowledge Management; Structural Engineering Computing; Team Working; Virtual Manufacturing; Virtual Reality; Virtual Teams; Knowledge Synthesis; Engineering Teams Collaboration; Virtual Environments; Technical Challenges; Social Challenges; Cultural Challenges; Distributed Teams Making; Messy Talk; Knowledge Exchange; Globally Distributed Teams; Virtual Communication Technology; Distributed Student Teams; Design And Planning Project; Building Information Models; Bim; Cyber-enabled Global Research Infrastructure; Cybergrid; Virtual World; Collaborative Work; Team Perceptions; Iterative Trial And Error; Complex Multidimensional Problems; Visual Representations; Construction; Technology; Implementation; Collaboration; Communication; Teamwork; Digital Techniques; Knowledge-based Systems
Wilson, A. Meriwether W.; Mugerauer, Robert; Klinger, Terrie. (2015). Rethinking Marine Infrastructure Policy and Practice: Insights from Three Large-Scale Marina Developments in Seattle. Marine Policy, 53, 67 – 82.
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The global transformation of the marine nearshore is generating profound losses of ecological and geomorphological functions and ecosystem services, as natural environments are replaced with built. With conservation a diminishing option and restoration often unrealistic, there is a need to rethink development and the potential for marine infrastructure to contribute to net environmental gain. Through analysis of 150 years of change associated with the development of three large-scale marinas in the Seattle area, this research identifies the ways in which evolving policy frameworks and ecological understanding determine the nature, efficiency and environmental outcomes of coastal marine developments. Decisions on infrastructure design, mitigation strategies and policy interpretations directly determined the ecological fate of marine biota inhabiting these structures as well as surrounding ecosystems. In spite of increasing evidence of environmental legislation driving mitigation and innovative engineering, the net ecological trajectories remained negative. There were no tested demonstrations of marine mitigation to confirm which measures would succeed. Where scientific understanding existed, the uptake into planning and legislation was slow. More broadly, this research highlights a need and opportunity to consider marine infrastructure as living laboratories to inform a policy shift from a no-net-loss paradigm to net-environmental-gain. This evolution is timely, with sea level rise requiring new approaches to coastal defenses and with marine energy infrastructure increasingly being located offshore, where there is little knowledge of the ecological changes occurring in both time and space. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Coastal; Restoration; Landscape; Habitats; Science; Driver; Areas; Act; Marine Coastal Infrastructure; Ecological Mitigation; Novel Marine Habitats; Environmental Governance; Pacific Northwest
El-Anwar, Omar; Ye, Jin; Orabi, Wallied. (2016). Innovative Linear Formulation for Transportation Reconstruction Planning. Journal Of Computing In Civil Engineering, 30(3).
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Following disasters, the pace of restoring transportation networks can have a significant impact on economic and societal recovery. However, reconstruction and repair efforts are typically faced by budget constraints that require careful selection among competing contractors. This paper presents an innovative formulation to optimize this complex planning problem in order to maximize the rate of transportation network recovery while minimizing the associated reconstruction costs. This study first contributes to the body of knowledge by offering an effective and efficient means of identifying the optimal schedules for reconstruction projects and the optimal contractor assignments. This is achieved by solving the problem using a new mixed-integer linear programming model. However, there are four main formulation challenges to represent this problem using linear equations because of the need to use logical operators. As such, the second contribution of this study is in offering innovative solutions to overcome these formulation challenges, which are generalizable to other construction scheduling and planning problems. This paper is companion to another paper that describes a holistic optimization and traffic assessment methodology for post-disaster reconstruction planning for damaged transportation networks. (C) 2015 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Integer Programming; Linear Programming; Transportation; Innovative Linear Formulation; Transportation Reconstruction Planning; Economic Recovery; Societal Recovery; Complex Planning Problem; Transportation Network Recovery; Mixed-integer Linear Programming Model; Traffic Assessment Methodology; Postdisaster Reconstruction Planning; Natural Disasters; Housing Projects; Construction; Optimization; Performance; Robustness; Earthquake; Efficiency; Recovery; Plans; Transportation Network Reconstruction; Post-disaster Recovery; Multi-objective Optimization; Mixed-integer Linear Programming; Contractors Assignment; Linear Formulation; Reconstruction Costs
McPhearson, Timon; Pickett, Steward T. A.; Grimm, Nancy B.; Niemela, Jari; Alberti, Marina; Elmqvist, Thomas; Weber, Christiane; Haase, Dagmar; Breuste, Juergen; Qureshi, Salman. (2016). Advancing Urban Ecology toward a Science of Cities. Bioscience, 66(3), 198 – 212.
