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Community Response to Hurricane Threat: Estimates of Household Evacuation Preparation Time Distributions

Lindell, Michael K.; Sorensen, John H.; Baker, Earl J.; Lehman, William P. (2020). Community Response to Hurricane Threat: Estimates of Household Evacuation Preparation Time Distributions. Transportation Research Part D-transport And Environment, 85.

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Household evacuation preparation time distributions are essential when computing evacuation time estimates (ETEs) for hurricanes with late intensification or late changing tracks. Although evacuation preparation times have been assessed by expected task completion times, actual task completion times, and departure delays, it is unknown if these methods produce similar results. Consequently, this study compares data from one survey assessing expected task completion times, three surveys assessing actual task completion times, and three surveys assessing departure delays after receiving a warning. In addition, this study seeks to identify variables that predict household evacuation preparation times. These analyses show that the three methods of assessing evacuation preparation times produce results that are somewhat different, but the differences have plausible explanations. Household evacuation preparation times are poorly predicted by demographic variables, but are better predicted by variables that predict evacuation decisions-perceived storm characteristics, expected personal impacts, and evacuation facilitators.


Travel Demand Model; Decision-making; Communication; Prediction; Simulation; Hurricane Evacuation Models; Preparation Time Distributions; Mobilization Time Distributions; Departure Delay Time Distributions; Social Milling

Demystifying Progressive Design Build: Implementation Issues and Lessons Learned through Case Study Analysis

Shang, Luming; Migliaccio, Giovanni C. (2020). Demystifying Progressive Design Build: Implementation Issues and Lessons Learned through Case Study Analysis. Organization Technology And Management In Construction, 12(1), 2095 – 2108.

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The design-build (DB) project delivery method has been used for several decades in the US construction market. DB contracts are usually awarded on the basis of a multicriteria evaluation, with price as one of the most salient criteria. To ensure the project's success, an owner usually has to invest enough time and effort during scoping and early design to define a program, scope, and budget, ready for procurement and price generation. However, this process can become a burden for the owner and may lengthen the project development duration. As an alternative to the traditional DB, the progressive design-build (PDB) approach permits the selection of the DB team prior to defining the project program and/or budget. PDB has the advantage of maintaining a single point of accountability and allowing team selection based mainly on qualifications, with a limited consideration of price. Under PDB, the selected team works with the project stakeholders during the early design stage, while helping the owner balance scope and budget. However, the key to the effectiveness of PDB is its provision for the ongoing and complete involvement of the owner in the early design phase. Due to the differences between PDB and the other project delivery methods (e.g., traditional DB), project teams must carefully consider several factors to ensure its successful implementation. The research team conducted a case study of the University of Washington's pilot PDB project to complete the West Campus Utility Plant (WCUP). This paper carefully explores and summarizes the project's entire delivery process (e.g., planning, solicitation, design, and construction), its organizational structures, and the project performance outcomes. The lessons learned from the WCUP project will contribute to best practices for future PDB implementation.


Progressive Design Build; Project Delivery Method

Act(2): Time Cost Tradeoffs from Alternative Contracting Methods

Choi, Kunhee; Bae, Junseo; Yin, Yangtian; Lee, Hyun Woo. (2021). Act(2): Time Cost Tradeoffs from Alternative Contracting Methods. Journal Of Management In Engineering, 37(1).

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Incentive/disincentive (I/D) and cost-plus-time (A+B) are two of the most widely used alternative contracting methods (ACMs) for accelerating the construction of highway infrastructure improvement projects. However, little is known about the effects of trade-offs in terms of project schedule and cost performance. This study addresses this problem by creating and testing a stochastic decision support model called accelerated alternative contracting cost-time trade-off (ACT(2)). This model was developed by a second-order polynomial regression analysis and validated by the predicted error sum of square statistic and paired comparison tests. The results of a descriptive trend analysis based on a rich set of high-confidence project data show that I/D is effective at reducing project duration but results in higher cost compared to pure A+B and conventional methods. This cost-time trade-off effect was confirmed by the ACT(2) model, which determines the level of cost-time trade-off for different ACMs. This study will help state transportation agencies promote more effective application of ACMs by providing data-driven performance benchmarking results when evaluating competing acceleration strategies and techniques. (C) 2020 American Society of Civil Engineers.


Highway; Construction; Model; Alternative Contracting Methods; Cost-plus-time; A Plus B; Incentive; Infrastructure Trend; Time-cost Trade-off

Population Mobility and the Transmission Risk of the Covid-19 in Wuhan, China

Luo, Minghai; Qin, Sixian; Tan, Bo; Cai, Mingming; Yue, Yufeng; Xiong, Qiangqiang. (2021). Population Mobility and the Transmission Risk of the Covid-19 in Wuhan, China. Isprs International Journal Of Geo-information, 10(6).

