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Multilevel Models for Evaluating the Risk of Pedestrian-Motor Vehicle Collisions at Intersections and Mid-Blocks

Quistberg, D. Alex; Howard, Eric J.; Ebel, Beth E.; Moudon, Anne V.; Saelens, Brian E.; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Curtin, James E.; Rivara, Frederick P. (2015). Multilevel Models for Evaluating the Risk of Pedestrian-Motor Vehicle Collisions at Intersections and Mid-Blocks. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 84, 99 – 111.

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Walking is a popular form of physical activity associated with clear health benefits. Promoting safe walking for pedestrians requires evaluating the risk of pedestrian motor vehicle collisions at specific roadway locations in order to identify where road improvements and other interventions may be needed. The objective of this analysis was to estimate the risk of pedestrian collisions at intersections and mid-blocks in Seattle, WA. The study used 2007-2013 pedestrian motor vehicle collision data from police reports and detailed characteristics of the microenvironment and macroenvironment at intersection and mid-block locations. The primary outcome was the number of pedestrian motor vehicle collisions over time at each location (incident rate ratio [IRR] and 95% confidence interval [95% CI]). Multilevel mixed effects Poisson models accounted for correlation within and between locations and census blocks over time. Analysis accounted for pedestrian and vehicle activity (e.g., residential density and road classification). In the final multivariable model, intersections with 4 segments or 5 or more segments had higher pedestrian collision rates compared to mid-blocks. Non-residential roads had significantly higher rates than residential roads, with principal arterials having the highest collision rate. The pedestrian collision rate was higher by 9% per 10 feet of street width. Locations with traffic signals had twice the collision rate of locations without a signal and those with marked crosswalks also had a higher rate. Locations with a marked crosswalk also had higher risk of collision. Locations with a one-way road or those with signs encouraging motorists to cede the right-of-way to pedestrians had fewer pedestrian collisions. Collision rates were higher in locations that encourage greater pedestrian activity (more bus use, more fast food restaurants, higher employment, residential, and population densities). Locations with higher intersection density had a lower rate of collisions as did those in areas with higher residential property values. The novel spatiotemporal approach used that integrates road/crossing characteristics with surrounding neighborhood characteristics should help city agencies better identify high-risk locations for further study and analysis. Improving roads and making them safer for pedestrians achieves the public health goals of reducing pedestrian collisions and promoting physical activity. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


Pedestrian Accidents; Road Interchanges & Intersections; Built Environment; Pedestrian Crosswalks; Correlation (statistics); Collision Risk; Multilevel Model; Pedestrians; Geographic Information-systems; Road-traffic Injuries; Physical-activity; Signalized Intersections; Impact Speed; Urban Form; Land-use; Safety; Walking

Immediate Behavioural Responses To Earthquakes In Christchurch, New Zealand, And Hitachi, Japan.

Lindell, Michael K.; Prater, Carla S.; Wu, Hao Che; Huang, Shih-kai; Johnston, David M.; Becker, Julia S.; Shiroshita, Hideyuki. (2016). Immediate Behavioural Responses To Earthquakes In Christchurch, New Zealand, And Hitachi, Japan. Disasters, 40(1), 85 – 111.

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This study examines people's immediate responses to earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand, and Hitachi, Japan. Data collected from 257 respondents in Christchurch and 332 respondents in Hitachi revealed notable similarities between the two cities in people's emotional reactions, risk perceptions, and immediate protective actions during the events. Respondents' physical, household, and social contexts were quite similar, but Hitachi residents reported somewhat higher levels of emotional reaction and risk perception than did Christchurch residents. Contrary to the recommendations of emergency officials, the most frequent response of residents in both cities was to freeze. Christchurch residents were more likely than Hitachi residents to drop to the ground and take cover, whereas Hitachi residents were more likely than Christchurch residents to evacuate immediately the building in which they were situated. There were relatively small correlations between immediate behavioural responses and demographic characteristics, earthquake experience, and physical, social, or household context.


