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Amy Thorton

My research area is art and design for public health.

Through built investigations, illustration, photography, video, movement practices, narrative, the full-sensory experience of rural farming, community gatherings, and back country explorations, I explore the root cause for accelerating anthropogenic environmental destruction and human chronic disease: disconnection, divide, and lack of care.

I believe in order to address this challenge for human and planetary health and human to human reconnection, we must radically alter our methods of learning and communicating. I call on designers, artists, scientists, and the academy to eschew sensory-limiting, isolating, disembodied, sedentary, screen-based, occularcentric practices and employ full-sensory, embodied, and experiential modes of understanding, communication, and synthesizing. I believe that research and the communication of that research must also be experiential, full sensory, and embodied in order to grapple with the complex challenges with which we are faced. My work, therefore, explodes the confines of text and the occularcentric to include a multi-sensory, place-and-body based approach.

I am interested in empirical (or field study) design research and analysis. Implementing design and art installations which aim to inspire reconnections, I subsequently observe, document, collect informal, qualitative, and multi-sensory “data”, and communicate the outcomes through full-sensory experiential production which strives to provoke and engage the experiencer’s senses. Supporting this work, I deploy theoretical research based on intersectional feminism, indigenous knowledges, knowledge held by multi-species beings, and a canon (bibliography) of female and intersectional theorists.

My hope is to inspire and encourage reconnections to body, to natural environment, and to each other. My work is situated in the rural environment including its human and other-than-human community which has been largely neglected by academia and contemporary art. I enjoy trashing the anthropocentric concept of trans-urbanism and replacing it with trans-wilderness or trans-ruralism. Gastrointestinal microbes are from where?

Holly Taylor

My research focuses on historic preservation theory and practice, particularly related to vernacular buildings and cultural landscapes. Specifically, I am interested in understanding how the intellectual framework that underlies public policy can better support the preservation of community gathering places and other historic sites that are significant for their contemporary cultural uses, social values, and roles in traditional economies. For more information about my research, please see “Recognizing the Contemporary Cultural Significance of Historic Places: A Proposal to Amend National Register Criteria to Include Social Value” on the US/ICOMOS site. In addition to pursuing doctoral research, I am the owner and principal of Past Forward Northwest Cultural Services, a consulting business specializing in historic preservation research and heritage education projects.

Mohammed G. Saad

My research interests are in lean construction principles with a focus on lean project delivery systems, offsite and prefabrication construction, construction supply chain networks, and target value design. In addition to that my interests include life cycle project economics and modeling, building economic and quantitative risk analysis, a public-private partnership for projects, value engineering and management, and new technologies in construction.

Salman Rashdi

My general research interests focus on architectural production in post-colonial societies. I started my research in my Masters with a study of architecture in Pakistan after independence and how simultaneous tensions and fusions between ideals of nationalism and religion have influenced the production of architecture in the country. Through this study I am also focusing on expressions of national identity through architectural form and space and the role that a 20th century expression of Islamic architecture has played in the formation of a post-colonial nation state. In my PhD I hope to expand this inquiry to the larger South-Asian region and/or the Post-colonial Muslim world.

Lucky Pratama

I am interested in research related to emerging technology in the AEC industry, and looking for opportunities to conduct experiment-based research whenever possible, particularly research related to virtual construction or construction safety. I have additional interests in public-private partnerships, lean construction, and project delivery.

Kristin Potterton

I am interested in exploring the development of historic structural systems. I plan on researching a historic development in structural engineering and construction, exploring the history, including the introduction and implementation of the system, balancing a historic narrative with a technical engineering exploration, as well as considerations for modern construction – in both new and preservation contexts. I am particularly interested in focusing my research on the development of the West Coast and Pacific Northwest. I am a structural engineer and am also interested in structural engineering topics, including teaching and the history of the structural engineering field, as well as broader topics related to the history of construction and building technologies, historic preservation, and sustainable design.

Bo Peng

My particular interest and great passion lies in the social consequences of inclusive landscapes in immigrant communities, especially in relation to public space. I would love to research the typologies and requirements of an inclusive place-making that conveys respect to different needs and activities, especially under today’s political atmosphere in terms of immigration and the xenophobia surrounding it. My doctoral study will try to establish a comprehensive understanding of the inclusivity and livability of more recent immigrant communities, as concerned directly with the narrative of everyday activities. How can inclusive public spaces in immigrant communities that serve diverse populations, including outsiders, promote environmentally as well as socially sustainable development of those communities? I would also like to explore the theory of space syntax with regard to an inclusive place-making process. By analyzing spatial configuration of public landscapes that are shaped by people’s everyday activities, space syntax offers empirical studies regarding reciprocal impacts of human behavior and the environment.

Christopher Monson

My research interests focus on the contemporary problems of integrated architecture, engineering, and construction practices, particularly the communication processes and team workflows that support them. This work is at the intersection of AEC and the sociological and organizational theories that help identify and analyze the activities within professional practice collaboration. I am using qualitative studies to build theory and practice models for Lean Construction, sustainable design and construction, and integration across design, construction, and facility management. I am also working with technological constructs like BIM and COBie that form foundations for new kinds of collaboration.

I am a licensed architect, and have been a long-time educator in architecture and construction. I have taught design and construction studios, building detailing and assemblages, and architectural theory, and have been recognized institutionally and nationally for teaching excellence. My instructional research is focused on studio-based learning and design thinking.

Kyle McDermott

My research interests are in organizational excellence and change theory, systems approaches to sustainable development, and the use of virtual reality for providing increased transparency and understanding of sustainable building and green infrastructure technologies. I am intrigued by post-colonial theory and alternative understandings of decision-making and creative processes within institutions, organizations, and communities that collectively define value and objectives as they relate to creation of the built environment. I’m particularly interested in how these collective understandings and decision-making structures can work to ensure equitability and participation that centers diverse semantic and cultural approaches to sustainability.

Bo Jung

I am interested in developing analysis methods and metrics for accurate daylight analysis. More concretely, I would like to work on developing color accurate sky models through analyzing HDR photographs, and to integrate it to annual daylight simulation method. Additionally, I am also interested in integration of daylight simulation in environmental design.