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Yong-Woo Kim

Yong-Woo Kim is a Professor and P.D. Koon Endowed Professor of Construction Management. His research emphasizes lean principles focusing on interdependency and uncertainty in construction supply chain networks. His research has been defined by his cultural background spanning two continents and educational and professional experience in production management and construction industry. Dr. Kim has published more than 30 peer-reviewed technical journal articles, 50 papers in peer-reviewed conference proceedings, and one professional book on design-build system. Dr. Kim developed a new metric to measure the inventory work between trades called CEV (Customer Earned Value), and two international contractors have been using this new metric for their project control. Dr. Kim has pursued $3.86 million dollars worth of funding for thirty-eight projects, and has been awarded $1.05 million dollars (his share: $785,333) as PI or Co-PI for sixteen different projects. Sources of these funds include national and international research agencies, municipalities, and construction industry.

In his teaching, Dr. Kim engages students in discussions to cultivate critical thinking skills in his students. He has also developed case studies in his scholarly work; those cases have been actively used in the classroom to improve students’ ability to apply construction management principles to real construction projects. He has developed two new courses: CM518 Lean Construction and CM 528 Advanced Cost Management. CM518 focuses on lean construction principles and its application to design and construction processes, reflecting the needs for a new production paradigm in the industry. CM 528 deals with cost management practices focusing on overhead costs. As the demand for teaching lean principles has recently increased, he will also offer CM 434 Lean Project Planning in Spring 2017 for the first time; this class focuses on production planning processes using lean principles.

Giovanni Migliaccio

Associate Professor Giovanni C. Migliaccio holds a P. D. Koon Endowed Professorship in Construction Management and is the Executive Director of the Center for Education and Research in Construction (CERC) at the University of Washington, Seattle. He joined the CM department in August 2010. Previously, he was a faculty member with the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of New Mexico at Albuquerque. He holds a M.S. and a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin and a master-level degree from Politecnico di Bari in Italy. Prior to moving to the U.S., he worked in Italy in the construction management of telecommunication projects under Nortel Networks, Nokia Networks, and IPSE 2000. At UW, Giovanni is active in all three pillars of academic life, including service to the university and the industry, teaching, and research.

At UW, Giovanni has served in the CM Graduate and Undergraduate Admissions and Curriculum Committees, the Construction Industry Advisory Council (CIAC), the CERC Steering Committee, the CBE PhD Steering Committee, the CBE Interdisciplinary Group for Real Estate, and the UW Faculty Council on University Facilities and Services (FCUFS). Outside UW, he is active in various industry organizations, including the Transportation Research Board (TRB), the Construction Industry Institute (CII), and the Construction Industry Training Council of Washington (CITCWA). He is also a member of the editorial board of the ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, and the Project Delivery Methods and Native American Transportation Issues committees at TRB. Dr. Migliaccio has served as consultant to domestic and international organizations or universities, including the World Bank, the Secretariat of the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, and the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR).

Giovanni has an established and diverse research portfolio. His areas of specialization and research include: (1) Innovative procurement, contracting, subcontracting and delivery practices for construction projects; (2) Sustainable management of construction workforce with focus on ergonomics, human performance, and physiological demand of construction work; (3) Sustainable management of the built environment; (4) Project management; (5) Innovative construction engineering and management education. His scholarly work is based on a combination of methods, including qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis. The second line of research is pursued jointly with Dr. Ken-Yu Lin through activities at the SHARE Lab.

SHARE Lab : Dr. Migliaccio co-directs with Dr. Lin the Laboratory for Safety and Health Advancement through Research and Education (SHARE) in Construction Management, which is physically hosted at the UW Center for Education and Research in Construction (CERC). The mission of the lab is to promote construction safety and health through evidenced-based innovative research, education, and practices. In particular, the SHARE lab specializes in creating new knowledge, learning resources, and practical solutions using technology interventions such as wearable sensors, visualization, serious gaming and tablet computers. Research work is supported by domestic stakeholders as well as national institutions and global corporations.

Ahmed Abdel-Aziz

Aziz is an Associate Professor with the Department of Construction Management and Adjunct Associate Professor with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Aziz is known for his experience in the public-private partnership (PPP) alternative project delivery system; he has participated in committees, given presentations and talks, wrote book chapters, and published technical articles in leading academic journals in the USA, Canada, and the UK. Along with PPP, and with experience in construction project management, Aziz teaches project planning, scheduling, and control, Primavera and MS Project, estimating, life-cycle cost modeling for project economics, and quantitative risk analysis techniques. Aziz holds the UW honor of being a P. D. Koon Endowed Professor of Construction Management. He also works as Associate Editor for the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineers.

Hyun Woo “Chris” Lee

Hyun Woo “Chris” Lee is a PD Koon Endowed Associate Professor in the Department of Construction Management (CM). Prior to joining the CM Department in January 2016, he spent 3.5 years as an Assistant Professor at Oregon State University, and 7 years in the U.S. and Korean construction industries as field engineer, project engineer, and estimator. He received his B.S. in Architectural Engineering from Seoul National University in 1999, and his M.S. and PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley in 2004 and 2012, respectively.

Prof. Lee’s research interests center on developing models to identify, quantify, and mitigate various risk factors inherent in the development of energy-efficient commercial buildings and sustainable infrastructures. His research is currently focused on 3 types of risk factors: (1) financial risks associated with sustainability and energy-efficiency investments, (2) worker safety risks associated with sustainable design features, and (3) design-related risks due to project complexity.

Since 2012, Prof. Lee has led or been involved in 20 research projects (a combined value of over $1.5M), funded by various organizations including Washington State, Google, the US Department of Energy (DOE), the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Currently, he has 5 on-going projects with a combined value of over $400,000. 

As of October 2020, Prof. Lee has published 33 peer-reviewed journal papers in top-quality journals such as Applied Energy, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, Automation in Construction, and Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. In addition, he has co-authored 24 peer-reviewed conference papers and 14 technical reports.

Carrie Sturts Dossick

Professor Carrie Sturts Dossick, P.E. is a Professor of Construction Management and the Associate Dean of Research in the College of Built Environments, University of Washington. Dr. Dossick also holds an adjunct professor appointment in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and is currently the Vice-Chair of the National BIM Standard -US Planning Committee. Dr. Dossick co-directs the Communication, Technology, and Organizational Practices lab in the Center for Education and Research in Construction (CERC). Dr. Dossick has over two decades of research and teaching experience focused on emerging collaboration methods and technologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM). She is an active member of the National Institute of Building Sciences BIM Council, and the Academic Interoperability Coalition (AiC). Current research and teaching projects include Cybersecurity for Large Institutional owners, a Pankow funded project on Owner Decision-making and Project Delivery, The Core BIM Module for the National BIM Standard US, an Introduction to BIM for Construction Management Certificate with Skanska, a new online Certificate for digital fabrication workflows for concrete formwork with Turner Construction, and the IB Index with the University of Technology Sydney. Recent work includes BIM-based information exchange between design, construction and operations, BIM Standards and Processes for the Port of Seattle, the use of Virtual Reality for Facilities Management Training, and BIM workflows for Preconstruction Services. Recent Technical Publications. She has received funding from the National Science Foundation, U.S. Army, U.S. Department of Education, General Services Administration, Mechanical Contractors Association of Western Washington, Sound Transit, Skanska USA Building, Mortenson Company, University of Washington Royalty Research Fund, University of Washington Capital Projects and Facilities services.