Natural Disasters; Risk Perception; Earthquakes; Social Context; Emotions; Christchurch (n.z.); Cross‚Äênational Research; Cross-national Research; Emotional Response; Protective Action; Disaster Victims Speak; Risk; Preparedness; Evacuation; Hazard

Differences in Behavior, Time, Location, and Built Environment between Objectively Measured Utilitarian and Recreational Walking

Kang, Bumjoon; Moudon, Anne V.; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Saelens, Brian E. (2017). Differences in Behavior, Time, Location, and Built Environment between Objectively Measured Utilitarian and Recreational Walking. Transportation Research: Part D, 57, 185 – 194.

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Objectives: Utilitarian and recreational walking both contribute to physical activity. Yet walking for these two purposes may be different behaviors. We sought to provide operational definitions of utilitarian and recreational walking and to objectively measure their behavioral, spatial, and temporal differences in order to inform transportation and public health policies and interventions. Methods: Data were collected 2008-2009 from 651 Seattle-King County residents, wearing an accelerometer and a GPS unit, and filling-in a travel diary for 7 days. Walking activity bouts were classified as utilitarian or recreational based on whether walking had a destination or not. Differences between the two walking purposes were analyzed, adjusting for the nested structure of walking activity within participants. Results: Of the 4905 observed walking bouts, 87.4% were utilitarian and 12.6% recreational walking. Utilitarian walking bouts were 45% shorter in duration (-12.1 min) and 9% faster in speed (+0.3 km/h) than recreational walking bouts. Recreational walking occurred more frequently in the home neighborhood and was not associated with recreational land uses. Utilitarian walking occurred in areas having higher residential, employment, and street density, lower residential property value, higher area percentage of mixed-use neighborhood destinations, lower percentage of parks/trails, and lower average topographic slope than recreational walking. Conclusion: Utilitarian and recreational walking are substantially different in terms of frequency, speed, duration, location, and related built environment. Policies that promote walking should adopt type-specific strategies. The high occurrence of recreational walking near home highlights the importance of the home neighborhood for this activity.


Walking; Utilitarianism; Recreation; Behavioral Assessment; Built Environment; Physical Activity Measurement; Accelerometer; Active Transportation; Gps; Home And Non-home Based Walking; Pedestrian; Physical-activity; Us Adults; Accelerometer Data; Trip Purpose; Urban Form; Travel; Neighborhood; Distance; System

Crime and Private Investment in Urban Neighborhoods

Lacoe, Johanna; Bostic, Raphael W.; Acolin, Arthur. (2018). Crime and Private Investment in Urban Neighborhoods. Journal Of Urban Economics, 108, 154 – 169.

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The question of how best to improve neighborhoods that lag behind has drawn considerable attention from policy-makers, practitioners, and academics, yet there remains a vigorous debate regarding the best approaches to accomplish community development. This paper investigates the role crime policy plays in shaping the trajectory of neighborhoods. Much of the existing research on neighborhood crime was conducted in rising-crime environments, and the evidence was clear: high levels of crime have adverse effects on neighborhoods and resident quality of life, This study examines how private investment in neighborhoods in two cities Chicago and Los Angeles changed as the incidence of neighborhood crime changed during the 2000s, a period when crime was declining city-wide in both places. Using detailed blockface-level data on the location of crime and private investments between 2006 and 2011, the analysis answers the question: Do changes in crime affect private development decisions? The results show that private investment, as represented by building permits, decreases on blocks where crime increases in the past year. We also find that the relationship between crime and private investment is not symmetric private investment appears to only be sensitive to crime in rising crime contexts. The result is present in both cities, and robust to multiple definitions of crime and the elimination of outliers and the main commercial district. These results suggest that crime-reduction policies can be an effective economic development tool, but only in certain neighborhoods facing specific circumstances.


Enterprise Zones; Crime; Investment; Neighborhoods

Experiencing Extreme Height for the First Time: The Influence of Height, Self-Judgment of Fear and a Moving Structural Beam on the Heart Rate and Postural Sway During the Quiet Stance

Habibnezhad, M.; Puckett, J.; Fardhosseini, M.S.; Jebelli, H.; Stentz, T.; Pratama, L.A.. (2019). Experiencing Extreme Height for the First Time: The Influence of Height, Self-Judgment of Fear and a Moving Structural Beam on the Heart Rate and Postural Sway During the Quiet Stance. Arxiv, 9 pp.