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Urban ecology is a field encompassing multiple disciplines and practical applications and has grown rapidly. However, the field is heterogeneous as a global inquiry with multiple theoretical and conceptual frameworks, variable research approaches, and a lack of coordination among multiple schools of thought and research foci. Here, we present an international consensus on how urban ecology can advance along multiple research directions. There is potential for the field to mature as a holistic, integrated science of urban systems. Such an integrated science could better inform decisionmakers who need increased understanding of complex relationships among social, ecological, economic, and built infrastructure systems. To advance the field requires conceptual synthesis, knowledge and data sharing; cross-city comparative research, new intellectual networks, and engagement with additional disciplines. We consider challenges and opportunities for understanding dynamics of urban systems. We suggest pathways for advancing urban ecology research to support the goals of improving urban sustainability and resilience, conserving urban biodiversity, and promoting human well-being on an urbanizing planet.
Urban Ecology (biology); Urban Biodiversity; Urbanization & The Environment; Life Sciences; Medical Sciences; Comparative Research; Complexity; Conceptual Frameworks; Urban Ecology; Urban Systems; Ecosystem Services; Green Spaces; Resilience; Framework; Systems; Design; Water; Tree
Sun, Feiyang; Mansury, Yuri S. (2016). Economic Impact of High-Speed Rail on Household Income in China. Transportation Research Record, 2581, 71 – 78.
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Although developed only in the past 20 years, Chinese high-speed rail (HSR) has overtaken many of its forerunners in its unprecedented scale. However, such a scale raises questions about its implications for regional economic development. Previous studies have discussed the impact of HSR at the regional and city levels, but few have addressed its impact on the individual level, which is crucial for understanding the distribution of the impact. To fill the gap, this study focused on the economic impact of recent HSR development between 2009 and 2012 on Chinese household income and discussed its significance, magnitude, and distribution. The survey data from the China Family Panel Survey were used and a difference-in-differences approach was implemented. Two key explanatory variables, weighted average travel time and probability of living proximate to HSR stations, were included in the models to examine the direct and spillover impacts of HSR. The study shows that these impacts both contribute to the HSR impact but affect urban and rural regions and production sectors differently. In particular, the spillover effect or the agglomeration effect contributes the most and favors more urbanized regions with stronger service sectors. As a consequence, although HSR plays a positive role in stimulating the regional economy, it may further widen the gap between developed regions and underdeveloped regions. From the analyses, it is concluded that HSR projects need more comprehensive studies of the full spectrum of its impact to ensure both economic growth and regional balance and coordination.
Frank, Adam; Kleidon, Axel; Alberti, Marina. (2017). Earth as a Hybrid Planet: The Anthropocene in an Evolutionary Astrobiological Context. Anthropocene, 19, 13 – 21.
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We develop a classification scheme for the evolutionary state of planets based on the non-equilibrium thermodynamics of their coupled systems, including the presence of a biosphere and the possibility of what we call an agency-dominated biosphere (i.e. an energy-intensive technological species). The premise is that Earth's entry into the Anthropocene represents what might be, from an astrobiological perspective, a predictable planetary transition. We explore this problem from the perspective of the solar system and exoplanet studies. Our classification discriminates planets by the forms of free energy generation driven from stellar forcing. We then explore how timescales for global evolutionary processes on Earth might be synchronized with ecological transformations driven by increases in energy harvesting and its consequences ( which might have reached a turning point with global urbanization). Finally, we describe quantitatively the classification scheme based on the maintenance of chemical disequilibrium in the past and current Earth systems and on other worlds in the solar system. In this perspective, the beginning of the Anthropocene can be seen as the onset of the hybridization of the planet-a transitional stage from one class of planetary systems interaction to another. For Earth, this stage occurs as the effects of human civilization yield not just new evolutionary pressures, but new selected directions for novel planetary ecosystem functions and their capacity to generate disequilibrium and enhance planetary dissipation.
Thermodynamic Disequilibrium; Extrasolar Planets; Climate-change; Life Detection; Habitability; Dynamics; System; Biospheres; Future; Energy; Climate Change; Astrobiology; Coupled Earth Systems; Biosphere; Thermodynamics; Dissipation
Quistberg, D. Alex; Howard, Eric J.; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Moudon, Anne V.; Ebel, Beth E.; Rivara, Frederick P.; Saelens, Brian E. (2017). The Relationship between Objectively Measured Walking and Risk of Pedestrian–Motor Vehicle Collision. American Journal Of Epidemiology, 185(9), 810 – 821.
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Safe urban walking environments may improve health by encouraging physical activity, but the relationship between an individual's location and walking pattern and the risk of pedestrian-motor vehicle collision is unknown. We examined associations between individuals' walking bouts and walking risk, measured as mean exposure to the risk of pedestrian-vehicle collision. Walking bouts were ascertained through integrated accelerometry and global positioning system data and from individual travel-diary data obtained from adults in the Travel Assessment and Community Study (King County, Washington) in 2008-2009. Walking patterns were superimposed onto maps of the historical probabilities of pedestrian-vehicle collisions for intersections and midblock segments within Seattle, Washington. Mean risk of pedestrian-vehicle collision in specific walking locations was assessed according to walking exposure (duration, distance, and intensity) and participant demographic characteristics in linear mixed models. Participants typically walked in areas with low pedestrian collision risk when walking for recreation, walking at a faster pace, or taking longer-duration walks. Mean daily walking duration and distance were not associated with collision risk. Males walked in areas with higher collision risk compared with females, while vehicle owners, residents of single-family homes, and parents of young children walked in areas with lower collision risk. These findings may suggest that pedestrians moderate collision risk by using lower-risk routes.