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At the beginning of 2020, a suddenly appearing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) rapidly spread around the world. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in China occurred during the Spring Festival when a large number of migrants traveled between cities, which greatly increased the infection risk of COVID-19 across the country. Financially supported by the Wuhan government, and based on cellphone signaling data from Unicom (a mobile phone carrier) and Baidu location-based data, this paper analyzed the effects that city dwellers, non-commuters, commuters, and people seeking medical services had on the transmission risk of COVID-19 in the early days of the pandemic in Wuhan. The paper also evaluated the effects of the city lockdown policy on the spread of the pandemic outside and inside Wuhan. The results show that although the daily business activities in the South China Seafood Wholesale Market and nearby commuters' travel behaviors concentrated in the Hankou area, a certain proportion of these people were distributed in the Wuchang and Hanyang areas. The areas with relatively high infection risks of COVID-19 were scattered across Wuhan during the early outbreak of the pandemic. The lockdown in Wuhan closed the passageways of external transport at the very beginning, largely decreasing migrant population and effectively preventing the spread of the pandemic to the outside. However, the Wuhan lockdown had little effect on preventing the spread of the pandemic within Wuhan at that time. During this period, a large amount of patients who went to hospitals for medical services were exposed to a high risk of cross-infection without precaution awareness. The pandemic kept dispersing in three towns until the improvement of the capacity of medical treatment, the management of closed communities, the national support to Wuhan, and the implementation of a series of emergency responses at the same time. The findings in this paper reveal the spatiotemporal features of the dispersal of infection risk of COVID-19 and the effects of the prevention and control measures during the early days of the pandemic. The findings were adopted by the Wuhan government to make corresponding policies and could also provide supports to the control of the pandemic in the other regions and countries.


Covid-19; Covid-19 Pandemic; Sars-cov-2; Seafood Markets; Pandemics; Cell Phones; City Dwellers; Wuhan (china); Big Data; Novel Coronavirus; Population Mobility; Risk Analysis; Zika Virus; Diseases; Africa; Impact; Ebola; Spain; Passageways; Smartphones; Investigations; Disease Control; Emergency Response; Health Services; Viral Diseases; Policies; Outbreaks; Emergency Preparedness; Risk; Seafood; Coronaviruses; Medical Treatment; Transmission; Commuting; Dispersion; Dispersal; Infections; Cross-infection; Epidemics; Health Risks; Disease Transmission; China

A Three-Dimensional Approach to the Extended Limit Analysis of Reinforced Masonry

Roca, Pere; Liew, Andrew; Block, Philippe; Lopez, David Lopez; Echenagucia, Tomás Méndez; Van Mele, Tom. (2022). A Three-Dimensional Approach to the Extended Limit Analysis of Reinforced Masonry. Structures, 35, 1062 – 1077.

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The Extended Limit Analysis of Reinforced Masonry (ELARM) is a simple and user-friendly method for the design and structural analysis of singly-curved, reinforced tile vaults [1]. It is based on limit analysis but takes into account the reinforcement's contribution to the composite cross-section's bending capacity.& nbsp;A three-dimensional approach to ELARM is presented in this paper. The theoretical framework to understand the implications and limitations of extending ELARM to fully 3D structures is described, together with the strategies to carry out the leap from 2D to 3D. This extension is a lower-bound approach for the design of reinforced masonry, reinforced concrete and concrete-masonry composite shells and the assessment of their strength and stability against external loading.& nbsp;The new, extended method is implemented computationally to speed up the iterative processes, provide quick structural feedback, offer immediate results and allow for user-interactive form-finding and optimisation procedures. Different applications of the developed tool are described through the presentation of examples, including reinforcement optimisation, a form-finding process and a case with a shape beyond funicular geometry.


Tile Vault; Masonry; Reinforced Brick; Formwork; Concrete Shells; Limit Analysis; Thrust Network Analysis; Extended Limit Analysis Of Reinforced Masonry; Tile Vaults

Maximizing the Sustainability of Integrated Housing Recovery Efforts

El-Anwar, Omar; El-Rayes, Khaled; Elnashai, Amr S. (2010). Maximizing the Sustainability of Integrated Housing Recovery Efforts. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management, 136(7), 794 – 802.

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The large-scale and catastrophic impacts of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in 2005 challenged the efficacy of traditional postdisaster temporary housing methods. To address these challenges, the U.S. Congress appropriated $400 million to the Department of Homeland Security to support alternative housing pilot programs, which encourage innovative housing solutions that will facilitate sustainable and permanent affordable housing in addition to serving as temporary housing. Facilitating and maximizing the sustainability of postdisaster alternative housing is an important objective that has significant social, economic, and environmental impacts. This paper presents the development of a novel optimization model that is capable of (1) evaluating the sustainability of integrated housing recovery efforts under the alternative housing pilot program and (2) identifying the housing projects that maximize sustainability. An application example is analyzed to demonstrate the use of the developed model and its unique capabilities in maximizing the sustainability of integrated housing recovery efforts after natural disasters.