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Falling from elevated surfaces is the main cause of death and injury at construction sites. Based on the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports, an average of nearly three workers per day suffer fatal injuries from falling. Studies show that postural instability is the foremost cause of this disproportional falling rate. To study what affects the postural stability of construction workers, we conducted a series of experiments in the virtual reality (VR). Twelve healthy adults, all students at the University of Nebraska were recruited for this study. During each trial, participants heart rates and postural sways were measured as the dependent factors. The independent factors included a moving structural beam (MB) coming directly at the participants, the presence of VR, height, the participants self-judgment of fear, and their level of acrophobia. The former was designed in an attempt to simulate some part of the steel erection procedure, which is one of the key tasks of ironworkers. The results of this study indicate that height increase the postural sway. Self-judged fear significantly was found to decrease postural sway, more specifically the normalized total excursion of the center of pressure (TE), both in the presence and absence of height. Also, participants heart rates significantly increase once they are confronted by a moving beam in the virtual environment (VE), even though they are informed that the beam will not hit them. The findings of this study can be useful for training novice ironworkers that will be subjected to height and steel erection for the first time.


Biocontrol; Biomechanics; Construction Industry; Ergonomics; Injuries; Mechanoception; Medical Computing; Occupational Safety; Personnel; Statistical Analysis; Virtual Reality; Extreme Height; Moving Structural Beam; Heart Rate; Postural Sway; Injury; Construction Sites; Labor Statistics Reports; Fatal Injuries; Postural Instability; Foremost Cause; Disproportional Falling Rate; Postural Stability; Construction Workers; Participants Heart Rates; Height Increase; Moving Beam

Opinion: Change Agency, Value Change

Cheng, Renée. (2020). Opinion: Change Agency, Value Change. Architect, 109(9), 20 – 20.


Attitude Change (psychology); Air Flow; Hand Washing

Improving Construction Work Zone Safety Using Technology: A Systematic Review of Applicable Technologies

Nnaji, Chukwuma; Gambatese, John; Lee, Hyun Woo; Zhang, Fan. (2020). Improving Construction Work Zone Safety Using Technology: A Systematic Review of Applicable Technologies. Journal Of Traffic And Transportation Engineering (english Edition), 7(1), 61 – 75.

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Once considered conventional, the construction industry is gradually increasing its reliance on innovations such as the application of technologies in safety management. Given the growing literature on technology applications in safety management and the varying opinions on the utility of applied technologies, a systematic review that streamlines findings from past studies is indispensable to construction stakeholders. Although a number of review studies are available in the building construction sector, the level of fragmentation and uniqueness within the construction industry necessitates a review study specifically targeting the heavy civil sector. In response, the present study applies a three-step approach to identify and review articles pertinent to the safety of highway construction work zones. The factors considered include the number of publications per year, publication locations, and technology types. In addition, the present study proposes to broadly group work zone safety technologies (WZSTs) into three categories based on their primary purpose: speed reduction systems, intrusion prevention and warning systems, and human-machine-interaction detection systems. Key findings include WZST research trends, application of smart work zone systems, and the potential relationship between WZSTs and fatalities. The paper ends with the identification of six additional research areas aimed at deepening the understanding of technology's role in highway safety management. The trend analysis and an in-depth discussion of each technology category alongside the identified research gaps will provide a substantial informative body of knowledge that both benefits current practitioners and directs researchers towards potential future studies. (C) 2019 Periodical Offices of Changan University. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Owner.


Automated Speed Enforcement; Drivers Visual Performance; Rumble Strips; Message Signs; Radar; Management; Adoption; Crashes; Transportation; Work Zone; Worker Safety; Technology Application; Safety Technology; Systematic Review

Measurement of Neighborhood-Based Physical Activity Bouts

Duncan, Glen E.; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Moudon, Anne Vernez; Avery, Ally R.; Tsang, Siny. (2021). Measurement of Neighborhood-Based Physical Activity Bouts. Health & Place, 70.