Traffic Accidents; Confidence Intervals; Geographic Information Systems; Health Promotion; Maps; Research Funding; Walking; Accelerometry; Physical Activity; Data Analysis Software; Diary (literary Form); Descriptive Statistics; Risk Factors; Washington (state); Accidents; Environment Design; Global Positioning Systems; Pedestrians; Risk Assessment; Traffic; Physical-activity; Built Environment; Traffic Safety; Accident Risk; Injury Rates; Route-choice; Exposure; Gps; Travel; Accidents, Traffic
Goh, Charlene E.; Mooney, Stephen J.; Siscovick, David S.; Lemaitre, Rozenn N.; Hurvitz, Philip; Sotoodehnia, Nona; Kaufman, Tanya K.; Zulaika, Garazi; Lovasi, Gina S. (2018). Medical Facilities in the Neighborhood and Incidence of Sudden Cardiac Arrest. Resuscitation, 130, 118 – 123.
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Background: Medical establishments in the neighborhood, such as pharmacies and primary care clinics, may play a role in improving access to preventive care and treatment and could explain previously reported neighborhood variations in sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) incidence and survival. Methods: The Cardiac Arrest Blood Study Repository is a population-based repository of data from adult cardiac arrest patients and population-based controls residing in King County, Washington. We examined the association between the availability of medical facilities near home with SCA risk, using adult (age 18-80) Seattle residents experiencing cardiac arrest (n = 446) and matched controls (n = 208) without a history of heart disease. We also analyzed the association of major medical centers near the event location with emergency medical service (EMS) response time and survival among adult cases (age 18+) presenting with ventricular fibrillation from throughout King County (n = 1537). The number of medical facilities per census tract was determined by geocoding business locations from the National Establishment Time-Series longitudinal database 1990-2010. Results: More pharmacies in the home census tract was unexpectedly associated with higher odds of SCA (OR: 1.28, 95% CI: 1.03, 1.59), and similar associations were observed for other medical facility types. The presence of a major medical center in the event census tract was associated with a faster EMS response time (-53 s, 95% CI: -84, -22), but not with short-term survival. Conclusions: We did not observe a protective association between medical facilities in the home census tract and SCA risk, orbetween major medical centers in the event census tract and survival.
Cardiac Arrest; Medical Care; Emergency Medical Services; Ventricular Fibrillation; Heart Diseases; Patients; Medical Facilities; Neighborhood; Observational Study; Sudden Cardiac Arrest; Survival; Ambulance Response-times; Socioeconomic-status; Association; Care; Resuscitation; Disparities; Population; Provision; Disease
Simonen, K.; Huang, M.; Aicher, C.; Morris, P. (2018). Embodied Carbon as a Proxy for the Environmental Impact of Earthquake Damage Repair. Energy And Buildings, 164, 131 – 139.
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In evaluating the life cycle environmental impacts of buildings, the contributions of seismic damage are rarely considered. In order to enable a more comprehensive assessment of a building's environmental impact by accounting for seismic events, this project developed an environmental impact database of building component seismic damage - the largest of its kind known to date - by combining data from Carnegie Mellon University's Economic Input-Output Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) database with cost estimates of repair previously developed for FEMA's Performance Assessment Calculation Tool (PACT), a software that models probabilistic seismic damage in buildings. Fifteen indicators of environmental impacts were calculated for the repair of approximately 800 building components for up to five levels of seismic damage, capturing 'embodied' impacts related to cradle-to-gate manufacturing of building materials, products, and equipment. Analysis of the data revealed that non-structural and architectural finishes often dominated the environmental impacts of seismic damage per dollar spent in repair. A statistical analysis was performed on the data using Principal Component Analysis, confirming that embodied carbon, a popular metric for evaluating environmental impacts in building LCAs, is a suitable proxy for other relevant environmental impact metrics when assessing the impact of repairing earthquake damage of buildings. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Life-cycle Assessment; Input-output; Buildings; Life Cycle Assessment; Seismic Analysis; Performance-based Design; Economic Input-output; Principal Component Analysis; Energy And Climate Change; Architectural Engineering; Carbon; Carbon Cycle; Earthquake Damage; Earthquakes; Environmental Impact; Environmental Management; Databases; Finishes; Environmental Assessment; Building Components; Construction Materials; Life Cycle Engineering; Life Cycle Analysis; Data Bases; Damage Assessment; Aseismic Buildings; Statistical Analysis; Equipment Costs; Cost Estimates; Data Processing; Data Analysis; Seismic Activity; Cost Analysis; Principal Components Analysis; Performance Assessment; Life Cycles; Repair; Impact Damage; Building Materials; Economic Analysis; Software