Northridge Earthquake; United-states; Disasters; Optimization; Postdisaster Alternative Housing; Sustainability; Housing Recovery

A Neighborhood Wealth Metric for Use in Health Studies

Moudon, Anne Vernez; Cook, Andrea J.; Ulmer, Jared; Hurvitz, Philip M.; Drewnowski, Adam. (2011). A Neighborhood Wealth Metric for Use in Health Studies. American Journal Of Preventive Medicine, 41(1), 88 – 97.

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Background: Measures of neighborhood deprivation used in health research are typically based on conventional area-based SES. Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine new data and measures of SES for use in health research. Specifically, assessed property values are introduced as a new individual-level metric of wealth and tested for their ability to substitute for conventional area-based SES as measures of neighborhood deprivation. Methods: The analysis was conducted in 2010 using data from 1922 participants in the 2008-2009 survey of the Seattle Obesity Study (SOS). It compared the relative strength of the association between the individual-level neighborhood wealth metric (assessed property values) and area-level SES measures (including education, income, and percentage above poverty as single variables, and as the composite Singh index) on the binary outcome fair/poor general health status. Analyses were adjusted for gender, categoric age, race, employment status, home ownership, and household income. Results: The neighborhood wealth measure was more predictive of fair/poor health status than area-level SES measures, calculated either as single variables or as indices (lower DIC measures for all models). The odds of having a fair/poor health status decreased by 0.85 (95% CI=0.77, 0.93) per $50,000 increase in neighborhood property values after adjusting for individual-level SES measures. Conclusions: The proposed individual-level metric of neighborhood wealth, if replicated in other areas, could replace area-based SES measures, thus simplifying analyses of contextual effects on health. (Am J Prev Med 2011; 41(1): 88-97) (C) 2011 American Journal of Preventive Medicine


Health -- Social Aspects; Social Status; Public Health Research; Home Ownership; Income; Real Property; Deprivation (psychology); Health Education; Disparities Geocoding Project; Body-mass Index; Socioeconomic-status; Ecological Fallacy; Built Environment; Deprivation Indexes; Multilevel Analysis; Individual-level; Social-class; Inequalities

Computing a Displacement Distance Equivalent to Optimize Plans for Postdisaster Temporary Housing Projects

El-Anwar, Omar; Chen, Lei. (2013). Computing a Displacement Distance Equivalent to Optimize Plans for Postdisaster Temporary Housing Projects. Journal Of Construction Engineering And Management, 139(2), 174 – 184.

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Residence in temporary housing is a critical period for the social, economic, and psychological recovery of displaced families following disasters. Temporary housing locations define the displacement distance between families and their essential needs. The objective of this paper is to develop a novel methodology to capture the specific proximity needs and preferences of displaced families. This paper proposes a displacement distance equivalent as an objective metric to evaluate the performance of temporary housing locations in meeting the needs of displaced families. Moreover, the paper describes the development of an integer programming optimization model capable of optimizing temporary housing assignments to minimize total displacement distance equivalent while meeting budget constraints. The main contribution of this paper to the body of knowledge is in transforming the purpose of temporary housing programs from offering general accommodation to providing customized housing solutions tailored to the individual proximity needs of each household using the proposed displacement metric. In addition, the proposed optimization model enables decision makers to set budget constraints to ensure the economic feasibility of identified temporary housing solutions. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO. 1943-7862.0000601. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.


Disasters; Emergency Management; Integer Programming; Social Sciences; Displaced Families; Customized Housing Solutions; Decision Makers; Displacement Metric; Budget Constraints; Integer Programming Optimization Model; Objective Metric; Temporary Housing Locations; Post-disaster Temporary Housing Projects; Displacement Distance Equivalent Computation; Multiobjective Optimization; Optimization; Temporary Housing; Disaster Recovery; Displacement Distance; Housing Sites

Subdivision Vintage and Housing Prices: Do Home Buyers Value Traditional Development?

Bitter, Christopher. (2014). Subdivision Vintage and Housing Prices: Do Home Buyers Value Traditional Development? Urban Studies, 51(5), 1038 – 1056.

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New Urbanism and traditional neighbourhood development (TND) have been championed as solutions to the problems associated with post-war suburban sprawl. However, they have yet to capture a substantial share of the US housing market. The market context for TND is not well understood as the paucity of TND makes it difficult to study directly. This paper takes a novel approach by focusing on the market for 'traditional' development itself, defined as subdivisions recorded prior to World War II, in the sprawling Tucson, Arizona, MSA. The results of the hedonic analysis demonstrate that home buyers value the features embodied in traditional development, as homes in subdivisions platted before 1940 command premiums over those in their modern counterparts, even after carefully controlling for locational and structural characteristics. Moreover, the analysis finds that the premiums have increased through time, which suggests growing demand for traditionally designed subdivisions.


Land-use; Neighborhood; Urbanism; Transportation; Preferences; Choice; Time