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This study examined how buffer type (shape), size, and the allocation of activity bouts inside buffers that delineate the neighborhood spatially produce different estimates of neighborhood-based physical activity. A sample of 375 adults wore a global positioning system (GPS) data logger and accelerometer over 2 weeks under free-living conditions. Analytically, the amount of neighborhood physical activity measured objectively varies substantially, not only due to buffer shape and size, but by how GPS-based activity bouts are identified with respect to containment within neighborhood buffers. To move the neighborhood-effects literature forward, it is critical to delineate the spatial extent of the neighborhood, given how different ways of measuring GPS-based activity containment will result in different levels of physical activity across different buffer types and sizes.


Built Environment; Walking; Home; Accelerometry; Geographic Information Systems; Gps; Neighborhood; Physical Activity

Crime Generators in Context: Examining ‘Place in Neighborhood’ Propositions.

Tillyer, Marie Skubak; Wilcox, Pamela; Walter, Rebecca J. (2021). Crime Generators In Context: Examining ‘place In Neighborhood’ Propositions. Journal Of Quantitative Criminology, 37(2), 517 – 546.

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Objectives The present study tests hypotheses regarding the moderating influence of neighborhood-level criminal opportunity on the relationship between crime generators and block-level crime. Methods We first estimated multilevel negative binomial regression models for violent, property, and drug crimes to identify crime-type specific crime generators on each block. We then estimated a series of crime-type specific models to examine whether the effects of violent, property, and drug crime generators are moderated by three census block group-level indicators of neighborhood criminal opportunity-concentrated disadvantage, vehicular traffic activity, and civic engagement. Results The positive relationship between crime generators and crime on blocks was exacerbated in census block groups with high levels of concentrated disadvantage and high levels of traffic activity for all three crime types. The effects of crime generators on block-level crime were significantly tempered in census block groups with high levels of civic engagement. Conclusions Particular place types do not generate crime similarly across varying neighborhood contexts. Rather, the criminogenic effects of micro-places appear to be exacerbated in neighborhoods with extensive criminal opportunity and tempered in neighborhoods with less criminal opportunity.


Neighborhoods; Crime; Regression Analysis; Census; Crime And Place; Crime Generators; Multilevel Opportunity; Place In Neighborhood; Alcohol Outlet Density; Block-level Analysis; Social-disorganization; Routine Activities; Longitudinal Analysis; Street Robbery; Land-use; Multilevel; Victimization; Community; Citizen Participation; Traffic; Property Offences; Drugs; Effects; Property

Exposure of Bicyclists to Air Pollution in Seattle, Washington Hybrid Analysis Using Personal Monitoring and Land Use Regression

Hong, E-Sok Andy; Bae, Christine. (2012). Exposure of Bicyclists to Air Pollution in Seattle, Washington Hybrid Analysis Using Personal Monitoring and Land Use Regression. Transportation Research Record, 2270, 59 – 66.

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The increase in urban bicycling facilities, raises public health concerns for potential exposure of bicyclists to traffic emissions. For an assessment of bicyclists' exposure to local traffic emissions, a hybrid approach is presented; it combines personal monitoring and a land use regression (LUR) model. Black carbon, a proxy variable for traffic-related air pollution, was measured with an Aethalometer along the predesignated bicycle route in Seattle, Washington, for 10 days, during a.m. and p.m. peak hours (20 sampling campaigns). Descriptive statistics and three-dimensional pollution maps were used to explore temporal variations and to identify pollution hot spots. The LUR model was developed to quantify the influence of spatial covariates on black carbon concentrations along the designated route. The results indicated that the black carbon concentrations fluctuated throughout the sampling periods and showed statistically significant diurnal and monthly patterns. The hot spot analysis suggests that proximity to traffic and other physical environments have important impacts on bicyclists' exposure and demand further investigation on the localized effects of traffic emissions on exposure levels. The LUR model explains 46% of the variations in black carbon concentrations, and significant relationships are found with types of bicycle route facility, wind speed, length of truck routes, and transportation and utility land uses. This research is the first application of the LUR approach in quantifying bicyclists' exposure to air pollution in transport microenvironments. This study provides a rationale for encouraging municipalities to develop effective strategies to mitigate the health risks of exposure to local traffic emissions in complex urban bicycling environments.


Particulate Matter; Diesel Exhaust; Health; Model; Particles; Asthma; City